Night 51: Activities Shed

Sep 18, 2010 18:55

[from here]

It was lucky he'd remembered to bring his flashlight with him, Kibitoshin decided upon entering the shed. It wasn't huge, but there were more than enough worryingly-perfectly-sized holes for... creatures... to hide in, and far too many things for them to hide behind. Comparatively speaking, where the three of them stood in the middle of ( Read more... )

kibitoshin, bruno

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bitpartgod September 21 2010, 18:40:00 UTC
Ahh, really! How was it that, whatever universe he was in, two alien races just couldn't seem to get along without breaking out the interspecies insults? It seemed like people all across the universe had some sort of in-built pride mechanism that couldn't let anyone remember how amazing they were. Still- Kibitoshin had to admit that Sticky Fingers and Michaelangelo didn't exactly look like they were arguing. This was just playful banter after all.

"Now, now," he said in a gentle voice that was most definitely serious and not at all joking, shaking his head at Sticky Fingers. "There's no need to be rude to each other." Just so long as they weren't trying to blow up each other's planets and enslave each other he didn't have to scold them.

It was easier to play around knowing that he'd misunderstood Michaelangelo's meaning, at least. "Ah, of course, of course!" he agreed, smiling flickering back almost immediately. "And I guess it's pretty hard to feel too sorry for the monsters here, too." Having said that, the bats certainly did look tempting. Impulsively, he picked out a metal bat- just to test its weight, of course. True warriors didn't need weaponry. Ahem.


zip_it_good September 22 2010, 07:09:52 UTC
"Fiiiine, I guess me and Sticky Fingers can stop arguing..." Bucciarati said, his arms crossed and his nose turned up, Sticky Fingers' posture mimicking the mafioso's, "But I'm not going to just forgive him that easily! He has to apologize first! And he has to mean it, because I can tell when he doesn't!" Of course, Bucciarati could barely hold back his giggling and it eventually broke through his serious facade.

"Hee hee...I wish I could do stuff like that more often!" Bucciarati chuckled, slapping Sticky Fingers on the back, "But yeah, too many monsters here to just have fun all the time. At least we're prepared for stuff like this, though. I've got Sticky Fingers to help me out, and you've got super healing powers from God." Bucciarati sighed. "You ought to see my roommate, though. I don't know where he got it, but he found this black suit and this huge set of armor somewhere. He's kinda prudish about changing into it, though..."


cough, html fail bitpartgod September 22 2010, 12:08:10 UTC
The laughter was contagious. Before long, Kibitoshin was doing his best to control his own fit of the giggles chuckles (“Real warriors don’t giggle, junior!”), and something about being able to laugh in such a terrible place set him a little more at ease. Michaelangelo was right- they were prepared, and- “Black suit and armour?” Hold on a second. Why did that sound familiar? Did he own something like that? … no, no, that was silly, he didn’t like to wear black if he could help it, and ordinarily he didn’t have any use for armour. So why was it that he- o-oh!

“Your roommate!” Kibitoshin said suddenly, giving Michaelangelo a look of amazement. “He… he wouldn’t happen to be a man called Sechs, would he?” What an amazing coincidence! But wait a second. Hadn’t Sechs said something before about his roommate giving him trouble? He was sure the man’s name hadn’t been ‘Michaelangelo’, but given how suspicious Homura had been of people, it was entirely possible that he was using a fake name just to be cautious.

But that… that was ridiculous, wasn’t it? Michaelangelo and Sticky Fingers were so... well... nice! There had to be a reasonable explanation for it. There had to be.


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