Night 51: Activities Shed

Sep 18, 2010 18:55

[from here]

It was lucky he'd remembered to bring his flashlight with him, Kibitoshin decided upon entering the shed. It wasn't huge, but there were more than enough worryingly-perfectly-sized holes for... creatures... to hide in, and far too many things for them to hide behind. Comparatively speaking, where the three of them stood in the middle of the cramped chaos of equipment felt horribly bare and conspicuous. Even the walls seemed to suggest movement, creaking (what?! He could have sworn there wasn't that much wind!) ominously as though something were pressing against the walls, trying to get out- or maybe in.

D-don't think about that!

Quickly, he turned to Michaelangelo and Sticky Fingers for guidance- and so that he wouldn't have to spend much more time worrying about hiding places and monsters. "You're looking for a baseball bat, right? There should definitely be some around here, so it shouldn't take too long to find them." Possibly. Maybe. Hopefully. Argh.

kibitoshin, bruno

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