Nightshift 49: Patient Possessions Storage

May 20, 2010 23:16

[from here]

Raphael stepped through the door that opened onto the Rec Field and... found he wasn't in the Rec Field.

"What the hell?" he said, shaking his head to clear the weird feeling of dizziness and staring around the room with blatant confusion. This sure as hell wasn't outside, in fact, it didn't even look like anything he'd seen in the patient blocks. Just where the hell was he anyway?

"Somethin' musta happened when I went through that door," he muttered to himself. The dizzy, faintly sick feeling was kinda like what he'd felt some of the other times he and his bros had been thrown around space and time and other dimensions, but if whoever was running this place had done something to him or something to the building, Raph couldn't tell.

"Great, so where the hell am I now?" Edging away from the door and flicking his flashlight on, Raph took in the numerous boxes around the place and the names written on them, none of which gave him any better idea of what the hell this was all about. There didn't seem to be anything else of interest around though, so he cracked open the closest box and checked what was inside.

Some photos, an empty wallet, and a notebook was the reward for his curiosity. Useless, useless, and useless. He'd have been better off outside.

"Screw this!" Raph snarled, tossing the box away from himself to smack into some others in the dark He picked up a couple of closer ones and threw them as well for good measure. "You're gonna have to try a lot harder 'en that to slow me down!"

He wasn't sure if whoever was responsible was listening right now, but it made him feel better. He'd retrace and try getting outside some other way then. It wasn't like this was the only door, after all.

Turning to head back the way he came, Raph opened the door again to head out to what was hopefully the hallway in the dorms.

two-face, raphael, nunnally, allelujah, indiana jones

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