Night 49: Main Hallway, 1-Center.

May 16, 2010 21:58

[From here]As far as Yuffie could remember, the journey was a straight shot over to the central section of the main hallway; that'd put 'em directly across from the sun room, and then it'd be a quick right turn into the only door. Easy peasy. With her shuriken and the two SOLDIER dudes-Cloud totally still counted, only not-in tow, the little ninja ( Read more... )

leela, albedo, klavier, tenzen, xigbar, peter petrelli, minato, nigredo, rita, yuffie, sam winchester, tifa, reeve, ratchet, mihai, cloud, renamon, yomi, rolo, sasuke, franziska, battler, wolverine, zack, xemnas, haseo, brook, ange

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Comments 67

purpletaint May 17 2010, 04:59:40 UTC
[from here]

He made it a half dozen paces before speaking. In his own terms, it was more than he would have normally allowed. An effort in itself. He spoke without looking back, giving nothing away. "Why were you where you were?"


falseblack May 17 2010, 05:13:55 UTC
The silence was disregarded, until Albedo found it fit to break it with a question. One might have assumed Nigredo might have seen the inquiry as a threat, but the child simply shrugged it off. It was only a question.

"It's a high traffic area," he supplied blandly, "and my room was occupied." By whom should be obvious.


purpletaint May 17 2010, 05:18:41 UTC
Movement continued as such. Yes, it was obvious. The roommate, unknown and unnamed. Albedo still.... After everything today and last night, he hadn't thought to carry through on his private promise and seek out information. A lack. He would rectify it. He would learn the who, discard the why, and destroy the source. Things were that simple as they were.

Asking a brother details had already been thrown away. At least as things stood. Last night had froze something in him, and he wasn't mended enough to touch there again. He couldn't stand if--Nigredo walked away.

"But why," he wondered, quietly. The hall was far more empty than usual. The sound carried even so. He glanced back, eyes furtive and touching unsure. "Why were you like that?"


falseblack May 17 2010, 05:41:27 UTC
Whether Albedo understood the context, feigned confusion, or lost the meaning--Nigredo found little care in the subject. As far as he was concerned, that 'unpleasantness' was dead between them; it would (as always) remain with him alone. It occurred to him how lackluster his efforts had been in the area, but like before, he couldn't think to be concerned.

Death seemed pointless, and that itself was desirable.

He barely registered Albedo's next question; his mind took a moment to piece together a semblance of an answer. There were a few in the area, all very likely to overhear their conversation. It would be best if he remained discreet. "The nurse gave me drugs. Painkillers, I believe." Green eyes again found the floor. "I guess I'm too sensitive."


notthistrain May 17 2010, 06:03:18 UTC
"Got it." Cloud automatically took point then. Any room they couldn't seen right into was a potential danger, after all, and the reaction was automatic. It wasn't until he was already going for the handle that he thought he might be pushing Zack out of a role he was used to.

Well, too late now. Sorry, buddy. Besides, he was better armed.

This way led out to the front door, didn't it? He almost wanted to try walking out that way while they were at it. The dangers outside probably wouldn't make it any different from going out the back, but there was something inherently funny about just walking out the main entry. He imagined there might be some giant Malboro-esque creature guarding the "gate" on the other side.


zack_fair May 17 2010, 06:46:37 UTC
While Zack was all for staying on the move, Yuffie was definitely giving him a lot to think about. He'd heard a good deal about the people who made weapons, but he hadn't realized that the kid who could do that was already gone. Unless there was more than one? There were a bunch of people from Gaia here, so it could be the same with another world where that sort of magic was possible ( ... )


promisedawhale May 17 2010, 22:44:26 UTC
[from here]

"Usually you can keep to the doorway long enough to get an idea of the danger, and if it's too dangerous you just head back and figure out another course. Or there's always waiting. Ah, here we are," Brook stopped his rambling as they reached the double doors leading to the Sun Room. Normally he would have taken a peek inside from the hallway, just to see how things might have been going within, however this time he only tilted his head and questioned, "Were these doors always shut during the evening?"


foolishmessiah May 17 2010, 23:11:15 UTC
Minato stopped beside Brook when he realized something was amiss, walking in front of the doors to take a closer look at them. He secured his flashlight under his coat belt, tugging one of the doors experimentally. "They aren't, but they don't seem to be locked."

Although not normally very cautious, Minato took the time to press his ear up against the door. "I don't hear anything. We should move fast."


promisedawhale May 17 2010, 23:32:33 UTC
"Hmmm..." Brook pondered at the doors, then looked down at Minato as the other listened through the door. If there were not any sounds, then either there was nothing to fight, or else no one had come through this way yet. Although in thinking on it, where the doors were usually swung wide open, it would make sense if some group had come through to close them. Brook knew he was not the only person who had at one time attempted to keep others from an area because of a danger there.

"Quickly and carefully then," Brook gave a nod, "But we should pause a moment once inside, there could still be something there even without hearing anything."

Deciding that as the oldest (and likely fastest) that he should be the one to lead in, Brook took the initiative and opened the door to head in.



stlg13bomber May 18 2010, 02:21:55 UTC
[ From here.]

Carter was already composing his goodbye note by the time he approached the Sun Room's door. A special note to ZEX regarding the book and a more blatant one about how he'd successfully broken out of Stalag Landel. It would really take too long to list everyone, so he'd have to make the goodbye very general. The people who knew him would get it.

It said a lot about Carter that he spent more time thinking up his note than he did planning his escape. Wasn't that the easy part?

[Waiting for Kairi]


kingdomless May 20 2010, 02:06:51 UTC
( from here. )

When Kairi entered this hallway, she stopped and looked around, trying to see if she could find anyone alone. Perhaps she could be of assistance to them? She hated to see other patients wandering around alone, especially because of the horrors that stalked the hallways once the shadows began to fall. At least she had a sword!

It was at that point that the redhead spotted a man who appeared to be alone, standing close to the Sun Room door.

... Hm, she could help him! Hopefully just because she was young wouldn't make him choose to decline her help.

"Excuse me," she began, moving towards the man with a curious look on her face. "Are you alone?"


stlg13bomber May 20 2010, 02:27:23 UTC
"Oh!" said Carter, one hand already on the Sun Room door. What was she doing here? It was a lousy kind of prison camp that put little girls in it, they weren't old enough to do anything wrong. "Hi there! Yeah, I'm alone, but you can come with me if you like." He grinned mischievously. "I'm going over the wall and getting out of here. Could use someone to talk to, walking alone in the woods is always a little dull."

Well. For given values of dull, walking in the German woods was either an exercise in gleeful excitement (post explosion) or quivering fear (pre explosion). But Carter had traversed enemy territory before, in American uniform and in a foreign country, and this would surely be much easier.


kingdomless May 20 2010, 02:37:45 UTC
Kairi smiled. Aha! "I'd love to." And the outer wall ... she had never been over the wall before, so that was an exciting thought. However ... "But ... have you ever been through the Sun Room at night before?" she asked, frowning. She could only imagine what was lurking in the darkness.

Looking the man up and down, her grasp on her sword tightened. No weapon ... maybe she could help him in that way. "I'm Kairi, by the way."

It was at that point she flashed the man a bright smile, hoping he believed that she could at least try and protect him. "I'll help you out the best that I can!"

And hey, if she got outside the walls ... well, she could tell Sora and Riku about what lay outside. Surely they couldn't be too upset with her for going off and helping someone. Wasn't that what they did all the time?


allroadslead May 18 2010, 08:21:10 UTC
[from here]

If Sam remembered it right, the files were supposed to be stored in here somewhere. In between the waiting rooms they'd all been taken to during the visitors. It made it a little easier to remember.

He glanced over his shoulder just to make sure Peter was still there-it wasn't paranoia; he knew very well how possible it was for someone to vanish in the blink of an eye-and twisted the doorknob gingerly. Locked?

Nope. That was good. Funny that it wasn't, though. Maybe they just didn't give a crap that people could get to these files? It was true that they didn't seem to contain anything especially useful, though one could say the same for...pretty much everywhere else. Supplies were always the closest they ever got to "useful." Information didn't even register on that radar.

He shook off the thoughts, gave the door a push open. He didn't quite enter just yet, eyeing the interior with one hand hovering near his gun until he was sure nothing was gonna jump out at them. As sure as he could be, at least.

He stepped inside.


human_sponge May 18 2010, 08:51:25 UTC
Heading for the pharmacy after they got the files seemed like a fair compromise, and so Peter followed after Sam, being careful to take note of where they were going. He also noted the rooms where they were taken on visitor days, and was reminded once again of what the Head Doctor had said. Still, it wasn't like undead versions of their friends and family were jumping through those doors to come after them, so that was one thing to be glad for.

So this was where the files were -- right across from the Sun Room. It was something to keep in mind, although he got the feeling this was the last time he'd need to get a file. There was always the chance that something would come up, though, and it wasn't like it was hard to remember.

Peter realized how strange it was that Sam was the one in the lead, when he had been here longer. It once again made him feel like he should have been doing more, working harder. Still, he also knew thoughts like that were useless, and so he focused instead on following closely after his roommate.

[To here. ( ... )


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