May 16, 2010 04:12
All right! One pair of sweats and two pairs of underpants later, and Guybrush had an ingenious way to carry everything he needed. "Just one more thing," he said to himself as he wrapped the pants-sash over his shoulder like a beauty pageant winner. Grabbing his beloved shovel, he carefully slid the long handle through the loops provided by the knotted undergarments. The shovel stayed in place, strapped to his back.
"Hah! Take that, broken clothing! Guybrush: one, clothing: three! Or maybe four. Close enough." He beamed at his own resourcefulness, proud of his major achievement so early in the evening. Sure, it looked a little silly (and his nurse was going to throw a fit if inexplicably he ran out of underwear in the middle of the week), but it was practical. No more juggling to carry everything- the shovel could go on his back, sword in his hand, and flashlight carried in his hook.
Pleased with his new invention, he had one more quick task before he could depart. "Well Scott," Guybrush said, turning to his still-sleeping roommate, "It's been great catching up with you, but I've got a sword to return. You sure you're going to be all right by yourself in here?"
Continued snoozing from the mighty bassist. "Hopefully, the room won't set itself ablaze and you won't die a painful, fiery death. Or maybe you'll wake up if that does happen. Either way, I'll probably come back here after I swing by Javert's. You know, just to make sure."
With that, Guybrush snatched the flashlight from atop his desk and headed out the door.
[The Dread Pirate LeChuck!]