Nightshift 22: Hallway incorporating the Morgue and Experimental Treatments Lab

Mar 19, 2007 00:04

((Coming from here.Adelheid was rather glad that they hadn't run into more surprises like the spider that they had left behind, and moreso that the group seemed to be okay. He was worried about Kaylee, she seemed to be worried all over again, but for now he had to lead and make sure that their exploration ended well ( Read more... )

mr. radio, kaylee, adelheid

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damned_monsters March 19 2007, 23:06:43 UTC
There were no monsters waiting in the room currently occupied by the three. But there was one just beyond, behind the door that Jack had been instructed to open. And it didn't want to wait.

And so there was no waiting, no warning, no subtle trap sprung once the group had entered the room. The beast was waiting for them, ready for them, before the lock was sprung. With a growl that shook the walls, the Leftover burst through the door, leaping over the startled patients with a quickness that defied its size.

It was completely unlike the beast that Adel had already fought. This one had one head alone, a giant bulbous thing with gleaming yellow eyes and a mouth full of needle sharp teeth. Its hunched body was covered in matted, thick grey fur that extended down it’s thick front legs and giant, meaty fists. Its hind legs were curved and three toed, each toe a scythe-like claw. From its back sprouted one bat-like wing. It looked some demon spawned from the pits of Hades, grey and rotted and reeking of death.

It turned on the small group and stood, as though surveying them. Its mighty flanks heaved, its open mouth dripped drool, a nightmare come to life in the dim light of the hellish hospital.

It was waiting. But it wouldn’t wait for long.


mister_radio March 19 2007, 23:11:00 UTC
Jack stood his ground when the monster burst through the door and over them, as though he hadn't been surprised.

Well, it wasn’t entirely unexpected. Not good, and far too soon, but not unexpected. It was bound to happen, here, on the second floor with the rooms that held things of use. They had to be guarded, after all.

So went life. Moments came and moments went and there was nothing to do but seize them.

Jack grabbed Kaylee about the waist and gave her a kiss - a rather deep, if quick one - and then held out a hand to stop Adel from challenging the beast.

“One for the road, sweetheart, so to speak. Let me handle this,” he said, and he stepped forward with no trace of fear or hesitation. The beast just looked at him, as though not certain what to do.

As he drew up in front of the other two, Jack’s stance changed immediately and more drastically than before, in the restroom. Everything about him shifted, as he stared down the grotesque Leftover. His body went tight, coiled, and his expression shifted into something intense, charged. His eyes seemed to burn and his jaw went hard. There was none of the good natured man he had seemed the entire day, flitting from patient to patient and laughing as though he were king of the world.

It was almost like looking at two different men.

And then he bent and lifted up a pant leg, revealing a classic bowie knife held to his calf with knife straps. He pulled it out smoothly and quickly, his motions a clear indication that he knew how to handle the weapon. He ignored Adelheid and Kaylee completely, his attention focused on the Leftover in front of him and nothing more.

“There we go,” he said, eyes narrowed. “Come to daddy….”

Before he was even done speaking the words, Jack had moved. It was over in almost an instant. With one long, ear piercing scream and a burst of blood, it was done.

There were flashes of movement, the Leftover finally coming out of whatever stupor had held it. But it was as though Jack could predict the beast’s movements before the beast itself had even decided to make them. He slipped in like a ghost, and his knife found a mark in a major artery, tearing with one thrust as he scrambled up the side of the creature to avoid claws and teeth.

The leftover fell to the ground, bleeding in waves, and Jack sat atop it, eyes narrow and lips curled up in a disgusted sneer until all life had bled from the monster.

“Well,” he said, reaching into the recesses of his pants and pulling out a battered pack of cigarettes and a lighter. He lit a cigarette, once more completely at ease. “That was fun while it lasted. Perfect movie script ending - for me, anyway. The intrepid hero got the girl and killed the beast. That’s the stuff dreams are made of.”

‘Jack’ took a long haul off of his cigarette and glanced at Adel and Kaylee, as though just remembering they were there. And then his voice slipped into a rough, smoky, all-too-familiar cadence.

“And lucky you, the veil was ripped before your very eyes. Don’t look so surprised - you had to know I could come and go as I pleased. And now I’m afraid the intrepid hero must make his great escape - without his girl. Sorry, sweetheart, that’s how it has to be.” He hopped off the corpse, the bowie knife still stuck in the creature as though forgotten. He turned away, heading off down the corridor, and threw up a two fingered still wave over his shoulder.

“Keep it cool, my friends. I’ll be in touch.” he glanced over his shoulder and grinned, a winsome and proud smile. “Just keep an ear out.”

And then he was gone, as though he’d vanished into thin air.


grosse_sklaven March 20 2007, 01:35:30 UTC
Adelheid was completely and totally stunned by the end of what happened. He had scrutinized 'Jack' as soon as the man had kept him from charging in- a feat in and of itself- and despite his family's technique... he saw no extraneous energy, no flow of ki or magic, emanating from Jack when he attacked. Only long training enabled him to keep up with the fast movements, and then... then the Leftover was defeated. Just like that.

To say that Adel was stunned was a terrible understatement. Especially when the man turned around, and spoke exactly like the voice on the radio before he vanished. Crimson eyes widened in absolute shock, and... and he didn't know what to say or do. It was incredible, unbelievable... but he'd seen it with his own eyes. Just like that.

Adelheid stumbled over to the knife and wrenched it out, just to make sure it was real... and then he grinned. It was real. It was all truth. And if that was true, then there was hope. Hope to be free, hope to turn this all around.

Ah, how he'd needed to see this for himself. Now all he had to do was to tell the others. Just to confirm what was doubtlessly going to be said in just a little while.


just_shiny March 20 2007, 05:19:05 UTC
Jack wasn't actually Jack.

Jack was the man on the radio.

Kaylee stared down the hall where he'd disappeared for a long moment before sinking to her knees. What...had just happened?

The door had opened, revealing a hideous...thing that looked like a million different animals sewn together and left to rot. Then...Not-Jack had kissed her and he changed, killing the monster-thing with even more ease and grace than when he had gotten rid of the giant roaches. Patients didn't have those kinds of knives, not in fancy leg holsters. Patients also didn't usually have cigarettes.

It soon became apparent why. Not-Jack became the man on the radio and disappeared into the night in an almost cliche way, bidding them a fond farewell.

Which brought Kaylee back to where she was now, crouched on the floor because she was too stunned to trust her legs to hold her.



grosse_sklaven March 20 2007, 06:24:24 UTC
There was most definitely blood on the knife. Blood, and pus, and all of the things that made the Leftover what it was. And a simple prod of the spear informed Adelheid that the monster was well and truly dead, even though it seemed like an even greater threat than the one that had nearly killed him. It seemed that Adelheid had much more to learn, much more strength to obtain, if he was going to become a match for 'Jack'. But it was possible, it had to be; the almost artistic blaze of motion was burned into the teenager's mind, a clear goal for him to set.

And moreover, it was possible to win. It was possible to defeat Martin Landel at his own game. Despite the tremendous disadvantages, despite the fact that they were forced to play on the Head Doctor's terms, defeat wasn't a certain thing. Yes, the veil had been ripped aside, and a warm ripple of laughter escaped Adelheid's throat. Jack surely didn't know this, had no idea how much hope he'd offered, but it was nevertheless true. If Adelheid could get out of this place, then who was to say that his own destiny was written in stone? Who could say that those from 'His Ancient Land,' or the vile god whose blood ran through Adelheid's veins, would be victorious from the outset? Perhaps humanity could triumph over monsters.

At the least, Adelheid knew that he was certain of his path now, and that he would utilize every advantage he had in pursuit of defeating Martin Landel and escaping the Institute. He would free his uncle and bring back Leopold Goenitz of the Wildly-Raging Winds. He would send back all of his friends to their proper worlds. And then?

...then he would destroy the Institute and scatter the ashes, so that it might never be utilized in such a manner again.

After cleaning the blade and tucking it, hilt-first, into his pocket, he turned and smiled down at Kaylee as he offered his hand, more than willing to help her to her feet. "The Head Doctor himself said that the man behind the radio was a 'master of disguise,'" he offered, "and it seems like 'Jack' has powers that even this place can not suppress. It gives me hope, Ms. Kaylee."

And as his crimson eyes sparkled, his radio turned on and a familiar voice began to speak...


just_shiny March 21 2007, 02:32:01 UTC
Adelhied's excitement was contagious. Kaylee found herself grinning with him as he helped her up, even laughing a little. 'Jack' was going to get them out of here. She was kind of flattered, in a way. The man on the radio--the one that the Head Doctor seemed to hate (and fear?) most of all--had chosen to reveal himself to them and not anyone else...though that was sort of putting him up there with God, and the mechanic wasn't too sure that Shepherd Book would be too happy about her deifying some random guy she'd met and made love with.

She listened as Adel's radio turned on (she'd forgotten her own back in the room), interested. 'Jack' was ripping into the Head Doctor like he hadn't had before, giving "hope" to the rest of the patients and not just the two people who'd been lucky enough to be there when everything happened. He even mentioned her, which was gratifying...though Kaylee wished he'd phrased it differently. If the Captain were to put two and two together...

Thankfully, the Captain probably wouldn't put two and two together. Not unless she told him outright...or if River read her mind or something. Inara, on the other hand, probably would, because Inara knew her better than just about anyone.

"So...uh..." Kaylee started, breaking the silence that hung in the air after the broadcast ended. "What now?"


grosse_sklaven March 21 2007, 02:49:06 UTC
Adelheid certainly put two and two together, and a very faint flush appeared on his face. He'd known what had happened between 'Jack' and Kaylee, and... well, it was only because he'd said it in that way, over a public radio, that could possible lead to embarrassment for her, that had Adelheid feeling sheepish as well. Hopefully she wouldn't hold that against him; if she was like Winry, then Jack might be fated to be laid out by wrenches in the future.

But it was only after the radio had turned off, and he'd heard that last part that was in reference to him, that he chuckled softly. That was conclusive proof; only Jack knew the question that had ended their conversation, and despite himself, the teenager had to ask, "But what will be your answer tomorrow, I wonder?"

He had the feeling that he knew more about Jack than possibly anyone else, if the man had been truthful in their conversation earlier, and so it fell upon him to convince the others that what the transmission had said was true. He didn't deify the man behind the radio- never would he do so, as that was an entirely different sort of situation- but for now he trusted the man implicitly. Adel would wager his fortunes on the man being honest, as it was manifestly obvious that the vast majority of the patients did not. Therefore, by doing so, all possible avenues were covered.

With that smile still on his face, Adelheid finally answered her question. "First? You should decide whether you want to return to your room or to remain with me. But for now, I am more determined than ever to continue my explorations; I have gone through almost every room on this side of the second floor, and sooner or later I will find more of what I need to know."

The woman's safety came first. After that came exploration. Either way, Adelheid was filled with determination, and the knife in his pocket was more than a little reassuring.


just_shiny March 24 2007, 09:08:09 UTC
"What answer?" Kaylee asked, looking at Adelheid questioningly. 'Jack's' message to him had been the most cryptic by far, but the boy seemed genuinely delighted by it. "What'd Ja--What'd he tell you, anyway? Who're you gonna strangle?" It seemed like a very odd thing to tell a kid.

But then Adel was asking her what she planned on doing, and she was forced to think of it herself. The mechanic honestly didn't want to continue exploring--having sex and then going through that big a shock in such a short period of time was pretty tiring--but she didn't want to be a bother, either. She shrugged.

"Either way's fine. But I'm gonna warn you. I ain't a fighter. I fix engines."


grosse_sklaven March 24 2007, 19:06:08 UTC
The teenager's grin remained the same as he looked at her, shaking his head ever-so-slightly. "Just before dinner, he and I spent a fair amount of time talking together. He spoke of being an 'activist,' of protesting and committing acts of sabotage against those who had despoiled his world. And when the conversation was ending, I asked him what he would do, if he ever had the one responsible at his mercy. It seems that, now, I have my answer. But he also said that his answer tended to change from day to day, so... now I must wonder. There's much that I don't know about him, and if he's the only force currently involved in this mess on our behalf, then I do wish to know more."

Adelheid considered the massive body of the Leftover, and while he was feeling rather confident in his ability to take care of himself, he did not want Kaylee to be a part of that. She was obviously tired, and neither would the boy have been able to countenance the risk of her being injured. "...but for now, please allow me to escort you back to your room, or wherever else you would wish to go? As a mechanic, your skills are better off out of the range of... monsters." An odd pause there, as Adelheid realized that, in all honesty, it was just as likely that he could be considered a 'monster' as the creature sprawled out on the floor.

The bowie knife suddenly felt very, very sharp. "Er, but I'll still honor the agreement we made; if I find mechanical items, I'll give them to you tomorrow night. I hope that this is acceptable?"


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