Nightshift 22: Hallway incorporating the Morgue and Experimental Treatments Lab

Mar 19, 2007 00:04

((Coming from here.Adelheid was rather glad that they hadn't run into more surprises like the spider that they had left behind, and moreso that the group seemed to be okay. He was worried about Kaylee, she seemed to be worried all over again, but for now he had to lead and make sure that their exploration ended well ( Read more... )

mr. radio, kaylee, adelheid

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Comments 25

damned_patients March 19 2007, 05:28:51 UTC
"Just let me." Jack strode forward and knelt by the door. He placed one hand against it and fished inside his pants and pulled out two lengths of metal. They looked like unfurled paper clips. He twirled them for a moment between his fingers and then leaned forward to do his work.

He was certain he could make quick work of it.

"Just give me a minute." Jack pursed his lips, slipping the metal into the lock. Oh, he knew these locks. Just a twist and a click, and the lock popped open. He smiled softly, listening to the sound of it unlatching. Music to the ears.

Then he stood, wetting his lips.

"It's open."


just_shiny March 19 2007, 21:23:17 UTC
Letting out a low whistle of appreciation, Kaylee watched Jack work. He was definitely good at what he did. His large hands worked the lock with those delicate tools with the precision of a surgeon, and the mechanic had to fight back a few engine room fantasies. She was sure he'd be pretty good with a compressor.

Kaylee reached over to him and gave him a quick kiss of congratulations when the door swung open. "Nice work, there."


grosse_sklaven March 19 2007, 22:59:15 UTC
Adelheid was duly impressed with Jack's skill as well; with just a pair of paperclips, it seemed, the other man could do what Adelheid could not without bruising his shoulder. It was something that the boy wanted to learn someday; that would make things much easier on him, and it would give him some additional value as a-

Then Kaylee kissed Jack. It was just a quick peck, but it was so casual and so normal that Adelheid couldn't help but stare for a moment. It just... seemed right, a girl and a guy doing that. Though now he had to wonder if there wasn't more beneath the surface, whether Jack or Kaylee were using each other for some way. This had to have been a recent development, so what was going on?

Regardless, he stepped through that door and turned to the one to their immediate left, indicating it with a nod of his head. "This one as well, please." A quick glance assured him that nothing was coming in either direction; perhaps the silent approach was better?


damned_monsters March 19 2007, 23:06:43 UTC
There were no monsters waiting in the room currently occupied by the three. But there was one just beyond, behind the door that Jack had been instructed to open. And it didn't want to wait ( ... )


grosse_sklaven March 30 2007, 00:06:52 UTC
((From the previous thread.))

Now that he was off on his own, and having made sure that Kaylee was safely on her way, Adelheid turned back to the door that Jack had picked just before leaving, striding through that first room. It seemed to be some kind of decontamination room, which wasn't too surprising; this place seemed to be a lab of some sort in addition to a mental health institute.

The problem, as he bashed open the unlocked door and stepped into a laboratory, was that his body was starting to wear out. He had ignored it the entire time he was with Jack and Kaylee, but now that he was on his own... he was tired. His head spun if he turned too quickly, his limbs felt heavy, and trying to think was an ordeal. But there were so few opportunities to sleep, and he had to keep going ( ... )


damned_monsters March 30 2007, 02:19:19 UTC
Many of the cages were empty and hanging open; others were closed, eyes glittering in the flashlights beam as it swept by him. The smell was intensely unpleasant, thick cloying animal musk, blood, and rot.

The room filled with the sound of its cage residents growling and spitting, shifting in their cages, claws clicking as they paced. Then, to the side, the sound again, an animal in pain. Without the door to muffle it, it was clearly a kitten, the sound a pathetic one of an animal in agony.



grosse_sklaven March 30 2007, 02:32:16 UTC
Adelheid knew that, more than likely, it was all just a trap. The fight against those demonic children still lingered in his mind, and because of that he was still completely at the alert as he slowly made his way through the cages, constantly checking as to whether there were any signs of attack. His spear was heavy, but he still held it easily for the moment.

At the same time, however, he couldn't just leave the kitten where it was. Gwan, his adorable little panther kitten, had been rescued from another research institute, so it would be the height of hypocrisy to not at least do what he could.

That, and he had heard that all of the animals changed into monsters at night. If that wasn't the case, then perhaps not all of the staff would transform, either? It was worth investigating, at least.


damned_monsters March 30 2007, 03:53:14 UTC
The kitten was in a cage in the far corner of the room; as Adel approached, its cries became more pitiful, more pained.

His flashlight revealed a tiny black kitten laying in a cage. One of its legs was twisted and baren of hair; tubes stuck from its gut in a plastic parody of intestines. Part of its tiny skull was missing. But its eyes were still as any kitten's would be; large and liquid and full of pain. It look at Adelheid with the trusting accusation of a tiny child, almost seeming to ask, You're god, why can't you make it stop hurting?


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