Night 47: M21-30 Hallway

Feb 10, 2010 16:08

Shinji once again lingered on the threshold of his room, debating on whether he truly wanted to step out into the dark, uninviting hallways. The sense of claustrophobia, of being watched, of being enclosed were already starting to creep up on him. He rubbed at his arms, swallowing softly. He paused to pick up his flashlight, rolling it back and ( Read more... )

shinji, hanekoma, s.t., asch, sylar, haine, abe sapien, peter petrelli, shikamaru, ruby, spock, l, sam winchester, roxas

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Comments 33

toxicspiderman February 11 2010, 02:06:44 UTC
So the radio was part of the set-up. Question was, was the bullshit about tracing even remotely plausible? Naah. Had to be more of the same ( ... )


stlg13bomber February 12 2010, 22:44:11 UTC
[ From here.]

What would SWM 29 look like, Carter wondered. He'd probably be big and strong like TK 622, some kind of seasoned galactic soldier experienced in whatever wonderful demolition and incendiary technology the future had to hold. A real pro, not an amateur like he was.

Carter smiled giddily. Maybe by his time they'd finally split the atom. The idea had always seemed farfetched to him, but sixty years was a lot of time to work on the project. Anything was possible.

Rounding the corner presented him with a normal looking man crouched on the floor fiddling with what sort of looked like a radio. Carter came to a halt in front of him and had to actually check the door number to make sure this was the right room and the right guy. "Are you SWM 29?" he asked skeptically, one hand slipping into his pocket. This was less dramatic than he'd thought.


tartaros_avatar February 12 2010, 22:47:28 UTC
[From here]

Stealth would seem to not be Recluse's strong point, what with his size and how much more powerful he usually was than absolutely everyone around him, but being stuck in this damned facility had brought those skills back to the fore. He moved as noiselessly as possible, glowing red eyes easily fixing on the door he was heading to, and the two men outside of it.

An obviously new, cheerful prisoner, and the one who had posted the message. At the risk of getting that flashlight directly shining into his sensitive eyes, he snuck up behind the men, waiting until he was just a few feet away before speaking. "Yes, inquiring minds wish to know."


toxicspiderman February 13 2010, 00:52:43 UTC
S.T. grinned. One geek and one hulking brute popped out of the darkness. Like a lobster boat pulling in traps right in the path of a barge. Silent and impersonally deadly to whatever was in its way. Nice guy to have on his side. And the glowing red eyes were a nice touch.

"Guilty as charged. Sangamon Taylor. S.T. for short." S.T. swung the flashlight -- aimed to avoid polluting their night vision -- towards the main hall. "I was planning to head straight to the chem lab. If that's all right with you gentlemen."


toobothersome February 11 2010, 02:20:51 UTC
With the dull thud that always accompanied a loss of electricity, the room blackened and Shikamaru pushed forward the switch on his flashlight. The voice on the intercom was ominous, and since he wasn't planning on going anywhere that sound might prove dangerous, he grabbed his radio as he left.

[to here]


M25 bprd_fishman February 11 2010, 03:40:32 UTC
Nighttime treatments. Abe held no illusions about what that meant, and felt his dinner turn to sewage in his stomach ( ... )


Re: M25 bprd_fishman February 11 2010, 23:53:30 UTC

human_sponge February 11 2010, 09:14:21 UTC
As worried as Peter was about the possibility that Sylar might be aiming to ambush his roommate at some point, there wasn't much he could do about it. Sam was capable from what Peter could tell, and the man had already assured him that he would be able to handle it. Peter told himself that Sylar was relatively weak here; he wouldn't be able to corner everyone like he had with Elle.

In any case, it seemed pretty clear that Sam didn't want him sticking around with him as some kind of protector, and Peter needed to check on his brother anyway. Part of him was dreading it, but it still had to be done.

He was going to end up with an ulcer at this rate.

Shovel and flashlight in hand as usual, Peter clicked the latter on and started down the hall. He'd considered taking his radio with him after the mention of it on the intercom, but he figured he could always ask Nathan to take his. At least he was familiar with the route to his brother's room now. If it was even still his room anymore...

[To here.]


M25 quarter_english February 11 2010, 13:52:30 UTC
L paid careful attention to the announcements, with a deeper focus on the second one. The development of his current theory demanded it.

What he could discern from what he had heard... it must relate to what Lunge had reported the first morning that L awoke at Landel's. There has been a common assumption that Landel encountered Doyle the night of the supposed "zombie attack." Then, last night, Landel seemed shaken that Doyle was... what? Still dead after all? Landel described him as his best friend, then as his greatest enemy; he seemed distressed then, gloating tonight. How consistent is his personality?

He shook his head to disrupt his musings: the most pertinent thing right now was finding his belongings. Since his side of this room had been prepared for a new resident, there might be a flashlight under the pillow. He'd need the light to find anything else. He moved to the head of the bed, felt under the pillow, found the light and turned it on. Abe was also preparing to leave by this point, but he had the apparent advantage of ( ... )


Re: M25 quarter_english February 11 2010, 14:24:05 UTC
There was another simple explanation -- that members of the staff had simply swapped out the drawers between the two rooms, rather than moving only their contents -- but experience had taught him to look past the easiest explanations in suspicious circumstances. He already had his doubts about the privacy of the locked drawers; in a psychiatric hospital, there would almost certainly be a master key and, if the drawers were locked, probably impromptu searches. (The master key could also account for the contents of the desk drawer being intact: if his dresser drawers had been swapped, why not the desk drawer?) So then, there were serious questions: were patient keys useful for more than one desk? More importantly, why had no one confiscated the blades? The file he had stolen was still in the drawer, too ( ... )


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