Nightshift 46: Disciplinary Therapy Room 3 [M-U for Scourge]

Jan 14, 2010 13:34

The doctor was intrigued by the paradox of an inorganic lifeform utilizing organic senses in the way he did. It should have been impossible. An inorganic with a metal body, capable of transforming himself into other shapes, and yet he was a tracker that relied heavily on the five physical organic senses. When it would have been easier to simply create infrared scans and analyze data, these creatures - the Transformers - had decided to develop along a somewhat organic route.

It was all too fascinating. And now one of those lifeforms was here, under the doctor's knife. How he longed to simply cut open the man's chest and remove his organs piece by piece until he could decipher the creature's genetic makeup! Sadly, in a fleshy body, the research would come to nothing in the end, which was why he'd chosen this experiment instead. Far more useful, far more applicable. Yes, he had chosen the right subject.

But now that subject had to wake up and enjoy the sights and scents provided for him. Or rather, not, since the room was entirely dark and a strange mix of scents were in place to mask the doctor's own. Not a thing would give him away, and following tonight, the tracker would have more problems than to worry about some faceless, nameless doctor in the night. The metal bands strapping Scourge to his chair were meant to hold even a rampaging beast, so there was no way for this now mortal man to break them.

In his glee at seeing the prone figure before him, the doctor let out an off-kilter giggle, drumming his fingers together. "Wake up, Tracker. Wake up and realize where you are."

scourge, m-u

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