Nightshift 46: Entry Room

Jan 08, 2010 04:26

[from here]He wandered through as carefully as one could when in a rush to move. This was ridiculous. He was lingering too much on sentimental thoughts. If he wanted to get anything accomplished tonight, he needed to maintain his focus. A hospital this large with this many people... There must have been a surplus of information to find. And if this ( Read more... )

klavier, shinichi, heiji, kaito

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Comments 22

rocksthecourt January 14 2010, 03:12:23 UTC
Klavier reached out and... twisted the door knob. It WAS open! Inconceivable! Why of all things would the front door be open?! Mein Gott! People here were complete idiots.

However, he hesitated before pulling the door open. Yes, he was fully aware his opinion of people in general here was pretty negative, but the truth was people were not actually that dumb. He knew that. So it was impossible to imagine that, in the history of those imprisoned here (over a month or so at least), not a single person considered trying the front door. Someone had to have tried. Yet the hospital practices continued. That had to mean using the front door did not work for one reason or another. Either people were unable to find their way to a phone or... something else had happened.

He stared at the door before him for a few moments, took a deep breath, and cautiously opened the door.


rocksthecourt January 14 2010, 03:23:12 UTC
He did not step out. All he did was simply look through the doorway into... pure blackness. It was a dark beyond anything he had ever seen, the kind that could only exist when one was far away from a city of any kind. Astonishing how one didn't notice the luxury of streetlights until they were gone. The dark seemed so deep, even his flashlight didn't penetrate more than a few feet ahead. Even then, the light only illuminated a thick fog.

Where... was this? How could a mental facility, even from an outsider's perspective, be built in such an isolated area? He couldn't even see a faint, distant glow that would indicate a city of any kind. Venturing out was like begging to get lost. Or worse.

As he continued to stare, he could hear... something. He couldn't quite identify it. It could have been movement. Or perhaps it was just the wind shuffling branches and leaves. No, wait. Yes, he was quite sure that was movement out there somewhere. There was also an unidentifiable set of sounds. Grumbling? Breathing? No, no, that was surely just ( ... )


rocksthecourt January 14 2010, 04:07:12 UTC
Klavier took a few steps backward away from the door, dread still fresh in his chest. Okay. Let's... try something else, then.

He turned his back on the door and simply stood there, consciously breathing in and out and trying to rid himself of that sensation. Oh, that had not helped his paranoia at all. Traveling in the dark didn't sound like a terribly intelligent idea at the moment. In fact, he wasn't sure how he was going to muster the strength to move much of anywhere alone. Nor did he want to stay in that room anymore.

A few shaky breaths later he finally managed to start walking again. He couldn't think about this. If he did, he'd end up a distraught, trembling mess within the hour. Klavier needed distraction, a focus. Anything. Let's get back to the investigation, shall we? If one could really call it an investigation. Difficult when he barely knew what to look for anymore or where to find it. Too much to consider, too many factors beyond his control. It was grating.


rocksthecourt January 14 2010, 04:20:28 UTC
In an attempt to keep himself from dwelling on the uselessness of the whole thing, he turned his attention to the reception desk closest to him. Opening the drawers yielded very little of interest: pens, rubber bands... random doodles on memo pads. Okay, if nothing else, the receptionist seemed normal enough and oblivious to the institute's antics. Thus the desk was a dead end.

The door behind the desk, however, seemed like it would be anything but. "File Room," it indicated. A part of him wondered why the room would be so blatantly labeled, but it might be best not to look a gift horse in the mouth, as the saying went. Besides, it seemed the find wasn't all that lucky seeing as the door was locked. ...Because evidently, locking the file room door was more important than locking the front door. Ach. Whatever.

So now what? Surely this was a problem he would run across again. They had to lock down anything that would hold something significant. Should he look around for keys? He had even less of an idea of where to find that than he ( ... )


rocksthecourt January 15 2010, 03:39:28 UTC
[from here]

Sigh. He had already wasted so much time and accomplished absolutely nothing. Nothing! Was this how he was to spend his evenings? Running around in circles and fretting over every little dead end he came across? Oh, yes, he would be the laughing stock of his department should he come back and they found out how he'd behaved while in here. He was such an idiot. If he didn't produce some semblance of progress tonight, he would never forgive himself.

It didn't seem like he was going to find anything more in this room. All this place could do was remind him of his failure and wasted efforts.

[to here]


meitantei January 20 2010, 05:32:38 UTC
[from here.]

Kuroba was Kid.

Shinichi led the other two boys towards the file rooms, his head swimming with the implications. Kuroba Kaito was Kaitou Kid. It made sense. Too much sense. What surprised the detective the most was that he wasn't surprised. He'd suspected for a while, against his own better wishes. He hadn't wanted Kaito to be Kid. Shinichi honestly liked Kaito, and he had a healthy dose of respect for Kid. Kid was a true gentleman thief, a worthy opponent, but not someone to be friends with.

As they approached the entry room, Shinichi reached out and grabbed Kaito's shoulder, a relaxed, natural smile on his face.

"Hey, Hattori. I've got to talk to Kuroba really quick, but we'll be right behind you. I promise."


osakapwnzu January 20 2010, 06:27:42 UTC
Heiji frowned lightly, eyebrows coming together. What the heck was Shinichi talking about? Split up? In this place? What if something attacked Shinichi and Kaito while he was in another room and something happened?

...well... it was just one room away. If he heard something, Heiji could come right out and help. Neither of them were armed, after all.

He flashed Kaito a confused look and an eyebrow raise, as if to say, 'I totally didn't say anything man, I don't know what he's on about either'.

"Yeah, sure..." he said, finally answering Shinichi. "I'll just get started opening those cabinets, then..."

( To here.))


flashyaudacity January 20 2010, 14:24:41 UTC
Kaito flashed Hattori a reassuring smile before the detective went into the room--'Don't worry about it; it'll be fine'--and then turned to face Kudou. If he was holding him back to talk here, it must have meant he'd caught the less-than-subtle clue Kaito had dropped for him and made all the necessary connections.

That didn't stop him from carrying on the charade a little longer, however. He was Kid now, not Kaito, and "Kaito" was just a pawn in Kid's game tonight. He'd act accordingly until Kudou called his bluff.

"Something wrong, Kudou?" he asked, looking curious.


meitantei January 20 2010, 21:18:54 UTC
"You know," Shinichi started once Heiji was successfully out of earshot, "you could've saved me a panic attack and my dinner. You already know about the whole Conan thing, don't you?"

His hand still firmly gripped Kaito's shoulder to discourage the thief from getting away. But did he want to? Shinichi knew very well how skilled Kaitou Kid was from their various encounters. He could have easily escaped from the detectives long before now, had he wanted to.

"What do you want, Kuroba? You're only this sloppy when you want to be found out. So why now? What's there to be gained by revealing yourself to the guy who's trying to catch you? Not to mention Hattori. I could have called you out a while ago and torpedoed your friendship. Do you really want that?"


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