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Comments 97

M60 tsunagari November 22 2009, 05:09:31 UTC
The sound of the knock surprised Sai, as he was still in the process of getting changed for the night. He also just wasn't used to someone else coming to his door instead of the other way around. When Usopp had been there previously, he'd only been in there... once? And that wasn't under the best of circumstances.

Walking quickly to the door, he opened it and smiled at the pirate before finally correcting him on his name. "Sai." The door was opened wider as he allowed his friend inside. "My name is Sai, not Simon. Simon is the name given to me by the nurses. 'Sean's' real name is Sasuke, but he wouldn't admit that in his current state."

His smile widened. "It's good to see you."


Re: M60 usoppsenchou November 22 2009, 17:02:48 UTC
"Huh?" Usopp just blinked at the sight of Simo... well, Sai, now ( ... )


Re: M60 tsunagari November 22 2009, 21:15:35 UTC
Sai shook his head and glanced briefly over at his roommate. "No. He was fine just yesterday. Somehow the Institute managed to brainwash a good portion of its population today into believing the lies the staff try to convince us of on a daily basis. He isn't usually like that."

The ninja walked back over to his dresser, shifting a couple gray shirts aside until he found a certain item - a gray bandanna with a pirate symbol on it that he deposited on his bed. He didn't know if Usopp would recognize his own handiwork, but it couldn't hurt. "Any questions you have I can now answer to the best of my ability."

Even if Sasuke had been with them at that point, there was no further reason to lie after dark. Sai doubted it was going to be any safer out there than it normally was, which could be a problem if the two ninja affected by the Institute that day hadn't yet recovered.


Re: M60 usoppsenchou November 23 2009, 01:20:31 UTC
Usopp had been surprised by Honey, mostly the fact that the other young man had been there. Sai's outfit had gotten his attention, and he hadn't seen the other until Sai had looked over and Honey had started to leave. He waved back to be polite, a little dazed. Where'd he get a stuffed rabbit? And... a long stick? Maybe the same place Sai had gotten the outfit. At least it looked good for Usopp's own stuff to possibly be recovered.

Sai was digging in his own dresser, and pulled out a small object that Usopp had to lean over and use his light to see clearly. He was somehow certain that, although Sai was offering to answer whatever he could, Usopp's questions were not going to all get answered tonight. There couldn't possibly be enough night, for one thing ( ... )


M58 whirlingwinds November 23 2009, 01:48:26 UTC
[ from here]

M58! There it was.

He took a deep breath, wiping his moist hands on his pants before knocking. Hopefully he wouldn't get the door slammed to his face, although that might have been asking too much.


M59 pleading_ngri November 23 2009, 04:29:55 UTC
[From here. Takes place after Giovanni leaves for the night.]

A little sprint like that shouldn't have even started to wind Phoenix, but he'd been almost two weeks away from his bike, as well as any exercise more strenuous than carrying food and the occasional nighttime adventure. He rapped on the door, straightening his tie and, despite the panting, trying to look a little less like he'd just run the hundred-yard dash.


Re: M59 high_prosecutor November 23 2009, 04:36:33 UTC
"Phoenix? Are you okay? Get in here." Miles couldn't help but look worried. "Did something attack you?" The patient blocks were supposed to be the safer places. What in the world?


Re: M59 pleading_ngri November 23 2009, 04:50:19 UTC
When it came to planning out actions, Phoenix wasn't exactly a role model. When he'd first left his room, he couldn't think of anything but telling Edgeworth that whatever had been wrong with him had worn off, somehow or another, if only to vent the unbelievable relief that had come with the realization. When he'd realized, two halls back, that this meant that there were certain avenues that were open to him again, he guessed he'd intended to still talk - flirt, maybe, or at least be to the point, or - heck, he didn't know, he'd never been a romantic genius. But when Edgeworth opened the door, taking in the situation at a glance and immediately assuming the worst, he knew that explaining would take time he didn't want to spend - not when letting his mind stray still sometimes brought him back to the place where his shirt was soaked with blood and there were stress-fractures running through the foundation of the world ( ... )


Re: M59 high_prosecutor November 23 2009, 15:38:00 UTC
The question 'Well, what happened, then?' never got past the first station before that train of thought was derailed by the unexpected, but definitely not unwelcome, kiss. Edgeworth made a surprised noise, then once that door slammed shut, took both of Phoenix's lapels in his hands, pulling him close and returning it. There was a fleeting thought about how that door slam had probably alerted the entire hallway to what was going on, but he couldn't really bring himself to care terribly much about it. That, and it wasn't as if he hadn't considered the exact same thing the night before.

He pulled away for a breath a moment later, smirking a little. "I don't know what it says about us that our mutual response to overwhelming stress is to find each other and - " he stopped just long enough for a quick, hard kiss, then pulled back again - "almost immediately engage in certain activities, but I'm open to trying to find out."


M54 otnemememento November 24 2009, 02:57:51 UTC
The lock clicked open, distracting Leonard from his notes. After a quick glance to the door, his eyes returned to his journal, scanning the front page before he took the whole book and tucked it into his pocket. In one movement, he rose from his chair and stepped toward his closet, finding his weapon inside. Monsters, huh? Guess I've got no better reason not to trust myself, aside from the fact that I'm in an institution.

He dug through the bottom of his wardrobe, so sure he was missing something else. He shrugged, ignoring that nagging feeling in the back of his mind as he grabbed his camera and flashlight and stepped out the door.


otnemememento November 25 2009, 08:40:43 UTC
[To here.]


no_ones_son November 25 2009, 08:51:50 UTC
[crashing out from here]

Jason hit the floor of the hall hard, the broken door to the room digging even more painfully into his back now that he was lying on it. Luckily he wasn't in a state to be bothered by that, his head was still spinning from the earlier assault and he was partially winded from the impact. Sechs was on top of him now and hopefully just as dazed by their tumble out into the hallway.

Grabbing for the idiot's shirt he shoved against the broken door, attempting to flip them over. If he got on top of the moron he was going to pay him back for everything, starting by breaking his damn nose. "It's hardly my fault you're a faulty model. What, did they forget to install a brain in there?"


sixth_attack November 26 2009, 03:35:10 UTC
Having Will break his fall spared Sechs from most of the impact, but the brief nauseating sensation of falling and the less-than-comfortable landing in the hallway and on top of his enemy still not only knocked the wind out of Sechs but briefly stunned him as well. If it weren't for the rage and pain that the Replica was experiencing, he would have felt happily surprised over breaking down the door in a body he thought was too weak to do much.

As the dust settled around the broken door, Sechs experienced the same moment of dizziness as his foe. Groaning, Sechs struggled to raise his dazed head up off his hated roommate's chest as he tried to blink out the stars flashing in his eyes. Once he felt his shirt being wrenched tightly in Will's fist, Sechs' blurred mind immediately snapped back into fighting mode. Shit! The bastard was trying to shove him over! No, he wasn't letting that happen again! Uttering out a string of growls and curses, Sechs thrashed to keep himself upright and on top of his opponent. He shot out one arm to grip ( ... )


no_ones_son November 27 2009, 01:18:12 UTC
That hadn't worked like he'd hoped. Instead of getting on top of Sechs so he could get down to pummelling his face like the bastard was asking for, Jason was left holding a scrap of the moron's torn shirt - like he needed a reminder of the idiot's willingness to strip down in front of him - and still sprawled out on his back on top of the broken door. Followed by Sechs was bitching some more about how Jason didn't really know him.

God, he was almost expecting the moron to go into some rant over how Jason could never possibly understand how hard his life really was and should stop being so mean.

He was getting really fucking sick of being told how he could never truly appreciate the tragedy these poor souls had been forced to endure. Because his whole damn life had been such a fucking walk in the goddamn park. Funny how you didn't catch him whining at people for saying hurtful things because they didn't know what it was fucking like to dig yourself up out of your own goddamn fucking grave and spend years a mindless shell because no ( ... )


sixth_attack November 27 2009, 05:03:42 UTC
All Sechs thought about was killing Will and wiping that infuriating smirk of his damn face once and for all. Nothing else crossed his mind. He had no idea about whatever traumas his despised roommate may have experienced in his life, nor did Sechs care; all he knew was that he was going to put the bastard out of his misery. The hint of laughter escaping from his foe only got Sechs' grip around his windpipe to tighten even more. "Die you bastard!!"

Without warning, Sechs' darkened vision was lit up by painful sparks as Will's hand came out from the darkness and struck him in the eyes. Intense pain instantly shot through his amber eyes and into his skull. The Replica couldn't stop the agonized holler from escaping him, nor could he keep his hands clutched around his target's throat. Throwing his hands up to his stung eyes, Sechs barely had a chance to react against Will when even more agony shot up from his thigh. The bastard had grabbed his stab wound! And right where the stitches were too! ARGH! DAMN HIM! Now his pained shouting ( ... )


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