Dayshift 43: Waiting Room / Lobby 1 [4th Shift]

Aug 21, 2009 11:18

It'd been nice to talk with Subaru, if only to see that the young man was faring a little better than before.  He seemed to have the worst luck and unfortunately, there wasn't always someone there to protect those that needed it the most.  As he passed the Sun Room, there was still no sign of a post from Ururu either.  Things didn't look promising ( Read more... )

klavier, anthy, anise, depth charge, visitors, jiraiya, impulse, sync, jason, fai, sylar, touya, lockdown, dean winchester, haseo, celes

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Comments 219

scalyfishman August 21 2009, 18:05:33 UTC
Five kliks. You couldn't even let me have just five kliks, could you?

From the moment he'd thought the words 'emotionally and physically exhausting', Depth Charge should have realised what was waiting for him. Oh, no, not even that bolthead of a Head Doctor's death could stop them from making his day just that little bit worse. Only in this case, 'a little' was probably going to turn into 'a lot'.

The nurse escorting him to the waiting room chirruped away about how nice it was to be visited by friends. He didn't respond, too busy concentrating what little energy he had for this on keeping calm to think of a halfway decent response that wouldn't get him sedated. Because, even if he was at the end of his tether, there was no way he was going to try and worm his way out of this, none whatsoever. That would have been as good as admitting defeat then and there.

Depth Charge took a seat, staring at fists clenched so tightly in his lap the knuckles looked as though they could burst at any time. So. Who would the slaggers throw at him


damned_visitors August 23 2009, 01:28:09 UTC
Whoever they were, they were heard before they were seen, a bright young voice ringing out as the door opened that "I still think you were too harsh on him, big guy." The boy was replied to with a tolerant sigh and a mild scold to be quieter as a inky-skinned man, tall and a bit stout through the middle, opened the door, letting a freckle-spattered kid in before following him.

"Detective Price!" the kid half-yelled, waving cheerfully and obviously thrilled, and bound across the room on lanky legs to Detective Aaron Price's side, making a move to hug him before the older man caught up and caught him by the back of his collar.

"Chip, settle down," he ordered, with quiet authority, and gently pushed the kid towards a chair facing their friend and coworker before nodding solemnly to same. "Aaron," he greeted, softly. "How're you holding up?"


scalyfishman August 23 2009, 10:57:45 UTC
The second he heard those two voices, Depth Charge realised that he wasn't going to be getting any sympathy from the big guys on top. None whatsoever. He barely had a chance to react before Cheetor (human or not, there was no mistaking that face) had hurtled halfway across the room with what looked like Primal hot on his heels.

"This is the single worst joke I've ever heard," he managed eventually, staring dully across at his teammates. "And I've heard a lot of jokes."

X, he could have handled. At least he knew where he stood with X- over him with stasis cuffs in one hand and an energon pistol pressed to his temple. But these two...

Surprised or not, however, it wasn't long before the initial shock wore off enough to make way for a far more typical reaction. Eyes narrowed and almost growling, Depth Charge spat out a flat, empty laugh. "How am I holding up? How the Pit do you think I'm holding up?!"


16hitmagnum August 21 2009, 18:35:37 UTC
"A visitor?" Kagura asked as her nurse led her by the hand towards the waiting room ( ... )


damned_visitors August 22 2009, 06:05:54 UTC
The nurse lead him towards the visiting area, giving Manju an opportunity to look around the institute they had sent his sister to. It was nicely kept and very sterile. An excellent choice! He smiled at the nurse and complimented them on their foresight in painting everything the same bland shade in order to make it appear more cleanly than it actually was ( ... )


16hitmagnum August 22 2009, 06:49:55 UTC
This. This was not Santa Claus! Sure, he's jolly. And sure, he's red, even more so when he's bathing in the blood of his enemies. But while he was certainly special, he did not and never counted as "someone you'd really love to see ( ... )


damned_visitors August 23 2009, 00:23:16 UTC
"Now, now, Mai, let's not give the nurses any trouble. You don't want to stay here for much longer? Not that I mind. It's quieter without you, and I don't have to beat you into submission for the last bowl of rice."

Manchu's smile didn't slip away. In fact, it intensified as he watched his sister pointlessly argue. Her time here had done little to alleviate that pleasant attitude, which was such a shame. Manchu really did miss breaking her bones on the occasion, back when she still showed potential.

But now what was she? So weak and pathetic, her ferocity dwindled by the friendships she had formed. She didn't deserve any freedom at all. He was hoping she'd learn to be a bit more aggressive while trapped here, but it was doing the opposite.

Another oh well. It was her loss.

"By the way, nurse, when is it dinner time?" Oh, that was an ugly face she made.


ran_on_empty August 21 2009, 19:30:38 UTC
After a rather uneventful conversation with Dahlia, Sync had decided to spend the rest of his day lounging in the sunroom. After all, he'd be no good to anyone (especially himself) if he wandered around at night with only half his usual energy. Yet his nurse woke him up after third shift to inform him that he had a visitor, blinking tiredly up at her as he tried to make sense of what she said.

"A visitor...?"

He'd heard about these so-called 'visitors' from the bulletin board, though never once did he expect to get one himself. In the end, he couldn't think of anyone who would have a big impact on him (who wasn't already in this godforsaken building), so the God-General merely shrugged before following his nurse out.

The walk to the waiting room wasn't all that far, and Sync situated himself onto one of the seats in the corner before the woman spoke up again.

"Now wait here, Stephen. Somebody else will be with you shortly."


gald_digger August 21 2009, 20:13:53 UTC
Just as Anise dreaded, the nurse who picked her up from the courtyard informed her that she would be having a visitor today. It wasn't a big surprise; her Mama and Papa came to see her the last two weeks. It was just like them to come regularly to check up on her. Mama was probably going to bring cookies again. She was really predictable sometimes.

When she entered the lobby, there weren't many people around, and Anise immediately spotted Sync sitting way off in a corner. He had a visitor, too? That was a surprise. He didn't really have any friends, did he? What was even more surprising, though, was what the nurse did next: she led Anise straight to him.

"Why don't you take a seat next to Stephen here? Your visitor will be here soon."

Anise just stood and stared at the boy for a moment, then whipped her head around to snap at the nurse. "Wait, why him!? Can't I wait somewhere else?" The last thing she wanted was for Sync to be there when her parents came ( ... )


ran_on_empty August 21 2009, 20:26:07 UTC
Of all the things he had expected to see, the fact that Anise had been led over to sit with him wasn't one of those. His eyes narrowed slightly when the latter's nurse informed them that they were sharing visitors, which ultimately cut any potential people into a small, almost non-existent list. However, the dark look disappeared only moments after, replaced with a small smile as he greeted the teen with a laugh.

"Come on, Anise. I promise I won't do anything embarrassing this time." Of course, the moment both nurses left them the replica's expression transformed into something more sinister. It was only then that he leaned back, eying her form up and down before sneering.

"After everything that happened last night I'm surprised you're still alive, but it must be easy when you don't have to babysit anyone."


gald_digger August 21 2009, 21:21:42 UTC
Her parents weren't coming today. That much was clear now. But if someone else was coming to see her, and that someone wanted to see Sync too, then who...?

Anise could only think of one person, but she didn't want to believe it.

Sync's comment earned him a sharp glare from the girl. Bastard. How could he say a thing like that!? Well, actually, Anise knew full well how he could. He just didn't care. Getting upset was exactly what he wanted from her, so she tried not to indulge him, turning her head away quickly and putting on a haughty front. "Hmph! Looks like I managed better than you did, anyway." She saw bandages on his hands, at least. He definitely didn't get through unscathed.


guardiancomplex August 21 2009, 20:40:12 UTC

Touya'd been taking a nap in the Sun Room when his nurse shook him awake with a bright grin plastered on her face. At that moment, Touya had known something was up. And thanks to Yuki's warning that morning, he knew what it was.

"Get up Thomas, you have a very special visitor today!" the nurse said, barely able to contain her giggles. Oi he hoped she wasn't giggling over his father. Oi that would be gross.

Minutes later, he was sitting on a couch waiting for his nurse to come back with his visitor. He hadn't seen anyone that he recognized in the lobby--maybe there had been some kind of mistake.

...though he couldn't help but feel like he was about to be assaulted. Or have his train of thought suddenly interrupted. It was a weird feeling, to be sure.


damned_visitors August 21 2009, 21:34:11 UTC
"TOOOOMMYYYYY~!" The squeal rang out as the dark-haired young woman burst through the door ahead of the nurse, her voice likely all too familiar even if the name wasn't. Without even giving him time to react to the greeting, she all but flew across the room to fling her arms around his neck. "I've missed you!"

And her grip was strong enough to prove that, too. Or to smother him, perhaps, but wasn't that was love was about?


guardiancomplex August 21 2009, 23:40:16 UTC
Oh God why.

Why was Nakuru on him, her arms trying to squeeze him to death? Why was she even here to see him? What about his father? There wasn't even a strong enough bond between him and Nakuru for her to be all over him like this.

"Oi, Nakuru," Touya growled, trying to take her by her shoulders and let her off of him. "What are you doing here?"


damned_visitors August 21 2009, 23:59:01 UTC
She allowed herself to be pushed back a little bit, but her hands locked behind his neck as she looked up at him, all sad puppy-dog eyes and pouting. "Nakuru? Who's Nakuru? It's me, Tommy. Selina. Your girlfriend?"

The pout only deepened, and she gave a dramatic sniffle before burying her face against his shoulder. "Of course I came here! I had to come see you here in this dreadful place because I missed you soooo much!" she wailed, the fact that her voice was muffled by his shirt doing nothing to impact the ear-piercing quality of her voice.


ruthless_hunter August 21 2009, 20:53:43 UTC
A visitor? What did they mean when they said Lockdown would get a visitor? Everyone Lockdown knew was too big to fit through the front door of the building. Well, maybe Prowl would be able to get through if he was in bike mode, or if he used a hologram. Then again, he didn't think Prowl even existed in this world, let alone get the desire to visit him.

Lockdown was led to a room he'd never been in so far, which the nurse called the 'Waiting Room' and told to have a seat. The bounty hunter did as she said, mostly because he was rather curious to find out who wanted to see him. Still, he told himself to be on his guard, just in case this turned out to be a trap or something.


damned_visitors August 22 2009, 20:38:22 UTC
A loud, smiling man was led into the waiting room, trying to force a business card into the hands of the nurse as they walked. When he saw a familiar face, though, he rushed over.

He pulled down his purple sunglasses to take a look, "There's my favorite customer! You know, when I heard you finally went over the deep end I said no way, not Lance! Straight as an ar- well, a lance! But hey, I guess everyone needs some R&R now and again, right? How're they treating you?"


ruthless_hunter August 22 2009, 20:48:35 UTC
Lockdown's optics widened when the loud man came up to him. At first he was about to tell the human to slag off and bother someone else, but there was something very familiar about this man.

No way, it couldn't be... But the voice and mannerisms were all too familiar. Even the man's purple glasses reminded the bounty hunter of a certain mech's big, purple optics.

Leaning forward a little, Lockdown asked, "Swindle, is that you?"


damned_visitors August 22 2009, 21:34:02 UTC
"Swindle? Hey, watch it with the names, man, you know I've got a reputation to keep up!" Despite his protest, he laughed that same friendly laugh that ended every other sentence.

"You know me, it's your old friend Stan, the most honest auto parts dealer this side of Rio Grande!"


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