Day 43: Chapel, Second Shift

Aug 14, 2009 01:52

Once the shift had changed, Homura headed downstairs for a brief time to check on the assorted information posted on the bulletin. Some of it was relevant to his interests--much moreso than he might have initially thought as he added replies. By the time his written conversation with Okita had finished, the demi-god's mood had changed ( Read more... )

nigredo, kenren, alec, homura

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screwthegods August 20 2009, 13:21:09 UTC
"You should know by now that it is." Now it was Homura's turn to reach out and touch Kenren, laying a hand on the god's shoulder. Kenren had been the first one to find him after that terrible night, and for so many times after. They'd been intimate, physically and otherwise, and the bond that had developed from that was something Homura cherished. To lose Kenren would be nothing short of devastating; to have it be from his own actions?

It would border on unforgivable.

Kenren's wisdom was showing again, and Homura couldn't help but agree with both his points. The idea of a revenge killing would be enough to upset many, regardless of the reasons for it. But if they killed someone who was innocent of the crime, the population as a whole would likely rise against the club. Even at the present, History stood apart from the other groups for the mentality of the members. But now they were tolerated, and still seen as an asset. A mistake in the matter would change that, doing worse damage than even Homura's earlier idea had potential for.

For the second time during their conversation, Homura felt a wave of shock was over him. While it wasn't so severe as the first, the idea that Sanzo had handed over his sutra was to say the least startling. Kenren had fallen into Sanzo's dislike due to his association with Homura. Apparently that hadn't mattered in his final moments, however, and the demi-god was thankful for it.

But now he had to respond to Kenren, who only told Homura of his acquisition with hesitation. Was it because of the reality it made impossible to deny? If he handed over his sutra, then even Sanzo knew that he was about to die. Or was it for the same reason that Kenren bore the same scars as Sha Gojyo, and one of the same eyes?

It wasn't difficult to forgive Kenren that doubt, if that was his reason. Homura had stolen it once before, after all.

"You should guard it well, then. The Maten Sutra is a powerful weapon. If that becomes known, there are likely some here who would try and take it." Just as Homura once had. But that was a lifetime ago, and now, the demi-god had no need for the scripture, nor any desire to possess it. "Fortunately, very few would actually know how to use it if they did manage to steal it."


opposingheaven August 20 2009, 16:07:37 UTC
Kenren smiled, resting his hand on top of Homura's and squeezing it lightly. "I do," he agreed honestly. Homura had been a good man to work with despite their initial differences and Kenren hoped that their association would continue for a long time to come. He didn't want a reason to walk away from their friendship and what they'd built together.

He could see the shock in Homura's eyes when Kenren admitted to possessing the sutra now, but he felt only relief when the other god told him to guard it. He hated this foreign fear that made him mistrust his friend like this. For a moment, he truly resented the future and what it brought, but it wasn't up to him what happened in the end. Those who came after had to be the ones to make their decisions. "Yeah," he said, a little shakily. Just holding the thing was weird when he knew how valuable it was to Sanzo. "I don't have a clue how to use it myself. I'm kind of grateful for that." Something so powerful, one of the foundations of the world, that was more power than he'd ever wanted to be in possession of. "It's not leaving my sight if I can help it."


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