Day 43: Chapel, Second Shift

Aug 14, 2009 01:52

Once the shift had changed, Homura headed downstairs for a brief time to check on the assorted information posted on the bulletin. Some of it was relevant to his interests--much moreso than he might have initially thought as he added replies. By the time his written conversation with Okita had finished, the demi-god's mood had changed ( Read more... )

nigredo, kenren, alec, homura

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janus_006 August 15 2009, 02:50:55 UTC
The different voice over the intercom, the robotic intonation, barely registered with Alec. He had woken up quite suddenly, and felt an overwhelming urge to just stare at the ceiling and let the memory of the night's events just wash over him. James. He'd ended up working with James, then he'd run off and...

...and Armand had died, he'd been there, he'd seen Armand die. He took a deep breath and exhaled slowly, letting the information process emotionally, slow as it was. He glanced over at the bed across the room. It was neat, primly made, and appeared unslept in. Well, Ren was a tidy type, and likely rose earlier. He'd talk to his roommate later.

The nurse came to get him some time after that, after the robotic intercom had spoken again. Alec knew something was wrong with it, but he was almost entirely numb. He didn't care. The nurse asked him where he wanted to go, and he found himself mumbling the word "Chapel".

Religion had long died from his life - no merciful God could have allowed what his parents did to happen - but something compelled him to go there. It seemed like the best way for him to honor Armand's memory. The Sun Room would be too loud for him to think and he didn't particularly feel like eating.

Trevelyan slid into one of the pews in the back, sat down, and put his head in his hands.

[open, no limits!]


haplesstracker August 15 2009, 16:08:39 UTC
Under the excuse of going to look for Blitzwing somewhere else, Scourge made his escape from the Sun Room. He had no idea what a "chapel" was, although the inside looked a bit like the "churches" he'd seen on TV, but it was clear of Decepticons and Maximals and other people trying to pick fights in his presence and that was good enough for him.

He still had no idea what to do about Lugnut. The gentle suggestion that Blitzwing had escaped hadn't even worked, the big idiot was determined to believe that Blitzwing was not only alive, but had refused to escape without him. Which was stupid, Decepticons didn't hold that kind of loyalty to each other.

Mostly. He missed Cyclonus.

Scourge took a seat near a man who appeared to be as physically worn out as Scourge was mentally. Soft, nonthreatening, less likely to get him into trouble or yell at him for no reason. He folded his arms over the back of the seat in front of him and put his head down on top of them, letting out a long sigh. Maybe now he could get his head in order.


janus_006 August 17 2009, 02:52:53 UTC
Trevelyan heard someone take a seat nearby. He didn't really care who it was. He probably had to talk to TK - he'd heard Armand's final words, and wasn't sure TK had understood them. Lucky for him Alec spoke French. Yeah. Lucky.

He glanced out from between his fingers at the newcomer. The other guy seemed pretty out of it, too. It had been a rough night all around. "All told, I think that was one of the worse nights I've spent here," he muttered. If not the worst.


haplesstracker August 17 2009, 03:58:47 UTC
"Definitely my worst." Scourge didn't bother raising his head and his voice was muffled by his arms. "I've been awake for hours and my arm's still trying to stab things."

Not to mention their losses. The others Scourge didn't know, but Blitzwing had actually liked him. Scourge needed more of those types.


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