Day 43: Sun Room, Second Shift

Aug 13, 2009 10:50

When the shift changed, HK stayed put. Even after a long night of zombie killing, he had no interest in meatbag fuel, especially after all the discussion of chocolate with that rather strange meatbag. It was just making him crave the stuff even more than he had previously, if that was possible ( Read more... )

raine, klavier, kitty pryde, tenzen, tsubaki, xigbar, scott pilgrim, kuukaku, jason, forte, miku, junpei, zex, luxord, lunge, kanji, hughes, lugnut, brainiac 5, james bond, hk-47, albedo, hanekoma, kvothe, kio, depth charge, two-face, apollo, souji seta, the scarecrow, schuldig, beatrix, ryoji, l, subaru

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see_my_back August 14 2009, 23:12:38 UTC
Howell appeared to be listening and concentrating on what she was saying. A plus in her book. At least he hadn't completely disregarded it all as lies or insanity. And he'd read some small amount of the bulletin board.

"I recommend you read the primer for more significant details," she said, once again finding herself staring for a bit too long at the man's handsome features. His strangely empty eyes didn't bother her at all, many ninja had unique ones which were given to this ability or that, though his were a nice color.

She ran a hand through her short pink hair with a sigh, "it's just as it sounds. This place is completely different from where I was originally from. But it's not just my world, there's others from stranger places. Places with superheroes or talking beasts or anything else you could imagine. I don't know why they're all collected here, but that's just... the truth of it."

It was a horrific mess and it frustrated her to no end, plenty of which was evident on her face. "I'm a ninja, medical specialist, from a village in the Fire Country. A few of my friends are here too. But I'd guess that's all unfamiliar to you. I can't place your accent for one thing. I mean- sorry, I tend to over-analyze things just a bit." Sakura's cheeks turned a slightly pinkish shade as she caught herself doing so, even in casual conversation.


slipperymagic August 15 2009, 03:23:31 UTC
"No, please." Howl held up one hand and grinned. His voice and face lit up with amusement, particularly to notice the blush spreading across her cheeks. Her hair certainly highlighted the matching pink flush. Conversing with Sakura had done wonders to make him feel better about his hair and lack of cosmetic spells.

"If what you say is true, Miss Ninja, then I can only benefit from hearing you talk more," he explained. "If anything, I should feel quite lucky to have ran into someone interested in over-analysis."

Under the surface, Howl considered her words. He felt somewhat as though he were in the middle of putting together a jigsaw, only to realize that the pieces were from many different puzzles. People all across hundreds of different existences were falling through the cracks and landing... here? He didn't want to believe it.

Howl was not shocked to find that he wanted to run very, very far away from this place, whether Sakura's story was true or not.


see_my_back August 17 2009, 00:06:44 UTC
It was rare that she received compliments from someone outside of her work or studies. Tsunade didn't give them out very often, and she'd long since graduated the academy. A proud little smile made its way onto her face.

"I'm glad to help," she replied, "especially when someone is so willing to listen. Was there anything you had specific questions about? Or did you just want more general information? I'll admit, there's not a lot out there to be found just yet, but hopefully we'll have a better information network for the patients here running soon."

[sorry for being so slow! Busy weekend :S]


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