Day 42, Afternoon: T&M Electronics

Jul 07, 2009 20:20

Adachi hadn't expected the town to be so...tiny. A nice enough conversation on the ride over only did so much to aid the disappointment he felt. This whole mental institution thing was supposed to get his mind off of the whole "small, boring town" bit, not toss him right in the middle of another one.


There had to be something that he ( Read more... )

adachi, ayumu, callisto, lelouch, yousuke, matt

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whohitreset July 8 2009, 04:39:26 UTC
Leading Sen around all day had been an adventure in itself. The whole place was pretty much new to her, even the style of the buildings. It was really... incredibly cute. Of course, half their attention had been secretly diverted to their quarry. The young man had been meeting with others for the first half of the day and therefore hadn't been entirely approachable.

But now it looked as though he'd gone and wandered off on his own - and to an electronics store, no less. Wasn't that just fortunate for them? Matt had hoped to see if there were any hand-held gaming devices worth trying to steal, but the nearby nurses gave him a disapproving glance whenever he so much as looked at one. This whole not being allowed to play video games thing was going to cause him to punch in one of their faces someday.

So it was time to say hello to the ponce. "Hey!" He waved, grinning. "Lelouch, wasn't it? I ran into you last night."


tostepforward July 8 2009, 05:06:39 UTC
There were so many things that were different and strange here that even Ayumu almost felt overwhelmed for a while. Information gathering could be difficult when there was so very much and she had little frame of reference with which to determine what might be useful and what wouldn't. It was fortunate that she had Robin along to answer questions, though she'd had to be careful with what she asked and how, seeming innocently confused and fascinated by the strange town.

Still, Lelouch was a constant, and hadn't been too difficult to at least keep an eye on for most of the morning. Robin had apparently managed to remember his assignment, and had been doing the same, and this way both of them provided each other some cover under which to pretend to not be watching the young man. It was working out rather well, really ( ... )


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givemeoblivion July 9 2009, 01:02:00 UTC
[Allow me to run you out of the store, Adachi? ♥]

Callisto's day had been incredibly uneventful so far. While the town itself was interesting in its own way, being far ahead of her own time in terms of technology, the former warlord only found so much of it interesting.

She'd at last wandered into this "electronics" place. She'd heard the word while she'd been here, and these devices still remained the most curious of those she'd seen since she'd arrived. They reminded her of those droids. Just... in pieces.

There was a group already inside, as well as one man off by himself. Well, perhaps he would be a good source of answers. She hadn't pestered anyone enough yet. "Villager or patient?" she asked with a smirk.


fooledintuition July 9 2009, 03:49:41 UTC
[But of course. ♥]

He wandered around a bit first, but eventually Adachi stopped in front of a small TV sitting on a shelf, one of those tiny portable models that you could find anywhere what, 10 or 20 years ago? It was too small to shove anyone through, but maybe it was inconspicuous enough that he could test his own ability out; he could worry about the rest later, after all.

He'd been reaching out to touch it when a voice startled him, and his hand landed on top of the box instead. "Oh, uh..." Shit. He really didn't want anyone peering over his shoulder, in the event the screen started rippling. He wanted to be a dick, just to get her to go away, but better to be safe than have his cover blown. "I'm not the clerk, sorry," he finally replied, turning to glance at her, but leaving his hand on top of the TV. "You a patient, too ( ... )


givemeoblivion July 9 2009, 09:39:08 UTC
"Of course I am." Callisto smirked again, giving him a thorough look-over. Not a fighter, that much was obvious, though not a complete weakling. He was acting innocent, but he wasn't nervous. ...She supposed this outfit didn't exactly lend to much of an imposing presence. They had to be mocking her with the flowers.

She moved closer. Who needed personal space? "What are all of these, anyway?" She gestured toward the various televisions, though she only seemed partially interested in the answer. "Some kind of display boxes? The glass is all fogged up." She gave one an experimental tap.


fooledintuition July 10 2009, 01:52:08 UTC
Adachi backed up slightly when she moved closer. He got a bit of a fierce vibe from her, but that wasn't it (really). He just liked his personal space, thank you very much, especially when she was invading it just to ask what a TV was. He considered just pawning her off on the clerk -- and wondered just where the hell she came from to have lived under a rock like that -- but then again, maybe it was better that it she'd come up instead of someone else. He'd definitely prefer having to explain a rippling screen to someone who didn't know that they weren't supposed to be there ( ... )


guyslikegames July 10 2009, 22:42:34 UTC
[after Adachi leaves and waiting for Naoto]Yousuke knew it was only a matter of time before he ended up wandering towards the nearest electronics store. He was actually surprised that he'd let it get this late in the day before he'd done it, especially given that there wasn't a whole lot to see around this place. It probably wasn't even a big enough town to be worth bringing a Junes into (though that could certainly cause the town to expand if they wanted it to). That would end up being the Junes from Hell, though. He could just imagine the giant monstrous cockroaches that would come out at night ( ... )


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