Day 42, Afternoon: T&M Electronics

Jul 07, 2009 20:20

Adachi hadn't expected the town to be so...tiny. A nice enough conversation on the ride over only did so much to aid the disappointment he felt. This whole mental institution thing was supposed to get his mind off of the whole "small, boring town" bit, not toss him right in the middle of another one.


There had to be something that he could do to entertain himself. He found a bulletin board, and got some interesting information from a rather helpful somebody about that brainwashing stuff, but that didn't last too long, since he did need to be kinda careful. As he continued down the street, though, Adachi found another little store that caught his eye. Electronics, hm? Those kinds of stores always had a bunch of interesting stuff, even if it wasn't as grand as Junes' department, but most importantly it had TVs. Even if they did seem to be second-hand TVs. He almost suspected he'd find the kids there, lined up in front of one, but he could come up with an excuse for being there, if that was the case. Everyone kept mentioning how their powers had been sapped, so it couldn't hurt to test his own out, right?

And hey, if it did work...well, then maybe he could have a bit of fun in this joke of a town, too. After all, who'd really miss a psycho or two?

[open, but will probably be leaving the building in a bit]

adachi, ayumu, callisto, lelouch, yousuke, matt

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