Jun 30, 2009 22:32

Grell was drawn by the smell first and foremost. While he didn't have an extraordinary sense of smell, he could discern that there was something in the air as he wandered down the main street. It was something heavenly, as thick and sweet as the perfumeries had been in England and France. The places he used to visit to see the latest fashions and learn the tips and secrets of anointing oneself like the truly beautiful women did.

Of course, after a time, he'd realized their beauty only ran skin deep and he'd reaped most of their souls as their time came, but for a little while, they had been such lovely flowers for the world to see.

The chance to see just what sort of things this world had to offer was too alluring for Grell not to make a beeline to this new place. After accepting a red scarf to go with his outfit, the death god snapped up the papers the nurse handed him and set off through the town. Winter was always so beautiful, and also one of the death god's busiest seasons. In London, when temperatures dropped low, so did people's health. And when the cold mixed with illness, the List filled up and Grell had a little extra spring in his step.

The shop door was readily open and Grell peered inside tentatively, as if it might dissipate like a mirage. The pink walls and the quaint decorations combined with the overwhelming scents that seemed to envelope him like a hug...

Oh, but he was in Heaven.

Stepping inside, the former butler peered at the various bottles and soaps lined up on the shelves, holding his hands to his chest. This place was Paradise.

[Free, I think? Unless Celes is coming for him.]


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