Jun 30, 2009 21:10

[ from here]

The smell of old paper, leather and cardboard was oddly comforting. It had been too long since Ritsuka had been able to visit the patient library and since he was only able to check out one book, he usually had way too much time on his hand. Ritsuka was used to reading at least one or two books a day, so having just one for an entire week was almost painful.

As soon as he entered the store, however, he was keenly aware of the clerks at the back - the ones who likely would be guarding this shop. Even if he was just a kid by all appearances, he knew they'd likely keep an eye on him. He was still a patient, so how could they trust him, right?

Moving through the aisles, Ritsuka let his gaze wander the different titles lined up, or rather stacked and wedged into every single available place. The cramped quarters made it hard to get comfortable, but the presence of books alone was enough to put Ritsuka at ease. Reaching out, he traced a finger along the spines of the books, trying to figure out what sort of order they were in. So far it seemed they were divided into the normal sections, but the books were just piled everywhere.

Finally coming to rest on the non-fiction section, Ritsuka pulled out a book on the science of flight. He sat down and opened the book carefully so as not to break the spine, then started reading.

[for Rude]

allen, raine, reinforce, renamon, edward elric, franziska, adelheid, edgeworth, kibitoshin, jiraiya, rude, ritsuka, faize

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