Day 40: Sun Room [Fourth Shift]

Apr 09, 2009 09:14

Well, that was... special. No wonder he was losing respect for this place--the fearful Martin Landel was coming undone, most probably with boredom. So scary. Even Nursey seemed a little exasperated, though that most likely had more to do with X's constant insistence to stay in the Sun Room rather than go inside the Greenhouse ( Read more... )

klavier, shito, endrance, kenshin, senna, tsubaki, nightcrawler, dias, ken amada, jason, forte, miku, demyx, matsuda, reno, suzaku, superboy, luxord, peter parker, harry osborn, shinichi, harley, dean winchester, hikaru, beyond birthday, brainiac 5, albedo, kvothe, mitsuru, peter petrelli, mele, two-face, yuffie, akihiko, matt, ayumu, lelouch, farfarello, sasuke, sheena, daphne, beatrix, kaoru, wolverine, yukari yakumo, rangiku, subaru

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theroadsofar April 9 2009, 19:21:11 UTC
It'd been several days since his injuries and the bandages on his face and chest were starting to itch. The bruises at least, were healing pretty fast, becoming less tender and more on the yellow side. But the gashes he'd gotten from the Sun Room ghost? They were starting to close - or had they been stitched? Dean hadn't taken a look - but that didn't mean it still didn't hurt. Dean just sucked it up. This wasn't the worst injuries he'd ever had, and he tried not to think about his first run-in with the Demon, or sitting in the Impala, getting friggen sidelined by a semi-truck.

It was a year ago now that that'd happened, that Dad was gone. Didn't mean he didn't think about it every day. That was the problem. Dean needed to stop thinking about this, make himself forget and just throw himself into the hunt. He didn't care if Sammy got on his case about it: he needed to hunt to get his mind off of this, to just get through the day sometimes ( ... )


theroadsofar April 9 2009, 19:34:06 UTC
That actually didn't really help narrow it down, because one of those options would be tough enough to deal with right now. Trying to locate a cursed object? Without his EMF reader?

The best they could hope for was to try to locate the body first, get Croaky's history. Dean began checking the second thing on the bulletin board he'd intended to take a look at. While he'd had experience with those psychic kids that Yellow-Eyed bastard seemed to like to dick around with, he didn't think they'd all be cool like Andy or Sam (Sam was just a given, 'cause no matter what Dad said, he was gonna save him and that was just how it was gonna be: he wasn't gonna ever go darkside, not on his watch). Reading up on this news of a guy with the power to make people tell the truth didn't sit well. Maybe part of it was because so much of his life, his work, relied on lying through his teeth, impersonating others to save people and do good. But most of it was Dean was just plain creeped the fuck out. If there was anything he'd learned before and after ( ... )


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theroadsofar April 10 2009, 10:54:48 UTC
Dean turned. He had a split second to notice that hey, wait a minute, this guy had crutches, wasn't Lelou -

And that was as far as he got as he was promptly hit full force with Lelouch's power.

Dean blinked, his face slack for less than a second. Why shouldn't he do this random guy a favor? Searching the top of his head, he couldn't see a reason why. It'd be so easy to just do what he said. The hunter's face broke into a friendly smile, shrugging. There was no struggle at all as he obediently turned away from the bulletin board, the post about psychics, possible hunts, and human lie detectors forgotten already despite being literally still right behind his back. All he could remember was checking up on the posts about Croaky the ghost and trying to work out how he was gonna deal with Sammy's curse before this guy - kid, actually, he looked like he was barely college age if even that - approached him ( ... )


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theroadsofar April 10 2009, 20:38:12 UTC
Sure. Tonight. Said like that, he might as well come along because it sounded so damn reasonable.

Dean watched Fancy Nancy take off, not at all troubled he'd done a 180 out of nowhere to cancel plans with his brother, all because a total stranger told him to.

Suddenly he felt dizzy, disoriented. The hunter blinked, giving a small shake as if coming out of a fog. Oh man, he'd knew he was getting jacked up from getting crap sleep, thanks to getting his ass kicked and worrying about Sammy and the hunts, but he didn't think he'd had it that bad. Graying out wasn't ever a good thing, especially when he was pretty sure he was missing a chunk of time - the last thing he remembered was facing the bulletin board, finishing up checking the post about Croaky, and now he was definitely facing away from it. Dean's mouth thinned into a line as he passed a hand over his face, rubbing at his eyes and knowing sooner or later, he was gonna need to get an actual night's sleep or he'd drop dead before his year even came close to being up. Getting his ( ... )


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