Nightshift 39: F21-F30 Hallway

Mar 05, 2009 11:31

...Now that was ridiculous. The guy was supposed to inspire fear, and he was sleeping? Well, that was just.... Senna shook her head, moving to the closet to switch into her Shinigami uniform quickly, and grab the wooden spear she still had ( Read more... )

junpei, dairine, senna, armand, hokuto, beatrix, falis, yukari, skuld, hanatarou, chidori

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F22 himetsuru March 6 2009, 02:56:43 UTC
Falis was content to finish creating a new spear and a couple stakes while she waited. She didn't expect Hokuto to take long.

Maybe she could get her to do a little massage on her left shoulder. Or at least warm it up a bit before things really heated up.


F21 to F22 akarusa March 6 2009, 06:28:29 UTC
Hokuto had to smile a little as she got dressed; technically there wasn't much point, since she was going to be undressed shortly, but she thought people might notice if she slipped into Falis' room in just her shorts and shirt.

She hadn't seen a fight in this hall yet, so she left her weapon behind; she was only going next door, anyway. To be polite, she knocked.


F22 himetsuru March 6 2009, 06:31:54 UTC
Falis paused in her motions, sword held expertly in her hand as she carved a sharp point onto a stake, and smiled.

"Oi! Unless you're a gorgeous girl, get the fuck away," she called, a grin in her voice. "And if you are one, then get the fuck in here."


Re: F22 akarusa March 6 2009, 06:54:30 UTC
Hokuto actually laughed, something she hadn't done enough lately, and opened the door. "Good evening." She refused to be bothered by lack of lock; instead, once inside she picked up a chair and jammed it under the doorknob.

She didn't want to talk about how her day had been--or, really, anything else. She wanted to be held, and to be distracted. If not for the fact that she risked damaging both weapons she would have grabbed them out of Falis' hands and tossed them into the corner.


Re: F22 himetsuru March 6 2009, 07:07:43 UTC
"Mmm... I like getting gorgeous girls coming into my room," Falis purred as Hokuto entered. "I think I could get used to this..."

As her girlfriend secured the door, the princess leaned her sword against the wall at the foot of the bed and slipped the stakes underneath the bed as well. She was still favoring her left arm, moving it as little as possible, but she wasn't going to bring any more attention to it than she already had.

When she sat back up, she idly wondered how long it was going to take for Hokuto to notice the few raw red cuts on her cheek. It was dark, after all, but they did mar her looks a little. Then again, Falis had encountered plenty of men that had found her battle scars hot. Just because Milano didn't agree, didn't mean Hokuto wouldn't like them.


Re: F22 akarusa March 6 2009, 07:30:15 UTC
Hokuto's eyebrows drew together when she turned back around; what had happened? Silently, she came up and touched near the cuts, gently. "You're hurt again."

Maybe it was just the way things were for warriors like Falis, and either way she wasn't going to try and stop her, but Hokuto worried about her.


Re: F22 himetsuru March 6 2009, 07:40:30 UTC
The cuts were a minor annoyance compared to her shoulder (which still radiated some cold) and her leg, but Falis understood they were the only visible wounds on her.

"Ran into an ice witch last night," Falis replied, bringing her right hand up to touch Hokuto's leg. "Stopped her."

She tilted her head a little. "I ain't gonna tell you to get used to it, but I will say expect it. There's always blood involved. Just know it's mostly the other guy's."


Re: F22 akarusa March 7 2009, 05:22:32 UTC
"I'd tell you 'stay safe', but I guess you can't, here," Hokuto murmured.

As much as she'd looked forward to the night's main activity, for the moment she just slipped her arms around Falis' shoulders, leaned in, and hugged her tight.


Re: F22 himetsuru March 7 2009, 10:04:04 UTC
"No, I can't," Falis replied softly, wrapping her arms around Hokuto's waist, pulling the girl down into her lap.

The tightness of the hug was a little uncomfortable on the hunter's left shoulder, the slight chill of her skin seeping through her shirt and into her girlfriend's arm, but she wasn't going to say anything. Something was wrong. She didn't know what it was, but it was important.

She could just feel it.

"Hey... pretty girl... talk to me..."


Re: F22 akarusa March 8 2009, 03:43:21 UTC
Hokuto sighed quietly; her emotions had always cycled quickly, but she didn't think she'd been so fast to go from laughter to tears until what happened with Sei-chan. "Just missing a lot of people," she said quietly. "We lost someone else last night... remember Signum?"

They'd already lost so many people, and more to come in the future. How many friends could even she bear to make and then lose?


Re: F22 himetsuru March 8 2009, 03:54:35 UTC
"The knight? Yeah..."

Falis slipped one hand between Hokuto's shirt and her vest, gently stroking her fingers across the girl's lower back in what she hoped was a comforting motion. She really sucked at this comforting shit. Last time she'd said some stuff that was really bad and she'd made Hokuto cry. Maybe this time she'd just not talk.


Re: F22 akarusa March 8 2009, 04:01:35 UTC
"She went down in battle. She's a warrior, I should be glad it was that..." Hokuto gulped. "But so did I, and I know what it's like. It's not a good way to go."

She was silent for a moment. "I still got to die in peace," she finally whispered. "I don't think Signum's killer stopped until it was all over."


Re: F22 himetsuru March 8 2009, 04:07:32 UTC
This was something Falis could actually talk about. She pulled back from the hug and put her hand to Hokuto's face, getting the girl to meet her eyes.

"Hokuto, you aren't a warrior. A fighter, yes, one of the strongest people I know, but you are not a warrior," she said, her voice quiet. "A warrior never dies in peace. When we choose to become a warrior, we accept that we will eventually die a violent, unpleasant death. We hope when our time comes, it is quick, but we know the odds of that are rare."

She caressed her girlfriend's cheek. "When we do die, it doesn't matter how we do. What matters is what we die for. The one that finally kills us can do whatever they want to our bodies, but knowing we died for something we believed in, something we set out to do, even in defiance of something else... If we die having accomplished that, we have no regrets."

She was silent for a moment. "And that is what is important."


Re: F22 akarusa March 8 2009, 04:44:20 UTC
Hokuto nodded, then leaned in again and hugged Falis tight. Signum wouldn't have wanted to die (she hoped), but in her own view she would have died well... Hokuto closed her eyes and started to cry.

As quickly as the storm came, though, it soon passed; she lay with her head on Falis' shoulder, quiet for the moment. Mourning was usually selfish, and it was especially true now, when Signum was finally out of here. She would keep on missing her, and Hitsugaya, and everyone else she'd had to say goodbye to... if they'd liked her or not. But for the living, even the temporarily living, life went on.


Re: F22 himetsuru March 8 2009, 04:49:17 UTC
Falis had saw the understanding in Hokuto's eyes and thought she'd done good. She held her girl tight when she was hugged again, once more ignoring the discomfort of her shoulder. Then she felt the wetness on her neck and felt Hokuto start to cry.

Oh no.. What'd she say that was wrong? How'd she fuck up this time?

Falis' eyes were wide open as she continued to hold Hokuto, trying to decide if she even wanted to open her mouth again, her body tense. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

Why did she always make things worse when she tried to be all comforting?


Re: F22 akarusa March 8 2009, 04:57:16 UTC
"Thank you," Hokuto whispered, not realizing the princess thought she'd screwed up again. "Every time I think I'm adjusting, I get another reminder I'm just a city girl, meant to stress out over exams, not life and death."

But having Falis helped; she was everything Hokuto wasn't, really.

However long we have together... She realized she didn't know what to pray, either. May it be all it can be.


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