Nightshift 39: F21-F30 Hallway

Mar 05, 2009 11:31

...Now that was ridiculous. The guy was supposed to inspire fear, and he was sleeping? Well, that was just.... Senna shook her head, moving to the closet to switch into her Shinigami uniform quickly, and grab the wooden spear she still had ( Read more... )

junpei, dairine, senna, armand, hokuto, beatrix, falis, yukari, skuld, hanatarou, chidori

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Comments 210

F29 remedying March 6 2009, 00:57:14 UTC
Well, today certainly was one for finding out what eyebrow-raising things Landel was capable of performing over the intercom, wasn't it? And yet, somehow she couldn't blame him for falling asleep this late; being evil and completely batshit all the time had to have been exhausting after a while.

Ha ha. She really shouldn't have been thinking things like that.

Dinner, thankfully, proved to be nice and quiet, just like the previous evening had been. It gave Yukari the time to get started and prepared for the night ahead of her. Mainly for her makeshift quiver, which really wasn't as complicated as she had anticipated, but still required some decent amount of thought nonetheless. A pillowcase, a ripped up sheet (the hardest part, she also found out; tearing up cloth was ridiculously exhausting when you only had the point-end of a pen to use... and, okay, maybe she ended up using an arrow's end to help, too), more poking of holes, and the tying of knots resulted in something that was workable. Nothing close to the genuine thing, but it ( ... )


remedying March 10 2009, 23:52:47 UTC
[to here.]


F22 himetsuru March 6 2009, 02:56:43 UTC
Falis was content to finish creating a new spear and a couple stakes while she waited. She didn't expect Hokuto to take long.

Maybe she could get her to do a little massage on her left shoulder. Or at least warm it up a bit before things really heated up.


F21 to F22 akarusa March 6 2009, 06:28:29 UTC
Hokuto had to smile a little as she got dressed; technically there wasn't much point, since she was going to be undressed shortly, but she thought people might notice if she slipped into Falis' room in just her shorts and shirt.

She hadn't seen a fight in this hall yet, so she left her weapon behind; she was only going next door, anyway. To be polite, she knocked.


F22 himetsuru March 6 2009, 06:31:54 UTC
Falis paused in her motions, sword held expertly in her hand as she carved a sharp point onto a stake, and smiled.

"Oi! Unless you're a gorgeous girl, get the fuck away," she called, a grin in her voice. "And if you are one, then get the fuck in here."


Re: F22 akarusa March 6 2009, 06:54:30 UTC
Hokuto actually laughed, something she hadn't done enough lately, and opened the door. "Good evening." She refused to be bothered by lack of lock; instead, once inside she picked up a chair and jammed it under the doorknob.

She didn't want to talk about how her day had been--or, really, anything else. She wanted to be held, and to be distracted. If not for the fact that she risked damaging both weapons she would have grabbed them out of Falis' hands and tossed them into the corner.


F21 whos_da_man March 6 2009, 03:17:20 UTC
[from here]

Junpei shined his flashlight on the room numbers as he passed by them. Jeeze, it looked like Chidori's room was all the way... at the far end.

Now that he was finally there, the teen leaned casually agains teh frame and knocked.

"Yo, Chidori!"


Re: F21 fear_attachment March 8 2009, 02:04:17 UTC
Chidori had apparently slept through dinner, as well as the departure of her room-mate. Well, no matter--it didn't look like dinner had been anything she would really have wanted to eat in any case.

She did take a moment to settle her hair a bit before answering Junpei's knock on the door, though. It was silly, but it was something she felt the irrational need to do. That taken care of, Chidori opened the door and nodded to Junpei. "You remembered the room number."


Re: F21 whos_da_man March 8 2009, 02:09:22 UTC
Junpei's grin grew upon the sight of her. Damn, he really couldn't get too upset at this lame place since it gave him a chance to spend the time he'd always wanted with Chidori. Sure, there might be some monsters and freaky shit, but... he had her. It couldn't all be bad, could it?

"How could I forget?" He stopped leaning against the frame. "This is the first time I've gotten to come knocking on your door to take you out on a date."

Okay... so maybe gathering a bunch of metal wasn't an ideal situation to be calling a date, but Junpei would take what he could get. "Oh! I'm in M8." He smiled, clearly proud of himself for remembering.


Re: F21 fear_attachment March 8 2009, 02:16:26 UTC
Chidori's expression pretty much said what she thought of describing their metal hunt as a 'date', but the scowl faded after a moment as she wondered if maybe Junpei had figured out what else she'd wanted to talk about tonight. That probably did count as a date, and then some, after all.

... Well. After the metal they could talk about that. Chidori didn't want Junpei distracted from the errand. "Shall we go?"


F30 mitase March 7 2009, 01:39:29 UTC
[from here]

Hanatarou arrived at the door fairly quickly after he'd set out, but when he paused it wasn't out of any need to catch his breath. He was admittedly rather reluctant to carry a sword that wasn't Hisagomaru, and not just because of the fact that his zanpakutou tended to be rather forgiving in a way that a non-sentient piece of steel wouldn't be.

He finally sighed, then drew in a deep breath and raised his hand to knock on the door. With his luck, Skuld would've completely forgotten that he was coming and have already left. That mightn't be so bad, though, even if it probably would annoy the vice-captain to have to keep guard over him.


Re: F30 innovator_skuld March 7 2009, 04:56:35 UTC
Very glad she'd had time to get dressed in her own outfit, Skuld dashed to the door and opened it; oh, the shinigami. "Hanatarou-san--good evening."

His sword was on the floor alongside Willow's ax; she stepped back to let him in, and pointed to where it was. "There you go." Her friendly smile turned a little more satisfied; he should be pretty impressed with her work. Most people were, and with reason.


Re: F30 mitase March 7 2009, 05:25:51 UTC
Surprise of surprises, she was actually still there. And had remembered the sword. Maybe there was just something about this place, something very strange, that just...changed the way people reacted to him. If so, Hanatarou wondered if maybe he could keep that once he returned to Soul Society, because it was almost pleasant.

He managed a smile for Skuld and bowed politely before entering, his attention shifting toward the sword (and ax? - that must've been for someone else) lying on the floor, and he blinked once. Well. It certainly did look like Hisagomaru in its unrelased form, save for the unadorned blade, and as he lowered himself to one knee to examine it, he was suddenly and inexplicably struck by just how very much he missed his zanpakutou. Even if he neglected it often, it had always still been there.

Whenever I get back, he promised himself and his missing zanpakutou fervently, I'll never leave you behind again. Ever.This substitute would have to do for now, though. And it was well-made, at least; Skuld certainly did know ( ... )


Re: F30 innovator_skuld March 7 2009, 05:53:28 UTC
"I will," Skuld promised. "For now, just--do what you plan to, and that's enough." She bowed back--not nearly as low, but as a warrior-goddess to a warrior.

It didn't feel like enough, but for right now at least, this was what she was here for.


wiz_kid_redfive March 12 2009, 05:00:29 UTC
Dairine was curious about this Astor kid. Something about him didn't seem quite right...just a little off. Like he was lying to her. She may not have had her wizardry in daylight, but words were precious tools, and she could tell that some things he said were stretches of the truth at the very least.

Nobody here was normal.

[to here]


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