Day 38 -- Doctor's Office 8 [Dr Disraeli]

Jan 10, 2009 10:02

The wait between the previous week and this one had not been all that long, but Jizabel soon found that did not matter much for a place such as Landel's Institute. Over half of his patients from the week before were absent from his list - the new list he'd been given upon arrival - either changed out for new faces or otherwise released. Losing patients between weeks would not do if he was to build any rapport as a therapist, or if he wanted any stability to his data collecting, but he could not protest it. If patients were being turned over to their families, "cured" of their delusions (if it could really be called that), then the therapist he was could only be happy for it.

At the very least, the new list seemed to have some interesting cases. His first for the day, a Mr. Robin Cross, had a sketchy past with deep issues involving his guardian, and his second, Mr. Arnold Brandt, thought himself a man of metal. Both were new to him, and with only the files to go on Jizabel could not expect to know much about either man. He could, however, relate easily with the contents of Mr. Cross's file, and that warranted Jizabel's interest enough to greet his patient at the door.

"Welcome, Mr. Cross. I've been expecting you," Dr. Disraeli greeted, smiling as he motioned a hand towards the chair, "My name is Dr. Jizabel Disraeli, and I will be your therapist for today. Please make yourself comfortable, and we will get started."

jizabel, fai

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