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F12 hajike_tobiume December 5 2008, 17:31:54 UTC
Another meal for Momo to not eat. She'd not touched a single bit of food all day and she wasn't going to start now. Her nurse had gone on about making sure she ate at least a little since she hadn't been 'feeling well' and it would do her some good.

Nope. Not happening.

Once her nurse left, the tray sat untouched on the desk next to her journal and the small shinigami curled up in her bed. Tonight was going to be very hard, for many reasons, and she really just wanted to have Hitsugaya hold her, but Renji did deserve the memorial. Hopefully, she can get some rest while waiting for the night to come. Hopefully, her demon roommate would take the hint that, being under the covers, she didn't want to talk.

Momo was pretty sure Anya wouldn't recognize a hint if it hit her in the head.


Re: F12 wishescankill December 6 2008, 06:13:35 UTC
Anya had wandered out briefly for the last shift, but had spent most of the day recovering from her various unpleasant wounds in the relative comfort of the empty room. When she finally made her way back, Momo was curled up on her bed.

"Hello, roommate!" Anya greeted her enthusiastically, feeling quite happy and refreshed after her relaxing day. The vengeance demon bounced over to her desk and started digging into her warm meal. She did love chicken.


Re: F12 hajike_tobiume December 6 2008, 06:26:18 UTC
Maybe if Momo ignored her, Anya would go away. The bullies in Rukongai did when she was growing up... before Hitsugaya started getting over-protective and stepping in.

The shinigami pulled the covers tighter and rolled away from Anya so she was facing the wall. Please, leave me alone...


Re: F12 wishescankill December 6 2008, 06:36:33 UTC
When Anya was mostly done with her meal, she put her fork down and hopped onto her own bed. She stared at the wall with its little tick mark for a long time, debating whether she wanted to add up the proper amount of tick marks.

No, that would be boring.

But she didn't have anything better to do, so she sat on the edge of the bed for a few moments, contemplating how to amuse herself until night fell.

"I don't suppose you have any board games stashed away?" she asked Momo. Playing board games was a suitable method of passing the time amongst humans - she had soundly beaten many a competitor at Monopoly and The Game of Life.


Re: F12 hajike_tobiume December 6 2008, 06:39:22 UTC
Ignoring... ignoring... ignoring... Board games, what?

"There is a lack of Go or Shogun in this place," came the muffled reply from beneath the covers. Momo wasn't sure why she'd even answered. So much for the ignoring.


Re: F12 wishescankill December 6 2008, 06:52:01 UTC
"I've never heard of those. Are they board games you dead people play?"

Anya was mildly disappointed that Momo didn't have Monopoly. She had never lost that game, though that was hardly surprising given her intelligence and highly skilled market acumen.

Monopoly was a microcosm of life: economic pressures being played out in miniature by small silver casts of shoes and top hats. Of course she had a knack for it: handling money was her greatest talent.


Re: F12 hajike_tobiume December 6 2008, 06:53:35 UTC
With a heavy sigh, Momo drew in a breath. Patience, shingami. Patience.

"No, they are board games the Japanese play. Why do you want a game to play anyways?" She shouldn't have asked. She knew this, yet she still asked.


Re: F12 wishescankill December 6 2008, 07:01:43 UTC
"Because I'm bored," Anya explained, like it was the most obvious thing in the world. She was have thrown in a 'duh' for good measure, but that was a bit too Sunnydale. That was how stupid Harris talked. She was so over him.

"What do you do when you're bored? I presume there are skulls and bowling pins involved, or perhaps you possess people and lobsters and force them to sing amusing colloquial songs about bananas!" She grinned at her roommate, convinced she'd guessed right. She'd seen something along those lines in a film Xander had showed her once, and it had seemed to make perfect sense.


Re: F12 hajike_tobiume December 6 2008, 07:03:07 UTC
"I read," Momo replied and then hunkered down in her covers more. Yup, she'd been right; she shouldn't have asked. The oni's thought process was baffling.


Re: F12 wishescankill December 6 2008, 07:08:48 UTC
Momo didn't seem to want to talk, which annoyed and puzzled Anya.

"Why are you hiding under the covers?" She glanced up at the ceiling fixtures. She'd heard somewhere that florescent lights were really bad for you. They turned you green, or something. "Have you developed a sudden deadly allergy to light? If so, you need to have that looked at by a doctor immediately. Otherwise you'll have to live in a basement and only come out on nights when there's no moon! I have a friend who lived in a basement and he went insane. He seems better now..."

She still wasn't sure what to think of Spike being here. He'd complimented her hair, so she supposed she was happy about it.


Re: F12 hajike_tobiume December 6 2008, 07:11:02 UTC
"I am perfectly unallergic to light, Anya," Momo replied, her words much sharper than she'd intended. "That's a ridiculous idea."

Momo tried to compose herself. "People tend to be under the covers of a bed when they want to rest. I am trying to do that, but you keep talking to me."


Re: F12 wishescankill December 6 2008, 07:16:30 UTC
"Your refusal to partake in conversation is baffling and slightly hurtful. I'm only trying to make small talk." Anya pouted slightly, resting her chin on her hands and wrinkling her forehead.

"And I'm sorry I didn't know about the covers, but human social cues are not something I understand easily. And you're not human anyway, you're dead, so something a human would do is not necessarily something you would do," she pointed out in a reasonable tone of voice.


Re: F12 hajike_tobiume December 6 2008, 15:16:43 UTC
"I was once human," Momo replied, but sat up to look at Anya. She didn't want to talk to the oni, but Anya's comment about the shinigami's wish to be left alone being somewhat hurtful was enough to rouse her. She hadn't intended on being mean to the oni ( ... )


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