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Comments 708

F4 thatdamnedninja December 5 2008, 16:39:11 UTC
The days always passed by faster than the nights, but this was bordering on ridiculous.

Was it all because she’d fallen asleep after breakfast? Geez. Yuffie let a long sigh as she trailed into her room, rubbing the back of her neck. That couldn’t be it! She’d barely even gotten started, and now it was over! She hadn’t even managed to see Sagara!

Woah, woah! The thief shook her head, as though doing so would send that traitorous thought flying straight out of her ears. It wasn’t like she missed the guy - she’d only seen him just last night! She just… She’d just been looking forward to proving that yeah, she was the kickass one, and therefore she had totally won that pillow fight. Yeah. That was it.

After the chat she’d had with Mizuho, though… Sagara being unable to accept his failure was the least of her problems. Ugh. Yuffie flopped on the edge of her bed, pulling her tray of food closer. Her current and more pressing problem was Rude. A little more viciously than necessary, Yuffie speared a piece of chicken ( ... )


Re: F4 tostepforward December 5 2008, 18:14:53 UTC
Her plans had been made for the evening, and Ayumu had hope that she'd be able to find something useful, whether it be information or a more tangible item. Even in a strange situation she could still do her best to fulfill the mission she'd been given, even one as vague as this. What she needed was to get back as soon as possible, through whatever means necessary ( ... )


Re: F4 thatdamnedninja December 5 2008, 18:49:23 UTC
Kick him in the nuts as hard as she could and then she could-- Huh, the door was opening?

Yuffie glanced up, fork pausing half-way to her mouth. Oh yeah..! New roommates today; it made sense that she’d get one for her very own, too. She wasn’t sure if she was pleased or a little put-out (or still frothing with rage at the audacity of that bastard), though. On one hand, it could be nice to have a little company in the evenings again. On the other hand, Yuffie definitely preferred to have her own space.

Dropping the fork back onto her plate with a clatter, Yuffie returned the smile with her trademark, grin, quick and cheeky. “Yo,” she greeted, not missing a beat. Even if she didn’t feel anywhere near as cheerful as she was acting, she didn’t want to take it out on the newcomer - on Sen. Yet. Even she had more sense than that; she’d wait and see exactly what she was dealing with first ( ... )


Re: F4 tostepforward December 5 2008, 20:07:16 UTC
The 'Great and Awesome White Rose of Wutai'? That was quite the impressive title, and her new acquaintance seemed rather pleased by it. And very certain of herself, as well. Some kind of noble title, maybe? Although she'd never heard of "Wutai" before.

Ayumu blinked once, as though a little overwhelmed. "Is that where you're from, Yuffie-han?" she inquired, moving to take a seat at the desk now that the polite formalities were out of the way. "From...'Wutai', I mean? I don't think I know where that is."

The girl seemed cheerful and friendly enough, but Ayumu still remained on her guard; it would hopefully make her easier to get along with, but she also was paying attention. People who paid close attention to what was going on made her job slightly more difficult.


M58 broken_exorcist December 5 2008, 16:55:31 UTC
Today had been a long and somewhat tiring day, more emotionally draining than physically. He'd have to check on Rinali first thing. If she wasn't here anymore, he wasn't sure what he'd do. Rukia, Renji, Lavi, and now Rinali? The only person left from his world was one he wanted very little to do with, namely Tyki.

Still, he was determined to at least check and figure things out before he let his emotions get the better of him. She'd been late before, it was possible that was all it was. He hoped that's all it was.


Re: M58 sasuke_of_sound December 6 2008, 09:42:57 UTC
By the end of the day, Sasuke was more than sick of talking. The smell of dinner that increased as his nurse led him into the patient quarters was just as appetizing as lunch had been, and Sasuke sort of hoped to simply eat and get through this Nightshift without complications.

When he entered the room, he gave Allen a perfunctory nod and greeting and immediately started on his dinner. At least the food here was solid enough that he could probably count on being energised for Nightshift.


Re: M58 broken_exorcist December 7 2008, 06:39:43 UTC
Allen said a quiet hello, having finished his meal, more of less, by the time Sasuke arrived. He picked at it here and there, but wasn't all that interested in it.

"Good evening Sasuke, how've you been?" he asked, more out of formality and to pass the time than anything else.


Re: M58 sasuke_of_sound December 7 2008, 07:16:23 UTC
Sasuke ate quickly, more than hungry enough, but paused when Allen spoke. How was Sasuke? The proper answer would have been that he'd been much, much better (notably before Naruto and anyone associated with him had arrived in the Institute). There was no point sharing that kind of information, though.

"I had some success working through the basement last night," Sasuke said, between eating. "You?"


F33 quickdrawbkiddo December 5 2008, 17:26:46 UTC
Dinner was acceptable, almost quite good if Beatrix overlooked where it came from. The blonde ate quietly, her thoughts turned inward as she ran scenarios concerning the upcoming night with SubZero and HK-47 through her head. Sitting on the desk next to her tray were two brightly colored beaded bracelets she'd made in Arts & Crafts.


Re: F33 fyeonly December 5 2008, 22:24:10 UTC
Naomi looked exhausted as she was escorted into the room she shared with Arlene. And she felt exhausted. She wasn't sure why, she hadn't done that much the night before. Maybe it was just everything catching up with her, physically, mentally and emotionally. She didn't know. She half-waved to her roommate before grabbing her dinner tray and slumping into bed with it.

She hated to waste another night, but it looked like she may as well just stay in. At least for a little while. She wasn't in much condition to do anything else.


Re: F33 quickdrawbkiddo December 6 2008, 05:37:55 UTC
"You look like shit," Beatrix stated after a quick glance up when Maki arrived. "Longer day than usual?"


Re: F33 fyeonly December 7 2008, 20:01:02 UTC
"I guess," Naomi said, shaking her head. "I don't know. I feel like crap. Just worn out and exhausted. Maybe this place is starting to get to me." The former FBI agent ran a hand through her hair before starting in on her dinner.

It made sense, didn't it? That eventually, all the nights of running around and lack of sleep would catch up with a person. Maybe that was all it was.

At least tonight's dinner was good.


F10 kagurazuki December 5 2008, 17:30:26 UTC
Despite the coming night and all the dangers that would follow, today had been a really nice, even normal day, at least through some parts. She hoped she would get to meet with Yukari and Brainiac again, they'd both been really nice and maybe she was just imagining it, but even seemed to enjoy her company, if only just a little. She didn't think she'd ever had so many people she could call friend, even if it was only a small and budding friendship.

Meeting with Bridget every day was fun too, though she wished he would open up a little more. Then again, maybe that was her fault. She didn't really make a habit of talking much about herself to strangers, but then... Bridget wasn't really a stranger anymore, he was a really good friend.

The food tonight smelled really yummy and well-seasoned too, much better than the greasy hamburgers and hot dogs from lunch. She said a quiet Itadakimasu! before starting her meal. Max hadn't been there last night either, but there was still a tray of food laid out for her. Kagura had to ( ... )


F12 hajike_tobiume December 5 2008, 17:31:54 UTC
Another meal for Momo to not eat. She'd not touched a single bit of food all day and she wasn't going to start now. Her nurse had gone on about making sure she ate at least a little since she hadn't been 'feeling well' and it would do her some good.

Nope. Not happening.

Once her nurse left, the tray sat untouched on the desk next to her journal and the small shinigami curled up in her bed. Tonight was going to be very hard, for many reasons, and she really just wanted to have Hitsugaya hold her, but Renji did deserve the memorial. Hopefully, she can get some rest while waiting for the night to come. Hopefully, her demon roommate would take the hint that, being under the covers, she didn't want to talk.

Momo was pretty sure Anya wouldn't recognize a hint if it hit her in the head.


Re: F12 wishescankill December 6 2008, 06:13:35 UTC
Anya had wandered out briefly for the last shift, but had spent most of the day recovering from her various unpleasant wounds in the relative comfort of the empty room. When she finally made her way back, Momo was curled up on her bed.

"Hello, roommate!" Anya greeted her enthusiastically, feeling quite happy and refreshed after her relaxing day. The vengeance demon bounced over to her desk and started digging into her warm meal. She did love chicken.


Re: F12 hajike_tobiume December 6 2008, 06:26:18 UTC
Maybe if Momo ignored her, Anya would go away. The bullies in Rukongai did when she was growing up... before Hitsugaya started getting over-protective and stepping in.

The shinigami pulled the covers tighter and rolled away from Anya so she was facing the wall. Please, leave me alone...


Re: F12 wishescankill December 6 2008, 06:36:33 UTC
When Anya was mostly done with her meal, she put her fork down and hopped onto her own bed. She stared at the wall with its little tick mark for a long time, debating whether she wanted to add up the proper amount of tick marks.

No, that would be boring.

But she didn't have anything better to do, so she sat on the edge of the bed for a few moments, contemplating how to amuse herself until night fell.

"I don't suppose you have any board games stashed away?" she asked Momo. Playing board games was a suitable method of passing the time amongst humans - she had soundly beaten many a competitor at Monopoly and The Game of Life.


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