Nightshift 35: West Wing, North Hall 1-A

Sep 22, 2008 11:17

[from here]Wally took a quick look around the hallway before looking back at Tony. "Maintenance closet, nurses' station and maybe a doctor's office? I'm guessing most of that stuff'll be on the second floor, right?" He hadn't seen much of the institute last night, as this was when he'd kicked into superspeed on his way out. Things were mostly a ( Read more... )

von karma, sanji, tony stark, guy, senna, kaiji, usopp, xigbar, gumshoe, rude, alexander conklin, the doctor, naomi, frey, allen, tokito, matsuda, okita, kristoph, takaya, hitsugaya, artemis, kaoru, gin, hikaru, shadow, the flash

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Comments 139

i_dont_paint September 22 2008, 01:34:03 UTC
"Probably," Tony replied. "And locked, unless we're damned lucky." He looked over the eerily empty-seeming hallway, eyebrows raising. It hadn't precisely been crowded the night before, but there had been enough people present that neither had it felt like a ghost town. It did tonight, and the difference put him on edge. "Is it just me, or is it a little too quiet out here?" he muttered, not without a hint of irony at the horror-story standard of the line.


scarletspeedstr September 22 2008, 03:24:37 UTC
"Well, maybe we could try breaking the locks?" Wally said doubtfully. After all, Kal had done that last night without too much trouble. But then again, if Kal really was Clark, then did he have powers too? That could have explained that... He shook his head. That was something he'd have to sort out later, he decided.

Tony's comment brought his attention back to the suspiciously empty hallway. "Dude! Don't say that! Now we're pretty much guaranteed a monster attack! Don't you watch horror movies at all?" he exclaimed jokingly, though a prickling sensation at the back of his neck made him wonder how true that was. He half-turned quickly, as though expecting something nasty to pop up behind them. The hallway remained eerily empty, but he decided he didn't want to stick around in case that changed. "Come on, we should probably keep moving before I turn out to be right about the monsters."

[to here]


traitors_smile September 22 2008, 04:14:58 UTC
[[from here]]

Gin padded quietly down the empty hall, surprised at how few people were out and about. He'd thought he was running late, but perhaps he wasn't the only one. As he got closer, it wasn't as difficult to sense the reiatsu of other shinigami. Fun as it might be to surprise them, it would be more entertaining to follow for a while and see how long it took them to notice. Besides, it would be just like old times.

Doing what he could to mask his own reiatsu, Gin crept closer to the door at the end of the hall.


traitors_smile September 23 2008, 15:17:13 UTC
[[to here]]


razing_phoenix September 22 2008, 04:31:40 UTC
[From here.]

Another almost empty hallway. Guy glanced around, somewhat wary, and pointed his flashlight out and over at the one other patient occupying this stretch of hall. He was fairly certain he recognized the man - hadn't he spoken to him once on one of his first days in this place? - but it wasn't worth reacting to any more than that.

"Doing okay so far?" he asked, glancing over his shoulder at Okita with a brief smile. So far so good, at least.


notachick September 22 2008, 06:18:14 UTC
If Guy had a meeting, then Okita didn't want to make him tardy, or worse, miss it. His roommate was being considerate about Okita's slow pace, but that only made the swordsman wish he could go faster. He probably could, considering he was off to see the healer after this. Stepping up his pace a little, Okita caught up with Guy and smiled at him. "I wonder why it is that people ask to meet without telling them the reason why. It's very common here, isn't it? All the secrecy."

This hallway was almost empty save for two other patients and that was more than a little unnerving. Had everyong else already left? Or was it that people hadn't started moving yet? Whichever it was, Okita felt a certain urgency in the air and moved forward as he gave Guy a cheeky grin and said, "Absolutely. Let's not make you late, hm?"

[going here]


fyeonly September 22 2008, 05:21:10 UTC
( from here)

"Boston's a wonderful city," Naomi went on, passing into the hallway that led to the dorms with higher numbers. "It's old. And big, and majestic and it has everything. And it's right on the ocean. Boston has some of the best seafood you could ever taste. And all these little hidden places...."

She did miss it. But she'd ended up in LA. And she loved LA, too, but there was something special about Boston.


showtime_matsu September 22 2008, 21:58:13 UTC
"Maybe." They hadn't been in LA for very long, but it was still a possibility. It wasn't all that long ago, either, so maybe it was just fresh in his mind? Oh well, if he remembered, then he could let her know.

He was happy to move on to talking about Boston, though. "Wow, sounds great! Maybe if I ever get some time off, I should go visit..." He tried to ignore the little voice that finished it with if we ever get out of here, and focused on the other things she'd said about the place. "What sort of seafood do they serve? I heard that American food is a lot different from Japanese food."


fyeonly September 22 2008, 22:02:40 UTC
"You should," Naomi agreed. "It's worth the trip." She glanced up and down the hall, making sure things seemed clear for now.

"Oh, yeah, the food's different but it's still pretty familiar. If you ever go, make sure you try clam chowder. New England's the best place to get it. Lobster's big, too, and crab cakes. You can get good sushi there, though. And there are a lot of Japanese restaurants." Especially in certain areas.

"Everything's nice and fresh, though, since fishing trade is big there. And the islands are very nice. You can take boat tours out there. Sometimes you can see whales, right up close in the wild."


showtime_matsu September 23 2008, 00:20:35 UTC
That sure sounded like lots of fun to him! He'd definitely have to go, then. There were so many things he had to do once he got back home. Catch Kira, first and foremost, but he also had to start a band with Demyx and go to Boston. Maybe go start a band in Boston, if he was feeling daring enough.

...Of course, he'd need to find someone else who knew more than the little bit of English that he was familiar with.

The food and whales were what caught Matsuda's attention most, though. He had to survive over there if he went to visit, and if he took his parents, he was sure that being up close to whales would fascinate them. "It's been a while since I've been on a boat, so that would be lots of fun," he replied, grinning at Maki. "And...clam chowder, you said? I'll definitely try it out."


hangenki September 22 2008, 23:30:34 UTC
[From here.]

Kaoru ought to feel pleased the closer he got to Hikaru's room but, dammit, he just got worried. He was used to Hikaru getting to him first. It meant avoiding this horrible long hallway that had freaked him out so much. Of course now he was busy concentrating on getting there and trying to forget monsters. One problem at a time.


totallytheseme September 22 2008, 23:49:54 UTC
[from here.]

Apparently the patron deities of psychopathic mental hospitals were on the twins' side tonight (for once), because Hikaru spotted his brother as soon as he got out to the main hallway. That was a relief.

"Oi, Kaoru. Did you eat a little dinner?"


hangenki September 22 2008, 23:54:41 UTC
Kaoru collapsed (on purpose) against his brother. It was the 'what a long day' hug of choice.

"Yeah," he nodded, against his brother's shoulder. "You? Why am I even asking. Of course you ate it." He prodded Hikaru's belly and stood up straight.



damned_monsters September 23 2008, 17:05:11 UTC
Before the pair could agree on a destination, a low growl came out of the darkness. Red eyes glinted as what appeared to be a lone cat, searching the halls for dinner, slunk out of the shadows towards the boys.



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