Nightshift 35: West Wing, North Hall 1-A

Sep 22, 2008 11:17

[from here]Wally took a quick look around the hallway before looking back at Tony. "Maintenance closet, nurses' station and maybe a doctor's office? I'm guessing most of that stuff'll be on the second floor, right?" He hadn't seen much of the institute last night, as this was when he'd kicked into superspeed on his way out. Things were mostly a ( Read more... )

von karma, sanji, tony stark, guy, senna, kaiji, usopp, xigbar, gumshoe, rude, alexander conklin, the doctor, naomi, frey, allen, tokito, matsuda, okita, kristoph, takaya, hitsugaya, artemis, kaoru, gin, hikaru, shadow, the flash

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hangenki September 22 2008, 23:30:34 UTC
[From here.]

Kaoru ought to feel pleased the closer he got to Hikaru's room but, dammit, he just got worried. He was used to Hikaru getting to him first. It meant avoiding this horrible long hallway that had freaked him out so much. Of course now he was busy concentrating on getting there and trying to forget monsters. One problem at a time.


totallytheseme September 22 2008, 23:49:54 UTC
[from here.]

Apparently the patron deities of psychopathic mental hospitals were on the twins' side tonight (for once), because Hikaru spotted his brother as soon as he got out to the main hallway. That was a relief.

"Oi, Kaoru. Did you eat a little dinner?"


hangenki September 22 2008, 23:54:41 UTC
Kaoru collapsed (on purpose) against his brother. It was the 'what a long day' hug of choice.

"Yeah," he nodded, against his brother's shoulder. "You? Why am I even asking. Of course you ate it." He prodded Hikaru's belly and stood up straight.



damned_monsters September 23 2008, 17:05:11 UTC
Before the pair could agree on a destination, a low growl came out of the darkness. Red eyes glinted as what appeared to be a lone cat, searching the halls for dinner, slunk out of the shadows towards the boys.



valyns_shadow September 24 2008, 01:10:14 UTC
[from here]

Shadow stepped out into the hallway and the first thing he heard was a low growl of a cat. "Ancestors," he muttered, prepared to duck back inside before he heard two voices. He glanced over to his right to see two boys in the path of the cat. He couldn't let the cat get to them so he wracked his mind thinking of a way to divert the cat.

"Hey, kitty!" Shadow called, using his magic to create a medium sized mage light. It was going to drain him, he knew, but if he aimed the ball right perhaps he could knock it back long enough to run. "Fetch!"

He tossed the ball at the cat before turning towards the two boys. "Run!" he called to them, gesturing they move down the hall.


totallytheseme September 24 2008, 06:11:01 UTC
"Of course I did. It was actually pretty good. How much did y--"

Oh fuck.

After several nights of getting from his room to Tamaki's completely unscathed, Hikaru had gotten soft. He still had angry, red scars on his stomach from his last encounter with one of Landel's furry denizens, but that had been...over a week ago. He'd let the relative calm lull him into a false sense of security.

It wasn't going to get Kaoru.

He moved into a defensive position almost automatically, shielding his brother with his own body. Then suddenly there was another kid, and he was shooting a fireball from his hands like in an anime or something, and shouting at them to run.

And he wanted to run. He wanted to grab Kaoru's wrist and get them both the hell out of Dodge. But just like last time, he couldn't move. He just stood there, mouth agape, staring at the horrible thing that probably had once been a cat.


hangenki September 24 2008, 09:49:40 UTC
The dreaded question. But Kaoru really HAD tried. And succeeded in that small but sincere effort. He was about to try and answer in a way that would satisfy his brother when...he really had no need.

There was a cat. Then another guy. Then a fireball and then some very good advice. He'd been about to jostle his way in front of his brother to protect him. But now he stood still, half expecting Hikaru to start running and drag him along behind.

He had his brother's hand and couldn't tell which of them was shaking. As nausea and dizziness crept over him he was suddenly all to aware of how stupid he'd been the past few days.

Hikaru. Dammit.

Suddenly his feet were moving. If he lost steam or consciousness, he was sure Hikaru would take over once they got going. Kaoru dragged Hikaru along behind him and made for the next hall.

[To here.]


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