Day 33: Greenhouse (Men)

Jul 03, 2008 10:25

[About to make a new fan friend.]By the time Aidou arrived at the greenhouse, he was once again immersed in his own thoughts. Idle talk with Anise was over. Where the hell was Kyon? Nurses usually gave the excuse of “they’re sick” or “they’re sleeping,” which were no doubt lies, but given out during the instances where prisoners actually came back ( Read more... )

shito, kenshin, homura, dias, badou, kaito, gumshoe, rude, sora, wolfram, luffy, ashton, demyx, claude, zex, angel, kikyo, zelnick, itachi, artemis, harry osborn, roland, peony, mello, aya, guy, kimbley, xellos, armand, peter petrelli, roy, matt, frey, zoro, sylar, leon magnus, yue, aidou, wolverine, scar (tlk), haseo

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arrogantflame July 3 2008, 17:06:25 UTC
[Fan? Yeah right.]Well, despite everything that Wolfram did not like about being stuck in this place, he had to admit that so far it was an improvement over yesterday. So far he hadn't been taunted, or ignored, or accidentally sat on anyone (what he wouldn't give to take that moment back). It was frustrating knowing that he couldn't act out, that even though he wasn't literally behind bars it was still very much a prison. He had noticed that the intercom's voice seemed different than yesterday, but beyond that he wasn't particularly in the mood for figuring it out ( ... )


blood_and_pocky July 3 2008, 17:53:19 UTC
[Damn straight. Fangirl.]

Aidou opened his eyes only enough to regard the uninvited person from beneath his lashes. A boy. Blood that had a foreign edge to it. If it'd been someone who had simply invaded his personal space because the rest of the greenhouse was getting crowed, then he might've ignored them as they were bound to ignore him. This one had come straight for him.

As it was, the vampire shifted away, tightening the fold of his arms in a guarded way.

"I doubt my opinion would stop you," Aidou noted dryly. The look he was getting made him more wary than pleased. What was this? Some other unfamiliar pretty boy wanted to bug him?

He was a little more surly than normal, simply because, like with Larsa, he noticed something he would've rather not. At least not today. Upper class bloodlines of any kind were easy to spot, being of one himself.


arrogantflame July 3 2008, 18:25:25 UTC
It wasn't just the looks, Wolfram noticed, although that was similar enough to throw him off - even their eyes were in the same bluish-green spectrum. The way this other boy spoke, the way he presented himself... If Wolfram didn't know any better, he'd say that he was almost looking in some sort of distorted mirror. He couldn't help but be intrigued by it.

He didn't seem to be in the same mindset as say, John. Perhaps he was a form of royalty as well?

Wolfram yawned, covering his mouth politely, but his green eyes remained curiously fixed on the figure in front of him. "If it's really that big of a deal, I could find somewhere else. But it's warmer on this side."


blood_and_pocky July 3 2008, 18:36:24 UTC
"Mmm," was his sceptical reply.

Who needed to be any warmer already? As far as Aidou was concerned, the only thing staring him in the face were his own etiquette lessons. Ones he knew he ought to reach for, because that was how he'd been raised, but on the flip side, not wanting to. It left him rather reluctant to say anything.

Another vampire aristocrat would have gotten his full attention; less so with the other kinds, though he wouldn't be downright rude. Yet. The little human noble he'd met had gotten him when he'd been in a better state of mind, for sure.

He went with the noncommittal approach. "It's fine," he allowed. He thought about saying something further, but dropped it for the moment.


arrogantflame July 3 2008, 19:13:58 UTC
Hmm. Well, it was a fair enough response. Wolfram relaxed a bit more and dropped his gaze, realizing that it was very rude to stare for too long. Especially at another boy, when he was already engaged. But it wasn't like that mattered at this point, right? It's not like he would ever see...

Okay, he was definitely dropping that line of thought before it made him any more depressed. And he had to admit that this boy was definitely attractive, if nothing else.

He let the silence settle between them for a bit before speaking again, arms crossed in front of him and legs shifted so that they really did look like mirror images.

"...I don't suppose you're new here?" he finally asked. "I would have thought that I would have noticed... you before." He somehow managed to keep his cheeks from tinting at the admittance.


blood_and_pocky July 3 2008, 19:43:26 UTC
He didn't think he'd be able to concentrate with someone sitting there staring at him like that, so much more obvious than a group of dozen or more girls doing much the same, but it wasn't until the boy moved that Aidou spared him a second glance.

Reaching out, he made to push Wolfram's knee so that he dropped his leg. How embarrassing! Why was this person copying him!

"I'm not," he answered shortly, from his position partially leaning over Wolfram. For the first time, the vampire looked at him squarely, giving him a considering look which also doubled as a warning not to mimic Aidou and make them get laughed at. But then his expression morphed into a more pleasant one, and he patted Wolfram's knee before leaning away again. "But I appreciate the compliment. It's nice to be called handsome."


arrogantflame July 3 2008, 19:56:16 UTC
Wolfram made a small squeak in surprise as his leg was moved against his will. What the hell! But instead of getting angry, he closed his eyes, counting mentally for a moment before thinking the situation over. This boy was technically here first, and maybe it was just his way of expressing that. Right. He'd just keep telling himself that ( ... )


blood_and_pocky July 3 2008, 20:21:27 UTC
People could say a lot about Aidou and his childish behavior sometimes, but he did have a way of getting what he wanted, whether by throwing a fit or other methods. Usually it was being direct about it ( ... )


arrogantflame July 3 2008, 20:52:14 UTC
What was it he was just thinking about this day being better than yesterday? Perhaps he had spoken too soon. Or thought. Or whatever. He supposed he could get up and move, but that would mean that this boy truly had "won", and Wolfram wasn't about to give up now. Although he did learn one thing from his words... this boy wasn't a Mazoku, if he'd never hard of him or his family heritage.

Really... Flirt? Him? Hmph. As if. "Just because I've never seen a human with hair and eyes like yours doesn't mean I was flirting..." There really was a pinkness in his cheeks now, and Wolfram hoped that it would be mistaken for the sun.

"...Should I call you Aidou? Or do you have one of those backwards names like..." Like Yuuri. It was strange all the things that he knew now that he would have been lost about here if it wasn't for that. But he quickly moved the attention away from said mental topic once again.


blood_and_pocky July 3 2008, 21:05:00 UTC
Human. That put a damper on things for more than one reason.

For one, being thought of an exceptionally beautiful human wasn't always a compliment when it came from a vampire's point of view, and two, it just confirmed that Wolfram was both weird in both body and mind. Hmm. Not surprising, but still. Not as much fun now that reality was setting in.

Rather than take a shot at the obvious increase in blood flow to Wolfram's face, Aidou turned his attention away and looked out over the greenhouse. Inattentive. At least the kid seemed to recognize a Japanese introduction. "Yes, I gave my family name first. But Aidou is fine."


arrogantflame July 3 2008, 21:15:48 UTC
Wolfram seemed to notice the difference in Aidou's demeanor almost instantly, although it only served to make him confused. Had he said something wrong? Perhaps insulted him - it would hardly be the first nor the last time that happened. So he simply sighed and let his eyes drift closed for a moment; he certainly wasn't about to apologize when he wasn't sure what had happened in the first place.

When he opened them again, he allowed his gaze to go out in the same direction as the other boy's, curious to see what he was looking at. If he had to guess, it would be at the flowers. "I don't think they've been watered properly," he started. "And that tree over there is too tall and blocks the sunlight. They should be better on the other side, don't you think?"

Maybe it would be a chance for Aidou to forget about whatever it was that he'd done.


blood_and_pocky July 3 2008, 21:35:33 UTC
"What are you talking about?" he said at first, mostly because Aidou didn't see a point in talking about the plants.

He was a bit ahead of the game, however. There was no way for Wolfram to know that vampires like Aidou had their own affinity with greenery, sometimes manipulating nature the way they saw fit, which left the greenhouse's mistakes blatantly clear to him. The fact that Wolfram was mostly right was a cause for some curiosity. While unlikely that the kid was trying to be like D on purpose, at least he was less annoying at times.

And being a new face, who knew, he'd probably disappear in the next few days.

I like that tree where it is, the vampire couldn't help but think. "Only if people learn how to care for them properly after that, which isn't going to happen," Aidou commented. Even watching the other prisoners work was depressing. No finesse whatsoever. "The roses will wilt soon."


arrogantflame July 3 2008, 22:09:51 UTC
Honestly, Wolfram hadn't been expecting much of an answer. In reality, he kind of expected to be teased more about such a girlish topic. His eyes widened in surprise at the sudden response, before he gazing at the roses as well.

"Perhaps. Mother always used to prefer tend to those herself, although now she's gone too much to give them much care. The servants are pretty good, though."

He realized that Aidou probably couldn't care less, so after making brief eye contact, he stopped talking, dangling leg shifting nervously.


blood_and_pocky July 3 2008, 23:02:25 UTC
Somebody else who had servants. Well, that was something worth appreciating, anyway. Too often people in this place were either amazed or disgusted such things were normal for some people.

“They will,” he stated with finality, giving the fidgety boy beside him a long look when the conversation died. Then he turned his head, and continued staring, with hardly as much concern over manners compared to Wolfram.


arrogantflame July 3 2008, 23:34:16 UTC
Wolfram watched the other boy for a time; not so much staring, just... kind of observing. He wondered if this was what he looked like sometimes on the outside to other people.

"Are you always so quiet?" he finally asked, one hand brushing back a few rebellious strands of hair out of his face. "Or is this a special occasion?"

He stretched both arms up in the air, fingers interlocking, before he shifted to a more comfortable position. "If I didn't know any better, I'd guess that maybe your day has been about as good as mine was."

Not that Wolfram thought it was possible to have a "good day" in this place. But some of the patients who weren't new seemed happy enough, or better off than they were.


blood_and_pocky July 4 2008, 00:05:40 UTC
Mostly, he’d been wondering if Wolfram really was from a noble family, which lead into all sorts of other thoughts, like why the blood he smelled from the boy’s wounds didn’t carry the tang of humanity like many people here seemed to lack. Not things he felt he should become interested over ( ... )


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