Day 33: Greenhouse (Men)

Jul 03, 2008 10:25

[About to make a new fan friend.]By the time Aidou arrived at the greenhouse, he was once again immersed in his own thoughts. Idle talk with Anise was over. Where the hell was Kyon? Nurses usually gave the excuse of “they’re sick” or “they’re sleeping,” which were no doubt lies, but given out during the instances where prisoners actually came back ( Read more... )

shito, kenshin, homura, dias, badou, kaito, gumshoe, rude, sora, wolfram, luffy, ashton, demyx, claude, zex, angel, kikyo, zelnick, itachi, artemis, harry osborn, roland, peony, mello, aya, guy, kimbley, xellos, armand, peter petrelli, roy, matt, frey, zoro, sylar, leon magnus, yue, aidou, wolverine, scar (tlk), haseo

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blood_and_pocky July 4 2008, 00:05:40 UTC
Mostly, he’d been wondering if Wolfram really was from a noble family, which lead into all sorts of other thoughts, like why the blood he smelled from the boy’s wounds didn’t carry the tang of humanity like many people here seemed to lack. Not things he felt he should become interested over.

“Who’s being quiet?” he replied loudly, straightening his back. “I don’t have anything to talk about. I’ve been here for a while already, after all--I don’t need to ask how things work.” The vampire knew better than to write potential allies off completely, though lately he rarely felt the urge to seek out conversations with others unless there was an immediate goal in mind. Wolfram, if Aidou ever felt charitable enough to keep him in mind when thinking about allies later, was very new. Aidou could tell, since he also would have noticed Wolfram in the crowd eventually.

He had to snort at the observation, however. “I recommend getting used to dreary days. And if you’ve found anyone you know from home, you’d best keep an eye on them.” The last part was the most telling piece of advice Aidou could give; he’d failed to do so himself.


arrogantflame July 4 2008, 00:20:07 UTC
Oh. Maybe he had assumed wrong, then. Wolfram nodded slowly with a small frown. "Even if I haven't been here long, I still understand how things work just fine, thank you. I'm not stupid."

But it was the next part that stung the most. He bit at his lip, pulling both knees up towards his chest so that he could rest his chin on them. He was starting to feel cold again. "But... there isn't anyone here that I know. I doubt they'd care too much if I didn't escape."

It wasn't like he had any important inheritance, and he had spent the last sixty-some years being rude to everyone in his family. And he didn't even have... no. He still had that. No one would take that away from him. But it made him wonder why he was chosen and no one else.

"Fine, just forget I asked, I guess."


blood_and_pocky July 4 2008, 00:46:16 UTC
“No, you really don’t,” Aidou returned lowly, closing his eyes and focusing on the scent of daisies, “or you would know better than to say something like that.” When he opened them again, his gaze was somewhat bleak.

However, the noble didn’t look at Wolfram until the boy was finished, and even then, he did so suddenly and with a glare.

And then he took a long moment taking in Wolfram’s expression.

Finally: “If you want to die, just die,” Aidou said sharply. There was little comfort to be had in his tone. “I must have been mistaken, because there can’t be as much noble blood in you as I thought. Self-pity is for pitiful people.” He didn’t care who Wolfram was or what his life was like--he had given his name as part of his family, and if that was the case, then his family’s pride was also tied to his own. “It shouldn’t matter if you think you’ll be missed; you’ve got a place to be. You’ve practically said as much.”

Aidou really didn’t like the words Wolfram had used. They irritated him.


arrogantflame July 4 2008, 01:39:06 UTC
At first, all Wolfram could feel from the words was a mind-numbing shock. Here was some boy that he barely knew telling him that he didn't know anything?

For a brief moment he was angry, the words echoing in his ears repeatedly. Especially about dying. He didn't want to die, did he? Sure he was a bit lonely now, but it would pass and he would move on... right? But he forced the anger to die out, focusing only on what was said between them. He tried to picture what he would have said to Aidou if the other boy had told him the exact same thing. And honestly... his answer might not have been too far off the mark.

So he did one of the hardest things that he'd ever had to do, especially in this place; paused, took a deep breath, and gave Aidou a very awkward smile.

"......I guess that did sound rather pathetic, didn't it? No... I do have an obligation to my family, and I will get out of here and return to them. It'd be shameful not to."

He sighed softly before continuing, "I just sometimes forget that. It's not always easy, but I think you might know that, right?"


blood_and_pocky July 4 2008, 02:17:28 UTC
Coupled with the heat and the threat of sunburn, Aidou had been half expecting and half wanting some kind of furious explosion of temper, just so he could have an excuse to do the same. He didn’t know this person, and certainly couldn’t say he had a vested interest in whether or not Wolfram was an honourable noble or a fraud--he’d only wanted to make things clear at the time.

That if a noble had obligations above one’s own happiness, they should keep to them. At least that was how Aidou felt; the night society had an ancient kind of protocol.

So he was a tiny bit surprised when his feelings sparked a similar response in the other. Maybe Wolfram wasn’t entirely full of whiny notions like he’d been starting to suspect. Aidou tried not to make the reluctance of his shrug too obvious. He couldn’t deny he knew his fair share of shame, and wasn’t… someone Kaname-sama always wanted to confide in. “I try not to forget…” He sighed too, though it was more brusque than Wolfram’s. Talking about his family wasn’t going to make a difference. “Even if you’re the third son, you should still be missed.”

For whatever reasons. He didn’t know. Aidou wasn’t sure if he was trying to be comforting or getting Wolfram to shut up.


arrogantflame July 4 2008, 02:46:55 UTC
He wasn't entirely sure why, but Aidou's words almost seemed... touching in a way. Like perhaps maybe he really did understand, at least a little. Maybe they were similar in more than just appearance.

"In my family," he stated softly, "time doesn't always have the same meaning. But... I'm sure that might be the case. Although I haven't been gone as long as you have."

He relaxed his pose, so that his feet slid closer to Aidou's legs, just barely far enough away so they didn't touch. He was still a little cold, but the warm sun through the greenhouse roof was helping.

"So what would be your suggestion, then, to keep me from dying?"


blood_and_pocky July 4 2008, 03:22:06 UTC
Aidou’s attention was piqued at the comment about time, but he wasn’t about to ask. He was suspicious when someone implied what he thought they were implying. And it was also curious that Wolfram appeared to take his word at face value--he could have been lying about being stuck in Landel’s for quite a while. The issue was rather moot, anyway.

Time was… an interesting topic. The vampire ignored it for now.

He watched Wolfram shift in his seat absently, thinking this conversation had lasted a lot longer than he would have thought. “Hmm?” was his initial reaction to the second question, however. He supposed that even though he knew Wolfram was not the same kind of noble he was (which was synonymous with a high level of power for vampires), he expected Wolfram might be able to do… something. Perhaps have better survival skills than a regular human, at least.

His eyebrows knit slightly, lifting in a look of thought. “Find someone experienced to stick with if you’re not willing to stay out of harm’s way during the night. Get a map and information about some of the creatures you’ll find on the bulletin board, too. There are plenty of groups that would probably take you in.”


arrogantflame July 4 2008, 03:43:09 UTC
Wolfram covered up a second yawn, although his mind was still surprisingly alert for now. He had the feeling that he was just uncomfortable with dropping his defenses in this place, since who knew when it would suddenly become dangerous again.

Aidou's answer, however, made him raise an eyebrow at the other boy. It wasn't like he brought up the question because he was completely clueless. But... what the heck. Maybe he could play along. Anything not to think about any more darker things.

"I'm in the process of collecting material for a weapon, and I've been invited to join a group, but it doesn't sound all that appealing." Besides, what if he had to work with people he disliked? It was one thing for a night or two to repay his debt, but beyond that he really wasn't sure.

"And what about you? What is your group?" He relaxed his form a little more. "Or would you prefer not having someone like me?"

His tone had no insulting tone... he was mostly curious more than anything.


blood_and_pocky July 4 2008, 04:00:30 UTC
“Ah, those guys,” said the noble, leaving it at that. The ‘alchemists’ had never held much interest for him, since Aidou didn’t do any of his fighting with weapons. He didn’t care how they did it, only that the option was there.

Crossing his arms loosely again, Aidou had to think the rest of his time talking with Wolfram was probably going to be over the typical things. He’d so far been lucky in not having to explain what the hell was happening to every new face that passed through this place, and didn’t think he could make a routine out of it. Wolfram obviously had a night’s worth of experience at the very least, if his wounds and words were any indication.

But he wasn’t expecting to be asked about his affiliations, as though Wolfram were trying to hint at an invitation.

“Eh? My group? I haven’t spent a lot of time in groups…”


arrogantflame July 4 2008, 04:09:26 UTC
Aidou didn't seem to be interested in the weapon-making aspect, and Wolfram wasn't in the mood to talk about it. So he figured that perhaps it was easy enough to just move on.

Although now Aidou had his true curiosity in his answer. "Hmph. So you suggest that I join a group, when you yourself go off on your own at night? Sounds a bit like double standards to me."

He allowed his eyes to close again, but his posture suggested that he was still in the conversation. "Perhaps I should make the suggestion that we might survive better together."


blood_and_pocky July 4 2008, 04:31:22 UTC
Aidou had no proper reaction to that, simply because he had multiple retorts on his tongue that all crowded for attention and ultimately stilled it. Most apparent was the fact that Wolfram was treating him like… like a human.

Humans in Landel’s were weak and needed help.

The vampire realized Wolfram was no doubt thinking he was offering some kind of favour. Augh! How annoying! He leaned in close to Wolfram’s face, making his (rather indignant) argument right into Wolfram’s ear. “Of course I do, since I’m not the one who needs the protection!” As long as they were both being judgmental and aggravating.

It probed at his pride, despite Aidou knowing better than to just out himself. But his abilities had never been questioned before. It was different having it implied by someone other than himself.

He leaned away again, but didn’t sit back against the palm tree. “You’d be lucky if I let you tag along with me. Hmph.” The fact that they were both now making indignant noises didn't dissuade him. "I don't spend time with those groups because I know they'll just slow me down. For all I know, you might not even know how to use the weapon you're making."


arrogantflame July 4 2008, 05:07:04 UTC
The closeness caught Wolfram off guard momentarily, and he was too surprised by the movement to do little more than stare and realize that Aidou actually smelled rather nice. It was a mix of scents that he couldn't pinpoint, and in the next instant was too far away for the smell to linger. He blinked a few times, staring quietly before the words sunk in and killing any potential embarrassment.

Wolfram sighed, eyes glancing to the floor. "For your information, I've had years of military training, and I'm very good with a sword. I've also had the talent of controlling fire since I was small, so I am more than capable of protecting myself." As well as others, but he wasn't trying to brag at the moment, and it didn't seem the opportune time to mention it.

His voice changed, with a hint of sadness in his tone. "I was just suggesting it out of concern for your best interest as well as mine. You don't have to get defensive."


blood_and_pocky July 4 2008, 05:28:39 UTC

It meant so little in the long run, and stupid to focus on, but the mention of fire… The power of flame had always been Akatsuki’s element since he had been small. It hurt for such a sudden, sharp moment that it hurt to breathe. It just hurt, and his common sense couldn’t tell him any better.

He looked away, the fingers of one hand unconsciously curling around the edge of the bench and squeezing.

Taking a silent breath, Aidou looked at a nearby prisoner fooling around with a pot and said, “Forget it, I’m sure you’ll do all right, then. I… sorry.” The simplest word to divert attention was just to apologize. It didn’t feel like a sacrifice to him, not at that moment; he didn’t need to explain why he got ‘defensive’. And for a moment, he wasn’t interested in the insights into Wolfram’s abilities.


arrogantflame July 4 2008, 05:54:47 UTC
The change was very abrupt, and Wolfram would have had to be as dense as Yuuri to not pick up on it. He saw the reflection of himself in those eyes, what he saw on occasion when he looked in the mirror at himself, what he'd been reminding himself of every single day since that portal had to close for the very last time.

It was the feeling of loss. Losing something, or someone, very important. That's all it really took to understand, really.

He didn't react for a moment, remaining motionless on their bench together as he contemplated the situation over in his mind. He'd obviously said something to set this off, but couldn't be sure what. Then finally he swung his other leg down off the bench, and scooted away from the palm tree, situating himself closer to the other boy but still not touching.

"Would you... like to talk about it?" he finally settled on, awkwardness in his voice underneath the concern and he stared down at his slippers. He was really starting to miss wearing real shoes. "I didn't really mean anything."


blood_and_pocky July 4 2008, 06:15:56 UTC
Since that night with the phantasm, he’d swore he’d put a stop to that kind of reflexive emotional flinching, like… a child who just couldn’t be mature enough to focus on what was really important. Paying them back for what had happened to his cousin, not lingering on his disappearance.

Consequently, Aidou tried to rationalize the information as he should have done and squelch down his misplaced feelings. It seemed like he wasn’t at that point yet, the point where he could stop losing his composure with people and situations that shouldn’t mean anything to him.

He tried to ignore the closed distance between him and this boy, but it was hard when he was being sympathized with. Self-pity was for pitiful people. He hated becoming a hypocrite to his own warnings.

“You did nothing,” he responded without hesitation. He ran a hand through his hair, where his hand came away faintly damp with the humidity. This heat… and other things… were giving him a headache. “There’s nothing to talk about. I don’t know who or what you are, but if you claim to control an element, then you truly aren’t human. You shouldn’t bother with others, if so. It’ll only cause you trouble.”

He tried not to care what Wolfram was. Whatever. It was the best advice Aidou could give to him.


arrogantflame July 4 2008, 06:41:08 UTC
The words stung, but it wasn't the first time he'd ever heard them in his life. Wolfram had spent decades among humans knowing that he was feared by them, different than them, and it was more than just his age that mattered. Hell, maybe that's all Aidou's look was, fear of him. Maybe he'd been completely wrong in his interpretation.

His eyes were bitter, and he stared hard across the greenhouse, not really looking at anything in particular. He was exhausted, sore, frustrated and a bit overwhelmed. He had finally found someone that he might truly relate to, would like to find out more about, only to have it turned down in his face. He wasn't sure if he had the energy to deal with the disappointment or not.

He swallowed hard, trembling slightly, the first few hints of how stressed he really was breaking through the surface that he'd been carefully holding up all day. "I'm not a human, nor have I ever been. But my king believes that we should all work together and not fight because of race, a-and I plan on keeping his wishes, even in this dreadful place. If you're afraid, then there's not much I can do."

Something about the way Aidou mentioned humans bothered him, but he couldn't put his foot on what it was. Maybe he'd figure it out later.


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