Day 33: Lunch

Jun 30, 2008 07:50

There was a knot in Sai's stomach as he was led back inside to the cafeteria. It was an unfamiliar feeling, and he tried to ignore it. What was it? Was he actually uncomfortable with his decision? He couldn't afford to be. This alliance with Itachi was crucial, and he'd just have to try and make sure the others saw it that way ( Read more... )

diva, raine, kagura, edward elric, thursday, xigbar, lust, anise, tyler, goku, skuld, melissa, mousse, danny phantom, ken amada, orihime, wolfram, mason, seiya, clark kent, zex, tamaki, angel, ai, zelnick, claire bennet, leon kennedy, shana, peter parker, kurogane, hikaru, eileen, nakago, peter petrelli, yohji, yuffie, matt, farfarello, takaya, mozenrath, haku, yukari, tyki, wolverine, shion, esmeralda, kratos, alec, lia, willow, haseo, bridget, jack horner, sanji, rhode, shito, homura, bella, kaito, elle, ashton, leon (so2), albel, reno, renamon, claude, keman, ami, kikyo, hokuto, edgeworth, itachi, harry osborn, faust, javert, max, hughes, brook, chopper, ren, guy, armand, hinamori momo, reid, vlad, allelujah, roy, frey, wesker, valyn, lyta, fai, sai, leon magnus, yue, schuldig, daemon, aidou, falis, brooklyn, eddie brock, hohenheim, scar (tlk), toph, subaru, sanzo

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mozenwrath June 30 2008, 14:57:45 UTC
[Waiting for Falis]

Ah, lunchtime. Mozenrath did a quick scan of the offerings (not that he was one to eat much) and decided very quickly that his meal would only be a glass of water. Really, how could any of the patients stomach the solids here on a regular basis?

Taking a seat alone, the sorcerer scanned the room and tried to pick out Nakago's form amongst the patients. They needed to speak again, as far as Mozenrath was concerned; he still didn't have his gauntlet back.


himetsuru July 1 2008, 00:19:54 UTC
Falis headed into the cafeteria, still in a relatively decent mood. Yes, Willow was broken, but she seemed like she might actually work on fixing herself and the whole not-being-competition thing put a smile on the princess' face. She even recognized the food too. Granted the fish had some kind of stuff stuck to it, but it was still fish.

Falis mood increased even more when she saw her favorite thing to pick on sitting by himself at a table. It'd been a while since she got a good dose of wizard entertainment in. Her smile turned into a smirk as she approached Mozenrath from behind.

"Lookie, lookie here, Mozenrath," she said to the wizard as she sat her tray on the table to his right. "I'm still here, still not rueing, and you..." Her smirk grow as she casually lowered her body into the chair and face him. "You still don;t have your gauntlet. Couldn't make a girl happier."


mozenwrath July 1 2008, 00:45:36 UTC
Mozenrath sneered as Falis lowered herself across from him, wanting nothing more than to wipe the smug smile off her face. But he'd made a fool of himself the last time, so this time, he wouldn't give her the satisfaction.

Or so he told himself.

Sipping from his glass, he spun around in his seat and turned his back to the murder princess, refusing to acknowledge her presence.


himetsuru July 1 2008, 00:50:50 UTC
Ah... so he thought if he ignored her, she'd go away. Silly wizard.

"I take it you and your boyfriend have settled whatever lover's quarrel you've been having? I haven't seen either of you bickering at each other over the board." She shrugged, cutting into her fish.

"Shame, too. They were hilarious to read. Like that woman with the rabbit dear. Now she's fucking hilarious." Falis smirked. "There's one way to get someone to respect you - kill a helpless defenseless bunny. Ought to be right up your alley considering how weak you are."

She rest her head on her hand. "Though... they're probably faster than you. Probably couldn't catch one."


mozenwrath July 1 2008, 02:24:37 UTC
Mozenrath gritted his teeth as Falis through her insults at him, turning back with a glare at the last one and beginning a rant. "Why you stupid, un-"

He stopped himself. No, this was exactly what she wanted. Do not give in. He could ignore her and her cheap slandering. All she wanted was to get him worked up again so he could get sedated. He could ignore her...

The sorcerer turned his back to her again, this time slouching a bit further down, shoulders hunched a bit, as he tried to block out the sense of her presence.


himetsuru July 1 2008, 02:28:07 UTC
"Oh ho ho, what was that, Mozey-dear?" Falis cooed, grinning wider. "Ungrateful? Far from it. I'm quite grateful today..." she replied, leaving what she was grateful about hanging heavily in the air.

"You know any vampires?" Might as well ask.


mozenwrath July 1 2008, 02:31:05 UTC
Vampires? What the hell.

"Not here," He replied bitterly, quickly, and without turning around. He could have explained a thing or two to this woman about the creature of vampires (as he had read a bit on the subject, what with their similarities to the mamlucks), but he was still pretending to ignore her.

...sort of.


himetsuru July 1 2008, 02:38:31 UTC
"Awww.... missing your evil buddies?" Falis replied with mock concern. Well that was a bit of a bust. She figured if Mozenrath knew of any in the place, he'd spout off about them trying to impress her or make her afraid of him or something...

"Such a shame to now having anyone you can count on to watch your back." She grinned. "Well, not without eyeing your ass up." Oh teasing him about Nakago was fun.

"I, at least, have solid allies. Maybe I'll find your gauntlet before you do..."


mozenwrath July 1 2008, 02:43:34 UTC
The sorcerer whipped around, teeth bared. "If you so much as touch my gauntlet, I will promise you that all those organs inside your body will very quickly be on the outside."

It wasn't much of a threat, not really, but he wanted to establish a his anger as soon as possible, so it would have to do.


himetsuru July 1 2008, 02:48:53 UTC
Falis's lips turned up into a dangerous smile. "And how do you plan on doing such a thing without your precious gauntlet, especially if it is in my possession, hmmm?"

She leaned forward, bringing herself closer to Mozenrath's face than was acceptable in polite company, but this wasn't polite company. "Is it jeweled? I bet it'll go nicely with my crown..."


mozenwrath July 1 2008, 02:55:59 UTC
Falis was leaning in, so Mozenrath did was came naturally to him.

He shot up his right hand and grabbed her by the throat. "No, it's NOT jeweled," he hissed, tightening the bony grip slightly. "But it will remove the flesh from your bones. How would you like that?"

This woman would never be able to handle its power, should she find it. He was sure of it.


himetsuru July 1 2008, 03:08:01 UTC
Falis was honestly surprised Mozenrath had the balls to do what he just did. She expected him to resort to the pathetic cutlery instead of grabbing her throat. The grip was also surprisingly tight, the tips of the fleshless fingers digging into her windpipe, cutting off her airflow. That was going to leave a mark.

The bounty hunter did not attempt to remove the hand at her throat right away. She let the wizard say his piece, not terribly bothered by the lack of air as she could hold her breath fairly long. Once he was finished, she stared into the man's eyes, her own taking on that look he saw in the bathroom just before she'd soundly thrashed him then.

In a flash, Falis flexed the muscles of her neck, forcing Mozenrath's grip to lose its effectiveness and then she grabbed the bony hand by the wrist and squeezed. Once she felt something crack, and heard it too, she jerked the hand from her throat, a very defined red welt visible on her neck.

"How about I remove the flesh from your other


mozenwrath July 1 2008, 03:16:52 UTC
The bone cracked and Mozenrath found himself in a world of pain. True, it was just his arm, but it still stung more than he liked. Snarling in pain, he clasped his good hand around it and stumbled out of his chair.

"How dare you," He spit out, sneering dangerously at Falis. He couldn't let her go unpunished...

For lack of creativity, he spit at the woman, hoping to make an impression.


himetsuru July 1 2008, 03:25:33 UTC
Falis quickly went to her feet as well, eyes focused intently on the wizard, ready for whatever he was going to do, ignoring the soreness of her neck. She was ready for anything.

...anything except getting spat upon.

As the wetness from the man's spit slid down her face, Falis' eye twitched and for a moment it looked as if maybe there was more of a demon looking through the princess' eyes than anything else. NO ONE got away with spitting on her. She was going to kill him.

The Murder Princess moved incredibly fast, as fast as she could go with the reduced capacity that this place had upon her, and in a heartbeat she was directly in front of Mozenrath. Her fist followed through the next heartbeat, connecting soundly with the man's jaw.

"Big mistake," she growled at him.


damned_nurses July 1 2008, 03:40:37 UTC
Actually, the real mistake was on the staff for letting the fight between the two patients go as far as it did. Within seconds, orderlies swarmed the area where Falis and Mozenrath were sitting, grabbing both parties. In Falis's case, it took as many as three to restrain her, a lesson learned from last time.

"Mrs. Crane, Mr. Mami, need I remind you that this behavior isn't tolerated in Landels!" One of the nurses scolded them, hands to her hips as the sedatives were administered. She really wished that wasn't the case, but it was necessary to keep the patients from harming themselves.

"Please take them to their rooms so they may calm down," She instructed the orderlies, casting a skeptical glance at the both of them.


mozenwrath July 1 2008, 03:48:09 UTC
As annoyed as Mozenrath would have usually been by the nurses touching him, being stunned from the blow and the sedation drugs had a way of putting him into a different state of mind. In fact, he didn't really seem to care about much of anything at the moment and allowed the orderlies to drag him where they saw fit.


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