Day 33: Lunch

Jun 30, 2008 07:50

There was a knot in Sai's stomach as he was led back inside to the cafeteria. It was an unfamiliar feeling, and he tried to ignore it. What was it? Was he actually uncomfortable with his decision? He couldn't afford to be. This alliance with Itachi was crucial, and he'd just have to try and make sure the others saw it that way ( Read more... )

diva, raine, kagura, edward elric, thursday, xigbar, lust, anise, tyler, goku, skuld, melissa, mousse, danny phantom, ken amada, orihime, wolfram, mason, seiya, clark kent, zex, tamaki, angel, ai, zelnick, claire bennet, leon kennedy, shana, peter parker, kurogane, hikaru, eileen, nakago, peter petrelli, yohji, yuffie, matt, farfarello, takaya, mozenrath, haku, yukari, tyki, wolverine, shion, esmeralda, kratos, alec, lia, willow, haseo, bridget, jack horner, sanji, rhode, shito, homura, bella, kaito, elle, ashton, leon (so2), albel, reno, renamon, claude, keman, ami, kikyo, hokuto, edgeworth, itachi, harry osborn, faust, javert, max, hughes, brook, chopper, ren, guy, armand, hinamori momo, reid, vlad, allelujah, roy, frey, wesker, valyn, lyta, fai, sai, leon magnus, yue, schuldig, daemon, aidou, falis, brooklyn, eddie brock, hohenheim, scar (tlk), toph, subaru, sanzo

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Comments 1055

mozenwrath June 30 2008, 14:57:45 UTC
[Waiting for Falis]

Ah, lunchtime. Mozenrath did a quick scan of the offerings (not that he was one to eat much) and decided very quickly that his meal would only be a glass of water. Really, how could any of the patients stomach the solids here on a regular basis?

Taking a seat alone, the sorcerer scanned the room and tried to pick out Nakago's form amongst the patients. They needed to speak again, as far as Mozenrath was concerned; he still didn't have his gauntlet back.


himetsuru July 1 2008, 00:19:54 UTC
Falis headed into the cafeteria, still in a relatively decent mood. Yes, Willow was broken, but she seemed like she might actually work on fixing herself and the whole not-being-competition thing put a smile on the princess' face. She even recognized the food too. Granted the fish had some kind of stuff stuck to it, but it was still fish.

Falis mood increased even more when she saw her favorite thing to pick on sitting by himself at a table. It'd been a while since she got a good dose of wizard entertainment in. Her smile turned into a smirk as she approached Mozenrath from behind.

"Lookie, lookie here, Mozenrath," she said to the wizard as she sat her tray on the table to his right. "I'm still here, still not rueing, and you..." Her smirk grow as she casually lowered her body into the chair and face him. "You still don;t have your gauntlet. Couldn't make a girl happier."


mozenwrath July 1 2008, 00:45:36 UTC
Mozenrath sneered as Falis lowered herself across from him, wanting nothing more than to wipe the smug smile off her face. But he'd made a fool of himself the last time, so this time, he wouldn't give her the satisfaction.

Or so he told himself.

Sipping from his glass, he spun around in his seat and turned his back to the murder princess, refusing to acknowledge her presence.


himetsuru July 1 2008, 00:50:50 UTC
Ah... so he thought if he ignored her, she'd go away. Silly wizard.

"I take it you and your boyfriend have settled whatever lover's quarrel you've been having? I haven't seen either of you bickering at each other over the board." She shrugged, cutting into her fish.

"Shame, too. They were hilarious to read. Like that woman with the rabbit dear. Now she's fucking hilarious." Falis smirked. "There's one way to get someone to respect you - kill a helpless defenseless bunny. Ought to be right up your alley considering how weak you are."

She rest her head on her hand. "Though... they're probably faster than you. Probably couldn't catch one."


tender_cruelty June 30 2008, 14:58:53 UTC
[Waiting unknowingly for Homura]

Allelujah was a little disappointed to be dragged back inside so quickly. He rarely got to spend any amount of time in the outdoors, even when he was on Earth, so he'd appreciated the chance to sit out in the sunshine for a while. He appreciated Ion's help though and the map was currently tucked into his pocket securely, ready for him to look over once he was out of sight of the nurses and other staff.

He let the nurse fill his plate with fish and chips, actually looking forward to tasting it. He'd tried fish and chips once when he'd been in England and it had made a nice meal, even if the batter was something that made him feel his arteries clogging up as he ate. He took the tray to an empty seat near the corner, glad that he was one of the first people into the room and had his pick. He could see the doors this way at least.


screwthegods June 30 2008, 22:18:28 UTC
Homura wasn't paying much attention to his nurse, his mind instead working over what Adelheid had said. It was, in theory, a good idea, though more beneficial for Adel himself if he didn't plan on taking assignments from Homura. Still, if it would make him more cooperative when it came to making the swords, the demi-god supposed it could be tested for the present.

And he couldn't at all say he didn't understand Adelheid's frustration.

As he was thinking, the nurse prepared a tray for him, then left him in the company of some person Homura didn't recognize--and out of the way of the others, he supposed. The wheeled chair was something of a frustration, certainly, though Homura doubted the nurse could be more bothered by it than the occupant.

Still, in some ways it was nice to have a relaxing lunch without having to necessarily worry about business. Maybe he would even get lucky, and find something interesting about the man across from him.

"Hello there." A relaxed, easy smile, despite Homura's obvious injury.


tender_cruelty June 30 2008, 22:28:54 UTC
Definitely artery clogging, Allelujah had to admit once he started in on the fish in it's batter. At least it wasn't too greasy and it was definitely nice to eat proper food once in a while. It was something good to focus on when what he really wanted to do was look over the map that Ion had given him and start working on a plan for the night.

He looked up warily when someone approached him, eyes narrowing at the nurse before moving onto the man she was pushing over in the wheelchair. Evidence of an attack at night, perhaps? Or was it some kind of disability. No, he looked like he was able-bodied normally, so an injury of some kind most likely.

Allelujah smiled politely in return at the man, not minding the company since it kept him distracted from the map which would probably get confiscated. "Hello. I'm Allelujah."


screwthegods June 30 2008, 22:34:02 UTC
Homura noticed the steely gaze the man across from him gave the woman before she left, and let out a low laugh. "They're typically harmless during the day, provided you behave properly." Not that Homura was one for that, but the touch of amusement in his voice suggested he wasn't being entirely serious anyway. And certainly compared to their night forms, the day nurses were quite harmless.

"And I am Homura." Now to see if this person read the common board. At present, there were only three major groups that used so public a method for their communication, though Homura doubted that number would hold. With the growing number of patients and the diverse personalities in charge, it really was a matter of time before more groups formed. Something to consider, perhaps, in future plans.

"Are you new here?"


i_slay_giants June 30 2008, 15:05:02 UTC
Jack Horner was happy to see that lunch consisted of fried goodies and chips. He was in the mood to clog his arteries unnecessarily for some reason he couldn't quite pinpoint. Fish was probably too healthy to help him out in that quest, but it was a start at least.

He took a generous helping and settled down at a table near the exit. He needed to collect his thoughts and come up with a strategy. Leaving wasn't going to happen any time soon, he knew, but he did have that key which he hadn't utilized to its full potential...


black_ageha June 30 2008, 22:58:47 UTC
[ ok to bother I hope? ]"Time for lunch! Are you ready to be escorted?" the nurse was unusually chipper this afternoon when she came to gather Kikyo to head over to the cafeteria ( ... )


i_slay_giants July 1 2008, 00:29:00 UTC
'Ah, you again.'

Jack was thinking something of the same and let his thoughts be known with a simple, "Fuck."

So Kikyo had somehow managed to wander back into his life again. Fantastic. It wasn't as if the man had done anything to him physically; Jack just wasn't in the mood for his attitude. Ever.

"How've you been, Kikyo?" He flashed a bright smile and cursed some more inwardly.


black_ageha July 1 2008, 00:46:12 UTC
It seemed like there was no getting away from this man, Kikyo thought inwardly. It had been many days since he had seen Seishirou, Kougaiji or Ran. The institute was large enough that one could go for a long time without seeing a familiar face. And yet, here he was again in the company of the urban ninja, irritating from Day 1.

Still, it was at least more interesting to speak with him than to sit through yet another mundane introduction with a stranger.

He answered that bright smile with a pale one of his own, fixing his golden gaze on Jack from across the table.

"How kind of you to ask," he replied, ignoring the epithet like he hadn't heard it. "I am quite well. And yourself? It seems we cross one another's paths with alarming frequency."


myopic_mousse June 30 2008, 15:10:07 UTC
It never really sank in until meal times just how many people were being held at the institute. Mousse mused over this from his seat as he poked at his food. It wasn't productive, he knew, but if not this, he'd be thinking about Shampoo and getting more depressed about the situation.


He shook his head and reminded himself that this wasn't the time for that again (though there was ALWAYS time to think about Shampoo) and turned his face down to stare at his food.


promisedawhale June 30 2008, 18:29:04 UTC
Why was everyone in such terrible moods today?!

Brook just couldn't understand it, and he took that conundrum with him into the cafeteria, this almost positive that someone in here would like to be cheered up! Maybe someone who didn't look terribly down but perhaps wasn't in the best of spirits would be more open to some company? He could only hope. Too many people had shouted at him today or been terribly rude.

He retrieved his food and chose the first person who didn't look like they might be some kind of assassin to head towards. The young man with glasses just seem so sullen that maybe he wouldn't mind. "Hello there!" he greeted, trying to keep his cheer and praying he wouldn't be shouted away, "Would you mind some company this meal?"


myopic_mousse June 30 2008, 18:36:57 UTC
The Amazon raised his eyes. "Huh?"

Oh, the man was talking to him. Mousse shook his head and gestured to the table. "I'd like the company, actually. It's been kind of lonely around here lately." He waited for the other to come closer before adding, "My name is Mousse. And you are?..."


promisedawhale June 30 2008, 18:57:20 UTC
"Would you really?!" he asked, overjoyed that finally someone had actually welcomed him to have a seat before he did so! There really were people who didn't want to sulk around all day here! And he had been lonely too! Wasn't that just wonderful?! Well, not really wonderful that he'd felt lonely - such a terrible feeling it was - but that he wanted not to feel so anymore!

Brook took his seat and gave the young man the brightest smile he'd managed all morning. "Yes! Very nice to meet you Mousse-san! My name is Brook!" he introduced, extending a hand across the table. "Such a nice day, isn't it?" Nicer now than it had been earlier for the company he'd shared.


only_logic June 30 2008, 15:16:03 UTC
[Unwittingly waiting for Lust]Well, that had most certainly been an interesting outdoor adventure. It appeared that Dante had failed in one aspect - or perhaps alternate reality - to completely cover up the Philosopher's Stone. He wondered if Ling knew the cost for the Philosopher's Stone? In order to became Emperor of a country, the young man would technically have to sacrafice enough people to fill it. There was a kind of sick irony surrounding the Stone ( ... )


lustful_thing June 30 2008, 20:57:39 UTC
Lust wasn't in an impressively better mood at lunch, but some of her anger had faded after her discussion with the mind-reading woman. She even took the offered food, familiar enough with it, and glanced around the cafeteria. She was looking for one of her allies, or even Edward or the colonel, but her eyes fell on a different familiar face.

Hohenheim of Light. The Elric boys' father, Dante's adversary, and the man she knew Envy to hate above all others - though the reasons were murky. Now that man would be a valuable ally to have on her side.

Tray in hand, Lust drew back her shoulders and crossed the dining hall, hips swaying as she moved.

"Is this seat taken?" she asked, innocently, remembering if the man would remember her from the brief glimpse he'd gotten as she was pinned by Pride's swords to the wall of her master's mansion.


only_logic July 1 2008, 01:04:15 UTC
Eileen aside, Hohenheim found that the alchemists or at least people from his world were gravitating to him. He had wanted to keep his presence a little more low-key, but he had met with three people already in his first day. He wondered if such a tred would continue.

Lifting his head at the sound of a female voice, Hohenheim found recognition dawn on him at this woman's appearance. Something was different though, something... changed from the last time. She seemed much more... human looking in his opinion, though he was fairly certain they had not really been formally introduced to each other.

Ah yes, now he remembered. The homunculus who went against the master. She had been hanging on the wall in Dante's little mansion.

He pushed his glasses further up his nose and managed a smile. "And for what honour do I owe the pleasure of such a fine woman's company? Please, sit, sit," he said, gesturing with a hand to the seat she indicated.


lustful_thing July 1 2008, 01:43:15 UTC
Lust slid into the seat, setting her tray before her. She settled herself in, giving no hint to her inner emotional turmoil. Despite recent events, they were still trapped and she still needed powerful allies.

She knew little of Hohenheim, other than that he was powerful, well known, and Dante had loved him once. But that was enough for her.

"You're alone. I'm alone. Need there be any other reason?"


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