Nightshift 32: M61 - M70 Hallway

May 30, 2008 20:05

In all honesty, Tyki hadn't exactly expected what had happened during dinner. Though it was definitely strange to have woken up in his white side this morning, he hadn't given it too much thought beyond his initial surprise. It had probably something to do with his white side being a laid-back bum, but it simply hadn't come to mind just yet ( Read more... )

sanji, subzero, zelos, guy, reid, alexander conklin, bennet, mori, okita, zex, sanosuke, zelnick, kurogane, tyki, peony, kunzite, hk-47

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razing_phoenix May 30 2008, 23:37:43 UTC
Feeling a bit better after his chat with Okita, Guy was quick to get himself ready for nightshift. He thought over the head doctor's words as he grabbed his bat, which had once again helped him out a ton last night, and his flashlight, which was on its second set of batteries. Not that it was much of a concern anymore, since he and Claude had successfully nabbed some fresh ones from the music room, at the cost of some lingering soreness ( ... )


rappigs May 31 2008, 00:29:06 UTC
Peony hadn't bothered checking the bulletin board again after he had promised Guy's unlucky friend Claude those flasks - he had no idea that he probably wasn't going to get to torture the young blond once more.

Siggy hadn't shown up today, and Jade hadn't said one way or another what he had planned to do tonight. So that meant he was set to have another boring sort of night, right? He even kind of missed Jade. He'd have to get on his case about always leaving him alone come evening. And that would be that.

He'd strapped on his smart Tyvek suit that he'd retrieved his first night in Landel's, opting to wow whoever might look at him. And he'd gathered the shirt he'd filled last night with four flasks and bottles of camphor and ammonia, too, hoisting it over his shoulder like a petty thief.

Peeking his light blond head out the door, the emperor looked around. "Gailaaardia," he said in a spooky voice. "You waiting for your little friend?"


razing_phoenix May 31 2008, 00:56:09 UTC
Peony's attempt to be creepy didn't amount to much - while Guy had a very obvious, embarrassing phobia, he wasn't scared of very much else. Besides, with that voice and the name Peony always called him, it was obvious who it was.

He turned to the emperor with a small smile, glad to see him again (it had been a while) even considering the outfit he was wearing. Though that reminded him that he still needed to check and see if his more familiar outfit was anywhere in his room, though he didn't want to bother with it now when there were more important tasks at hand.

"Nah, I was looking for you, actually. I'm going to meet him and he asked me to pick those flasks up from you, if that's all right." He doubted that Peony would mind, seeing how he had been willing to hand them over from the start.


rappigs May 31 2008, 21:07:02 UTC
The older man straightened up suddenly, creasing his eyebrows. So the kid was going to bail, huh? That would totally figure. What that did mean, though, was that the two of them were hanging out again tonight for sure. Interesting, but c'est la vie. That was how it was. Poor, poor Peony was doomed, again and again, to be left in the dust while his fair subjects flitted about and did whatever they wanted, without a care in the world..

"Fine, fine, fiiiine," the emperor moaned, hoisting the makeshift shirt-bag off of his shoulder and handing it over toward the noble. "Anyway, there are some extra goodies in there. See if that Claude fellow knows what 'camphor' and 'ammo-neea' are. I really liked the 'camphor', too, but I've not a clue what it does, so get on that."

Peony sighed, crossing his arms and looking to the side. "You wouldn't happen know what Jade's doing right now, would you? Or Luke? Not the cute ones, mind you - they're probably starving at the moment because Sesemann doesn't know how to entertain them properly."


razing_phoenix June 1 2008, 03:33:36 UTC
While Guy wasn't sure what Peony was groaning about, it must not have been too big of a deal since he didn't elaborate. Since Guy knew that he didn't have time to get into a lengthy conversation with the man, he chose not to question it, instead grabbing the bag and peering in for a moment before slinging it over his shoulder. "Thanks, I'll ask him." If anyone would know what that stuff was, it would be Claude ( ... )


rappigs June 1 2008, 08:15:00 UTC
"Come with you? As if. I think I might see if I can find that interesting kid that I got to the second floor with again..." Peony was actually kind of interested in that particular guy, among others - but his similarity to Luke, as well as his penchant for kicking things to open them, made the eclectic emperor very fond of him.

He'd also gotten to the second floor with his roommate, but Siggy was a little more boring.

"Yeah, yeah, we should find a system. But let's do that another time, okay?" He waved Guy off as if he were some sort of fly. He really was affectionate toward the other blond, but he was holding Guy up at this point. Holding him up from finding ways to get Peony out of here and back home with his rappigs.

"Have a good one," Peony said, resting against the wall outside the door. He'd figure out something to do.. or some way to go about finding that Haseo kid.


razing_phoenix June 1 2008, 22:47:31 UTC
"All right, all right," Guy said, knowing when he wasn't wanted. He also knew that Peony meant no hard feelings, and the servant was just glad that the older man had some idea in mind and someone he wanted to spend the night with, at the very least.

He had left him to his own devices in the past and Peony had managed well enough, so maybe he wasn't giving the emperor enough credit. There was always the option to run from monsters, after all, so maybe that was Peony's strategy.

"See you around," he said with a quick wave that could have passed as a casual salute as he turned and headed down the hall with the bag of flasks securely hanging from his shoulder. At least it was a short trip to Claude's room.


razing_phoenix June 1 2008, 22:56:19 UTC
[ To here. ]


rappigs June 9 2008, 15:39:58 UTC
Peony spent some time hanging out in front of his room, bemusedly staring over at a fight that seemed to have broken out between a scorpion and a few patients. Sure, one might have called it morbid, but it was entertaining - and what did one expect? Peony had spent half his life with Jade at his side, of all people. Not that he'd let that influence his ethics too much. Yulia, no. But he knew that stepping in could only spell more disaster, especially considering his current state of armament.

And a man - or a woman, what? - had entered a few minutes into the fight, having left room M63. Was that Guy's roommate? Peony found a new surge of interest. He almost wanted to pull the fighter aside. So graceful, yeah! Just like a rappig or something~

He'd have to talk to the guy - girl? - sometime. Yes, that was on his to-do list of things to do! Not that he kept one, but if he did, that would be on it. Along with 'find rappigs' and 'harass Jade a bit ( ... )


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