Nightshift 32: M61 - M70 Hallway

May 30, 2008 20:05

In all honesty, Tyki hadn't exactly expected what had happened during dinner. Though it was definitely strange to have woken up in his white side this morning, he hadn't given it too much thought beyond his initial surprise. It had probably something to do with his white side being a laid-back bum, but it simply hadn't come to mind just yet.

It happened after he had finished his dinner, when he was searching his room for something useful while the sun was about to set. The Noah within him had been dormant all day, as it usually was when he was in his human side. But something had changed all of a sudden, which was enough to make Tyki pause as he searched the closet. He knew what was going on, all too familiar with shifting from white to black, but there was only one little problem; he wasn't willing it himself. He could always shift through his white and black side whenever he liked, but now he had no control over it. At all. He couldn't stop it when white turned black, when his skin turned a darker color. It was beyond his own control...

And that didn't sit quite well with the Noah. If there was one thing he had to be careful about, it was losing control. Not being able to turn back. He didn't want to lose them, but...having both was fun.

But he quickly reassured himself. Hadn't he woken up here in his white side? Though he couldn't switch back now, there was reason enough to believe that it wasn't lost. It was too much of a coincidence, to shift to his black right after the sun had set. He didn't knew how, or why, but what if it was related to day and night?

At the very least, having his black side would make his stay a bit more interesting.

He removed his glasses, leaving them on his desk. There was no need for these now. Too lazy to do anything about his hair, he grabbed his flashlight and moved into the dark hallway. He had seen the area on his way to his room, and logic told him the row of doors held more rooms. Not really interested, he moved along.

On to some cigarettes first. He needed a smoke, already!

[To here]

sanji, subzero, zelos, guy, reid, alexander conklin, bennet, mori, okita, zex, sanosuke, zelnick, kurogane, tyki, peony, kunzite, hk-47

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