Nightshift 31: M51-60 hallway

Apr 19, 2008 14:05

Dinner was a bland and irritating affair as usual, which was made worse by the presence of a roommate. Such discomfort was a strikingly different reaction than how he felt rooming with Akatsuki at Cross Academy, but that was an entirely separate thing: for one, they were comfortable with each other (family), had no pretences over what they were (bloodsuckers), and had plenty of space (satisfactory accommodations for two young aristocrats). Now Aidou had to be semi-careful around another human, making sure to keep a wary eye on his horde of items, sealing things up securely so no prying hands could get to them, and making doubly sure the kid didn’t get a look at his uniform.

Nor a look at Aidou changing into it, for that matter. Gross. And to think the kid had enough nerve to just post Aidou’s room number on the bulletin board, for “home deliveries“ too, of all things. Couldn’t be helped; the vampire had had to rip that note down and happily tear it up. What an idiot.

Once the doors unlocked and his roommate took off, Aidou immediately changed and stepped out. With no jacket on, Aidou was half in black and half in white, as he wasn’t stupid enough to wear the whole outfit; the black undershirt with the white pants was all. Shutting M52’s door behind him, he put the usual blockade in place by sealing the door shut with ice. (His "roommate" had better not expect to make any return trips.) As if having to dress down wasn‘t bad enough, Aidou couldn’t even continue to investigate the major issues weighing on him this night, or whatever the hell Landel was babbling about this time. No, tonight he was going to be spending his time in prep for other things, which sucked.

And after all of that? Well, the vampire could only hope he would have time to do other things.

[to here]

valyn, kenshin, albel, sai, mozenrath, xigbar, kaito, aidou, edgeworth, shadow

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