Nightshift 31: F-A Block Hallway

Apr 19, 2008 11:04

[from here]

Anya was beginning to feel the adrenaline as she rounded the corner. Those zombie dogs the first night hadn't really counted as a fight. She hadn't been in a real fight since... since Buffy.

Oh dear god, what if this Kimbley guy had superpowers like Buffy, only his were way better than Buffy's? That was entirely possible, Buffy's ( Read more... )

sanji, argilla, rhode, hanyuu, anya, dairine, kairi, hinamori momo, anise, nia, naminé, angel, rukia, shana, falis, roland, max, yukari, harley, rena, subaru

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angels_inflight April 19 2008, 19:50:55 UTC
[ from here ]

The hallway was relatively quiet, so Naminé didn't have anything to worry about at the moment. As long as she was quiet and didn't draw attention to herself, she should be OK. It seemed to work for her most of the time.


himetsuru April 20 2008, 02:30:23 UTC
[from here]

Falis came out of the hallway where her room was with a boldness most likely not seen by many in Landels. Her mind was focused upon her hunt and the hallway just outside this one was the best place to start. By examining the scene of the attack, a skilled tracker can find what direction the assailant came from and what direction it fled in. That was where she would truly begin her hunt.

Except... there was someone trying to be sneaky around the other two women conversing in the hallway. The princess trained her torch upon the... young girl?

"Oi! You there - girl!" Falis called out to the thin girl caught in the beam projected by the torch. The first thing the bounty hunter noticed, as she approached, was that this girl was too short to be the vampire she was hunting. That meant..

"Are you trying to be eaten by wandering around alone at night? You know, there are vampires around." Didn't this girl read the boards?


angels_inflight April 22 2008, 02:27:08 UTC
Huh? Girl? Was that voice talking to her?!

Naminé looked curiously at the other commanding girl who approached her. Eaten? Vampires? This was the first time Naminé had heard of vampires in the Institute. Clearly, she should have paid attention to the bulletin board, but...

"I... I don't have anyone to travel with," Naminé tried to explain her rather foolish actions. Yes, yes, she knew it was dangerous to travel alone, but she had no one to go with. At least, no one that she was willing to go out and find. She was sure Kairi and Sora had more important things to do and Axel probably did as well.

It looked like this girl was alone too, but for all Naminé knew, she was just going to meet up with others. It was probably best not to keep her.


himetsuru April 22 2008, 04:44:25 UTC
Falis stopped next to the girl and looked the waif over. She was a little scrawny, so the vampires might not find her appetizing. Then again, the bounty hunter never did figure out why the bloodsuckers chose the victims they did.

"Unless you've got a knife hidden on you somewhere, traveling alone is pretty damn stupid around here," the bounty hunter stated. "Especially with a vampire that likes to eat young girls running about."

She jerked a thumb at herself and smirked. "I'm going to find it and kill it."

Suddenly acting as if the girl was coming along with her, Falis walked a bit toward the door. "It attacked last night in the hallway just outside here. I plan to start tracking it there, so we might get lucky and find it quickly." She adjusted the wooden spear on her shoulder. "Got experience fighting bloodsuckers?"


angels_inflight April 22 2008, 05:04:26 UTC
She couldn't help but feel equally foolish, being lectured by someone who probably wasn't here as long as she had. And yet, this woman was right; it was stupid going out alone, without any weapons! What was she thinking?

Naminé was wondering if she should just retire to her room for the night, when the woman stepped forward and started to talk about "we". We? Was she talking about her group that she might be meeting with or was she talking about the two of them?

It became evident when the woman asked her if she could fight "bloodsuckers". Oh.

"N-No, I ... can't really fight," Naminé shook her head, but she thought for a moment. Well, Naminé had already gone out of her room and such...

"But if you're not familiar with these halls, I can help guide you, if you have any idea where this vampire is," She offered. "I have a very good memory and I'm good at running away when things get dangerous."


himetsuru April 22 2008, 05:15:09 UTC
"You didn't look like you'd put up much of a fight, but having an extra set of eyes on the lookout never hurts," Falis stated, moving to the door again. The girl had a point though, the bounty hunter didn't know the layout of this palace of ancient technology as much as she'd like.

"I don't know where the vampire nests yet," she said. "But I'm going to start where it's last attack was and use the information Kagura gave me to track it. Keep an eye out for a male in white that's taller than a girl a few inches taller than you but not as tall as me."

Falis put her hand on the door, then stopped and drew one of the foot and a half long wooden stakes she had bound at her waist against her back. She held it out to the girl. "Remember, if the vampire tries to bite you, scream really loud and stick this in his heart."


angels_inflight April 22 2008, 05:42:55 UTC
This vampire hunt was very serious, Naminé could tell. Still, she was glad that she could finally be useful for once and decided to help this woman. Her other search would have to wait, but to tell the truth, Naminé probably wouldn't been able to go there alone.

She nodded and blinked when the woman offered her a wooden stake, taking the object hesitantly. Hopefully, it wouldn't come to that - the thought of stabbing anything in the heart made her kind of queasy.

"What else do you know about this vampire?" She asked, wondering where exactly this vampire was and who it attacked. "Oh, and my name is Naminé." As always, introductions were always saved for last.


himetsuru April 22 2008, 05:59:08 UTC
Falis grinned at Namine when the girl took the stake. Now her partner was armed.

"I'm pretty sure it's male since most vampires, when given a choice, will prefer to feed on someone of the opposite sex. There are many options on the vampire menu here in this place, so I think it's male. It's not afraid of groups, though it is a crafty hunter that strikes like a beast, choosing the straggler in a herd and attacking from behind," the bounty hunter explained.

"Its victim, my friend Kagura, manged to bit its hand really hard to get it to release her. It is very stealthy and quick." She tilted her head slightly. "Some vampires can entrance others and most have thralls. We may come across them at some point."

She opened the door. "I'm Princess Alita Forland," she stated as she went through the door. A completely off-topic thought occurred to her.

"You know where to find bunnies, right?"

[to here]


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