Nightshift 31: F1-F10

Apr 19, 2008 15:36

Second floor, East Wing, North Hall 2-B.

Considering how angry the Head Doctor sounded when he gave his usual nightly intercom post, Naminé figured that "Jill" had stolen something very important. Of course, now she was probably dead, but the witch liked to think that if Jill had enough skill to actually steal something from under the Head Doctor's nose, as he put it, then maybe she would be able to evade the monsters that were doubtlessly chasing after her.

One could hope.

Since just about everyone she knew from this place was effectively gone (Raven, Elena, Soma, Larxene even... and Luxord, she supposed, could count since they were no longer friends), it was strange having nothing to do. But Naminé had been sleeping in her room for the better part of the day, succumbing to her melancholy mood. She supposed there was nothing left to do but explore. The thought of finding Kairi or Axel or Sora or anyone she knew lingered for a moment, but since everyone she kept regular contact with seemed to disappear, perhaps it was best just to leave them alone.

Well, there was the North Hall 2-B, on the East Wing of the Second floor. Naminé had nowhere else to go and nothing to do, so she decided to try and find this location. Normally, she would have been afraid of the monsters, but there was no one left to protect her, so just going outside would have sealed her death. At least, if she were to die, she would be doing something semi-useful.

So, with those morbid thoughts, Naminé stepped out of her room and looked around carefully before heading down the hall.

[ moved here ]

naminé, miku, hanyuu, glados, kagura, kairi, lust, rukia, shana, sousuke, max, roland, rena

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