Nightshift 30: M1-10 Hallway

Feb 26, 2008 12:36

[from hereRenji slowed a little as he headed up the hallway, sweeping the ceiling with his flashlight. So far, no giant spiders. He liked that. It wasn't that he had anything against spiders; he wasn't some pansy that was afraid of a little bug. Or a big one. He just hadn't liked the feeling of getting bitten and poisoned ( Read more... )

ren, river, ion, daemon, kadaj, knives millions, alec, zuko, hughes, sora, hisoka, roy, renji

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[knock knock knock-ing on Daemon's doo~oor] stray_shinigami February 26 2008, 19:41:20 UTC
Just for courtesy's sake, he knocked. Last time he'd barged into a room, some soldier had tried to twist his head off. Which didn't bother him all that much, but Daemon seemed like the sort that might want to say hello before the punches started flying.


Inside M2 bastard_sadi February 27 2008, 01:05:18 UTC
Daemon looked up at the knock, gliding across the room to open the door and catch sight of the redhead from the illumination of his torch. "Well, at the very least, you're prompt," he greeted with a wry quirk of his lips.


Re: Inside M2 stray_shinigami February 27 2008, 02:35:48 UTC
Renji gave Daemon a somewhat strained grin. "Normally am," he said. "Less likely to get caught if you're running."

He took the open door as an invitation and came inside, keeping an eye on Daemon. Once he was in the room, he pulled the sword from his improvised belt and laid it on one of the desks.


Re: Inside M2 bastard_sadi February 27 2008, 02:40:04 UTC
"I take it you're ready, then?" Daemon inquired, stepping back from the doorway and standing casually beside his bed, watching the Shinigami with a patient expression. He looked totally at ease and not at all like someone about to break into a fistfight several days in the building.

"No interruptions tonight?"


Re: Inside M2 stray_shinigami February 27 2008, 02:50:20 UTC
Renji laughed. "I was born ready to fight. No interruptions."

There really didn't seem to be anything else to wait for. Daemon knew why he was there. They'd spoken.

Renji closed the short distance between them in the blink of an eye, fist whipping toward Daemon's jaw.


Re: Inside M2 bastard_sadi February 27 2008, 02:54:16 UTC
Renji was fast. Faster than he'd anticipated. There was a crack as the Shinigami's fist impacted with his jaw, and for a moment, Daemon's senses spun with pain and surprise. Then his body was reacting even as he sought to steady his vision, his fist swinging low, aiming a blow towards the redhead's midsection rather than return the blow to the face.


Re: Inside M2 stray_shinigami February 27 2008, 03:05:08 UTC
A counter was inevitable, and expected. He twisted, right hand moving across his body to slap Daemon's fist aside - and if he got lucky, grab it. His left arm lashed out for a return low punch, aimed at the soft spot right below the floating ribs.


Re: Inside M2 bastard_sadi February 27 2008, 03:08:00 UTC
Daemon was ready for that one, however. He'd spent too much time sparring with his brother to not be able to read the movements of an opponent's body. He sidestepped, bringing his foot down towards the redhead's instead, even as he curled his free hand into a fist and slammed it upwards towards Renji's jaw in a quick uppercut.

Lucivar was also known to fight dirty on occasion, and Daemon had picked up a few tricks and defenses along the way.


Re: Inside M2 stray_shinigami February 27 2008, 03:26:52 UTC
Renji was actually less concerned about the upper cut than in possibly losing mobility. Daemon's fist got him a solid blow, as he hitched his foot up, then lashed with it sideways for a groin kick.

Sadly, the force of being hit just added to the force he could put into that sideways movement.


Re: Inside M2 bastard_sadi February 27 2008, 03:32:00 UTC
Daemon, however, let no one go there without permission - not even Renji - and took the blow to the thigh instead, shifting his body into the kick. His leg went numb and he almost toppled, but at least his future offspring were safe.

"That's a low blow," he panted out, slightly breathless from pain and exertion. "No pun intended." Then he jammed his shoulder into the redhead, putting his weight behind it, attempting to knock the male off balance and backwards after his kick.


Re: Inside M2 stray_shinigami February 27 2008, 03:36:08 UTC
A charge. That was indelicate. And normally Renji's thing. Instead of resisting or sidestepping, he simply grabbed Daemon's arm and shirt in an instant and dropped backwards, back hitting the floor hard. Annoying, but it was all that much easier to jam his legs against Daemon's hip and keep the momentum going, effectively tossing the man head first at the wall.


Re: Inside M2 bastard_sadi February 27 2008, 03:42:51 UTC
Daemon bit out a curse as Renji flipped him over him, one hand grappling against the floor to shift his balance.

It worked. Somewhat.

His breath left him in a whoosh! as his back and shoulder impacted with the wall, leaving a nice-sized dent behind him. Dazed, he slid to the floor, half-sprawled against the wall as he tried to remind his lungs how to inhale.


Re: Inside M2 stray_shinigami February 27 2008, 04:03:48 UTC
Renji rolled over backwards and onto his feet with speed that would have made acrobats effective. He had the advantage; he was going to press it.

He lunged at Daemon, coming in with his fist and his knee going for whatever he could hit.


Re: Inside M2 bastard_sadi February 27 2008, 04:07:55 UTC
Daemon's head cleared just in time to see the redhead lunging for him, and he brought his foot up to block or slow Renji's momentum. Though, pinned as he was, there was no chance to move out of the way this time. He grunted as he kicked out at Renji's legs, at least trying to bring the redhead down on top of him. Grappling he could handle much better than being pinned and beaten.


Re: Inside M2 stray_shinigami February 27 2008, 04:13:37 UTC
Renji was not in the mood for contact that close, not if he wasn't in charge. He struck sideways with his leg, blocking Daemon's kick with his shin. Which hurt, enough that he knew it was going to be a nasty bruise. But it was better than being on his face.

He spun back around and drove in with his fist, though more cautiously this time.


Re: Inside M2 bastard_sadi February 27 2008, 04:34:21 UTC
Daemon was scrambling now. Out of breath and body aching with pain, some part of his mind registered that there was something wrong with him. His reflexes were slower than usual, and while he was nowhere near as good a brawler as his brother - and obviously Renji - he was better than this. Something wasn't right.

Renji came in for another blow and Daemon instinctively threw up a shield to block. Except nothing happened, and golden eyes flickered wide in shock a moment before the redhead's fist collided with his collarbone, the Warlord Prince having made no physical move to intercept it.


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