Day 28; Bus 3

Oct 26, 2007 10:31

There was, Naomi decided, some sort of cosmic irony in all of this. Not that she was trapped in a deranged and possibly other-worldly asylum with a man she'd idolized for years and a boy who was being investigated for - among other things - the murder of her fiance. No, at this point, those were perfectly normal occurrences. Rather it was the ( Read more... )

star dragon sword, rhode, dairine, siegfried, saber, waka, sora, jade, naoya, allen, tk-622, asch, light, clark kent, claude, zex, tamaki, arietta, mark, hiei, claire bennet, shana, mion, artemis, sousuke, javert, raiden, zabuza, dean winchester, harry, peony, hughes, aya, alucard, yuber, radical edward, integra, heero, elena (ffvii), fox, naomi, cloud, leon magnus, yoruichi, aidou, kratos, kain, scar (tlk), sanzo

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broken_exorcist October 26 2007, 17:43:03 UTC
And once again, Allen woke in his bed as though the night had never happened. He breathed a sigh of relief when the tattoo vanished again and this time, that woman's awful presence wasn't quite as strong. Was Rinali alright? There'd been only one rat left, but who could say ( ... )


blood_and_pocky October 26 2007, 18:30:55 UTC
There was no such thing as an early-morning vampire (except for freaks like Ichijou), but there was so much to do. Aidou had no time for personal reflection when the sun rose; Akatsuki was here, and the tattoo was still present, and there was a ‘fieldtrip’ outside of the building, and he’d killed his own doppelganger last night…

Blood scent had a way of lingering, and normally that was pleasant. Not so now. He couldn’t stand his own scent everywhere, absolutely everywhere.

He took the proffered clothes without verbal complaint, although it was hard to mistake his expression for anything but utmost loathing. It was near thing that his upper lip hadn’t curled and revealed his fangs at the nearest victim. Cheap things were one thing… but he looked like a grungy teenaged boy. Teenaged vampire he was, but he was also one of the elite, and ridiculous Western band t-shirts (AC/DC, of an 80s variety) and blue jeans and sneakers were the height of poor fashion. It was despicable. So far removed from his usual image. But that was nothing ( ... )


broken_exorcist October 26 2007, 18:36:40 UTC
Allen had been peering excitedly out the bus window when the other boy approached. There were few things that could dampen his spirits at the moment, but somehow, he knew just which one to play upon. Allen was wary of people who approached him, even at the best of times, but the boy's topic of conversation wasn't helping any either.

His face fell from a bright smile to a flat line, fraught with suspicion. "I don't want to talk about it," Allen said firmly.


blood_and_pocky October 26 2007, 19:05:00 UTC
Not that he could blame the boy for being a little snot about it. Still, Aidou never liked bratty behavior, and because of Reika, he thought even less of the human memories she invoked - or those she invoked in others.

The vampire leaned forward a little, expression neutral. The tips of his fingers tapped his right bicep rhythmically. "By your reaction, the same symptoms too, I would guess. The only reason I ask," and like he had any other reason for approaching a grinning fool in this hellhole, "is that I had my own encounter with her. So?"


broken_exorcist October 26 2007, 19:12:46 UTC
Was this boy being impatient with him? Simply because he didn't wish to go into detail once again about his traumatic experience with that... that ghost woman?! The boy failed to impress him, even when explaining that he too had been touched.

"Then you know as much as I," Allen said flatly, his expression a terribly forced smile.


blood_and_pocky October 26 2007, 19:29:21 UTC
He leaned closer still, eyeing up the ugly little child. No wonder he'd been picked up by Renji's ragtag adoption agency - he was just their kind of weird kid ( ... )


broken_exorcist October 26 2007, 19:38:36 UTC
Ugh, what an obnoxious brat! Allen might be compelled to be of more help if the boy didn't give off such a... a snobbish aura and spoke as though he were better or... or smarter somehow than Allen! It wasn't unheard of, but he wasn't stupid either. His expression changed only slightly as the boy started listing off the hellish effects that woman had left him with.

Obnoxiously accurate, Allen wanted to reply. "Yes," came as calmly as he could manage in its place.


blood_and_pocky October 26 2007, 20:05:17 UTC
"I see."

Oh, Aidou knew that look. But the fact that he was receiving it right at that moment... why, it was almost enough to really let the 'obnoxious brat' out of the bag. The fact of the matter was, Aidou was better, and he'd been trying not to lose his temper. Weren't annoyingly happy kids like this supposed to channel their inner philanthropists and empathize with someone who was probably still under the effects of a phantom's despicable touch? Apparently not.

Aidou definitely wasn't excusing Allen for anything if that was the case. Resistant little troll.

Don't look at me like that. I hate people like you.

"Then one final thing. Is it still in effect?" 'It' was a broad term, but he expected the kid to understand nonetheless.


broken_exorcist October 26 2007, 20:15:55 UTC
Allen knew he shouldn't be upset. If someone else had asked him the questions in a more civilized manner instead of giving him attitude, he'd probably be happy to warn them of the danger of going anywhere near that woman. But now... it felt like admitting anything of the sort was like... showing weakness in front of this boy. And while he hadn't much pride, the little scrap he had didn't want to comply.

He crossed his arms, partly from the cold chill that just thinking of that woman gave him, and partly to show his defiance, "that's none of your business."


blood_and_pocky October 26 2007, 20:36:06 UTC
Aidou narrowed his eyes, fixing Allen with a highly displeased stare.

"Do you always act like this, or is it only when someone asks you a reasonable question?" There, he pulled out of his relaxed slouch and straightened over Allen's seated figure. It was never a good idea to be so incautious around a stranger like that, especially with those wounds and Aidou in the superior position to attack. If he had been aiming for violence, things could've ended badly for the kid. At least guys like Sasuke knew that.

"It is my business, because if I hadn't made myself perfectly clear by now, I'll say it again: the same thing happened to me. So when I ask after information that could potentially aid in ending the effects and prevent it from happening again, perhaps you should use a little forethought and be a little more compliant. Otherwise, I'd hope you realize you're only impeding any progress made against that woman, or any other creature." Aidou resisted, with a lot of effort, to reach over and massage his shoulder, tainted with Reika's ( ... )


broken_exorcist October 26 2007, 20:46:26 UTC
Allen didn't flinch or look away as Aidou continued on his lecture. It only proved all the more what a brat the boy was! If he didn't get his way he yelled and threw a tantrum? Wonderful! Allen pushed himself out of his seat, sick of taking a defensive posture while this boy who couldn't be any older than he was went on and on.

"Listen you little nit!" Allen replied in a hiss. "Perhaps if you had more manners than a common mongrel, people might be more inclined to answer you! Simply because we shared the same experience, that does not mean you have the right to demand answers of me!" He'd taken about all he could of this other boy. "Yes? No? Maybe I don't even know alright? Maybe I don't even want to think about it because it was horrid!" Though he was starting to think that the ghost woman had every reason for grabbing this other one. If he'd been as obnoxious to her as he was being now, he'd have given her every right to do it.


blood_and_pocky October 26 2007, 21:15:27 UTC
He could spot injuries as well as any predator could, and when he grabbed Allen by the left shoulder, and wrenched his face closer, he did so without touching any wounds.

"Youth does not excuse you," Aidou hissed back, deeper than Allen, and more fierce. Older than his age, colder than ice, and more disgusted then he'd been in a long while. "Who do you think you are that you may withhold such information? Yes, it was horrid, and so what? You're only of many who has experienced the same thing - what gives you the right to put your emotions first and wallow like a pig in self-deprecation under these circumstances!? Your pain is not important. Your misery is not important. What is important is accepting the fact that you are only one person. Don't you dare think you are above the situation, don't you dare think you have the right to mock me, and don't you dare think you get to decide who is worthy of your attention."

How dare a child be so wrapped up in his own grief and think it was okay to remain like that? It wasn't! It just wasn't ( ... )


broken_exorcist October 26 2007, 21:40:17 UTC
Allen could only glare at the other boy as he hissed out his threats and accusations. He was used to being insulted, but when the boy called him a coward, the pain was a little more apparent on his face. He shrank back, even if it was just a fraction of an inch.

"If anyone seems to think themselves high and mighty, it's you, not me," Allen said, his voice a little less sharp, a bit more cowed. "I've already passed on that information to others who will use it properly. Dare... dare... as long as I take the consequences for my actions, I can do whatever I dare. And... and if that makes me a coward, then so be it. Rather that than whatever self-important piece of trash you think you are."


always_a_victim October 26 2007, 21:55:47 UTC
The next morning found him slightly irritable, but bandaged and cleaned. It was disorientating, but on top of everything else it was a relief to find himself tended to. He didn't say anything to the nurse's chirping, even when he was stuck in faded jeans, a tight t-shirt, and a plaid zip up with a hood and deep pockets. Kain found it easier to let her talking pass by him without really listening.

He smothered a yawn as he moved into the third bus, having to duck a bit to fit his lanky frame in the slightly cramped environment. When he caught sight of Hanabusa, he hid a wince. It was too early (too late?) to deal with an ill tempered cousin. But apparently he was going to have to step in before the nurse's did.

"You can't judge what someone's like so quickly," he said as he stood behind Aidou, looking down at Allen with a mild expression. There was a warning in his eyes though, a message to not prod past patience already stretched thin.


blood_and_pocky October 26 2007, 23:31:33 UTC
Aidou smiled, then, sharper than a knife when his cousin appeared at his elbow. Weakness and frailty was what he heard in Allen's voice.

"Allen Walker, you are more than a coward. You are ignorant and shameful, and above all, you are dishonorable. I'm afraid I prefer my integrity to your debased ethics. But do enjoy your childish logic while it lasts."

Tilting his head, never once looking back at his cousin, Aidou signaled their exit. His eyes were dancing with dark, caustic reproach, trained on Allen's face as they were.

"Let's go, Akatsuki. There's no time to waste on his kind."

And wasn't that the truth. Utterly disgraceful.

[moving here]


broken_exorcist October 29 2007, 03:53:36 UTC
Allen opened his mouth for a retort, but no response came. He'd been called many terrible things in his short life, but rarely did he let it get to him. He tried to tell himself that was just because he was upset, not because the things he'd said might actually be true.

He could only watch with a cold anger as the boy walked away with his friend. He was too affected by his own rage to notice the other boy's apologetic look, offered no doubt, as some kind of consolation for his friend's terrible manners. Allen sat after a moment, his fist sinking deeply into the seat in front of him as he struck it. There was a considerable dent, but Allen had a hard time making himself care.

As if that wasn't enough, the icing on the cake was watching Rinali walk past him without so much as acknowledging his presence. That hurt more than anything the other boy could have said. His head sank down and he leaned forward, resting it on the seat in front of him. Maybe he really was as pathetic as that boy had said. Maybe...


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