Day 28; Bus 3

Oct 26, 2007 10:31

There was, Naomi decided, some sort of cosmic irony in all of this. Not that she was trapped in a deranged and possibly other-worldly asylum with a man she'd idolized for years and a boy who was being investigated for - among other things - the murder of her fiance. No, at this point, those were perfectly normal occurrences. Rather it was the ( Read more... )

star dragon sword, rhode, dairine, siegfried, saber, waka, sora, jade, naoya, allen, tk-622, asch, light, clark kent, claude, zex, tamaki, arietta, mark, hiei, claire bennet, shana, mion, artemis, sousuke, javert, raiden, zabuza, dean winchester, harry, peony, hughes, aya, alucard, yuber, radical edward, integra, heero, elena (ffvii), fox, naomi, cloud, leon magnus, yoruichi, aidou, kratos, kain, scar (tlk), sanzo

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Comments 462

broken_exorcist October 26 2007, 17:43:03 UTC
And once again, Allen woke in his bed as though the night had never happened. He breathed a sigh of relief when the tattoo vanished again and this time, that woman's awful presence wasn't quite as strong. Was Rinali alright? There'd been only one rat left, but who could say ( ... )


blood_and_pocky October 26 2007, 18:30:55 UTC
There was no such thing as an early-morning vampire (except for freaks like Ichijou), but there was so much to do. Aidou had no time for personal reflection when the sun rose; Akatsuki was here, and the tattoo was still present, and there was a ‘fieldtrip’ outside of the building, and he’d killed his own doppelganger last night…

Blood scent had a way of lingering, and normally that was pleasant. Not so now. He couldn’t stand his own scent everywhere, absolutely everywhere.

He took the proffered clothes without verbal complaint, although it was hard to mistake his expression for anything but utmost loathing. It was near thing that his upper lip hadn’t curled and revealed his fangs at the nearest victim. Cheap things were one thing… but he looked like a grungy teenaged boy. Teenaged vampire he was, but he was also one of the elite, and ridiculous Western band t-shirts (AC/DC, of an 80s variety) and blue jeans and sneakers were the height of poor fashion. It was despicable. So far removed from his usual image. But that was nothing ( ... )


broken_exorcist October 26 2007, 18:36:40 UTC
Allen had been peering excitedly out the bus window when the other boy approached. There were few things that could dampen his spirits at the moment, but somehow, he knew just which one to play upon. Allen was wary of people who approached him, even at the best of times, but the boy's topic of conversation wasn't helping any either.

His face fell from a bright smile to a flat line, fraught with suspicion. "I don't want to talk about it," Allen said firmly.


blood_and_pocky October 26 2007, 19:05:00 UTC
Not that he could blame the boy for being a little snot about it. Still, Aidou never liked bratty behavior, and because of Reika, he thought even less of the human memories she invoked - or those she invoked in others.

The vampire leaned forward a little, expression neutral. The tips of his fingers tapped his right bicep rhythmically. "By your reaction, the same symptoms too, I would guess. The only reason I ask," and like he had any other reason for approaching a grinning fool in this hellhole, "is that I had my own encounter with her. So?"


hamenleai October 26 2007, 17:53:42 UTC
A skirt. They'd put her in a skirt.

Granted, it was a nice skirt, but that was entirely not the point!

Shana uncomfortably followed her nurse through the hallways as she tried to get adjusted to the feel of fabric swishing about her bare legs. She felt... indecent. There were other girls wearing pants, why had she been put into a dress? And not even a whole dress, just the bottom half of one! She would have much preferred her normal clothing from back home to this. She was going to be paranoid all day!

At least it was pretty, she was forced to admit as she stepped outside into the sunshine. The skirt was a deep, earthy brown with embroidered pleats and floral stitching in bright lavender that matched the sweater she wore overtop. Her books were a comfortable worn sort of leather that was soft to the touch. At least that was normal, although she'd never seen an elven lady wear boots with a dress. Was fashion so very different here ( ... )


the_clown_king October 26 2007, 18:10:32 UTC
Oh goodness, what a night! Despite the blood and vomit and everything else, he was feeling productive. The clinic was success. and he was doing what he'd set out to do! He was helping people!

And today he had his dates! And real clothes! This was a wonderful day!

Bursting onto the bus rather happily - and happy in his blue V-neck sweater and black jeans - Tamaki grinned widely and bowed to a red haired teenage girl.

"My pardons, fair maiden! May I take this seat beside you?" Even if he had dates to go on, he still wasn't going to shirk his Hosting duties! And the poor girl looked rather confused. It was his duty to offer her company!


hamenleai October 26 2007, 18:16:55 UTC
Shana jerked in surprise at the voice behind her, and straightened with wide green eyes as her gaze fell on the blond young man before her. A quick glance at his ears told her he was human, and her startled expression slipped into a slightly awkward smile.

"You can, I don't mind," she answered, her tone friendly as she reached up and tucked a stray curl of red hair behind a slightly-pointed ear. She felt self-conscious, being out of her element and among strangers. Not to mention everything here was so strange and she didn't even know where to start to take it all in.

"I'm Shana," she added, introducing herself with a nod of her head in greeting. "I just got here yesterday."


the_clown_king October 26 2007, 18:22:09 UTC
"Oh!" Tamaki took a seat, lounging elegantly even on the bus. He couldn't help it. He was feeling more himself than he had in days!

"I'm very sorry about that. But it's a pleasure to be in the presence of such beauty. I'm Lord Suou Tamaki - please, beautiful maiden, simply called me 'Tamaki'." Well, it was certainly his duty to make her feel better! It was horrible to be new in this place.


felled_hero October 26 2007, 17:59:58 UTC
Despite not even leaving Roy's room last night, Hughes didn't think the night had gone too badly. At least Roy was able to get some sleep. And while the other man might well gripe about not accomplishing anything, it was better he take a night off and take care of himself.

This whole town event was an interesting one. Hughes couldn't remember even mention of leaving the institute before this little trip. Not that he wasn't sure there would be precautions taken to keep them in line, but....

The 'buses' were the biggest damn automobiles Hughes had ever seen. They were like train cars! Huh. He stared at them in fascination, before he was urged on with a bag of breakfast. He nodded and smiled to the scattering of other people on the bus and took a seat near the back.

Hopefully he'd find Roy when they got to town....


inb4crazy October 26 2007, 19:19:48 UTC
((Hope you don't mind--))

To say Mion was eagerly awaiting a field trip to a new and wonderful place where hopefully the horrible things she had been getting used to in the past two days didn't apply would be a big fat lie. At this moment in time she wanted nothing more than to be put through the same sick routine so she could find Rena or Hanyuu and see if they were okay after that monster attack last night.

Instead, she was being forced into an ugly range sweater and some skirt and forcing her onto a bus. Looking around and seeing neither of her friends were on yet, she began walking down the aisle. Finally, she tapped the shoulder of the man who was currently occupying half of one of seats.

"Uh, excuse me, is this seat taken?"


quickdrawbkiddo October 27 2007, 05:54:27 UTC
[just passing by quickly on the way to pester Naomi]

Beatrix passed by Mion and the older man she was sitting with. She paused briefly to pat Mion on the shoulder with her bandaged hand and give the girl a smile. Just a brief acknowledgment of someone she'd effectively adopted for the time being. She nodded to the man and continued on her way to where Naomi sat.

[moving on down to new thread for Naomi-pestering]


felled_hero October 28 2007, 22:53:02 UTC
"No, not at all." Hughes shook his head and smiled. "You're welcome to it." He didn't know the young woman, but he scooted over to give her more room. He certainly didn't mind the company. He looked up as an older woman wandered by to give the young woman a reassuring pat, but didn't ask.

"I'm Maes Hughes."


loyal_soldier October 26 2007, 18:06:44 UTC
Well, a whole load of nothing had happened last night. TK was surprised to find himself back in his bed, though. Had he gotten hit by a stun or something? He just hoped that things hadn't gotten bad after that.

It was more than a little surprising to get put in civilian clothes at the start of the day. Old, faded black pants and a grey shirt with a very odd picture on it. The shirt was from some museum shop, in a place he'd never heard of.

TK let himself be lead out to the transports, boarding one that seemed fairly empty. He truly hoped that groundcars like this one weren't the norm for this planet. This thing even had wheels.


claire_ity October 30 2007, 04:13:35 UTC
This was so fourth grade. Claire barely resisted the urge to pout and stomp her feet, the general frustration of the whole night making her irritable. Despite her apprecitation for clothes that weren't dull and creepy, she wasn't exactly jumping for joy at what she'd been given. The jeans were fine. The ugly maroon sweater was not. Claire wasn't sure if the patterns were snowflakes or snowmen, but it was embarrassing.

Having dragged her feet as long as she could, Claire was finally escorted out by an annoyed nurse who informed her she was holding everyone else up. That was just fine. As much as Claire hated Landels, she was suspicious of any place these freaks wanted to take her.

Placed next to the nearest (and possibly only, from what she could see) open seat, Claire slid in next to TK but didn't sit just yet, scanning the bus for Wesker or that rude boy she'd pried off a girl not a few days ago.

She was sure it was him. The same one who attacked her. He'd messed up by letting her hear his voice, and she wasn't going to let him ( ... )


loyal_soldier October 30 2007, 04:27:26 UTC
622 looked up when someone approached, relief visible on his face. Good. She's alright. He had been worried that something might have happened after the last bit of the nightshift that he could remember.

He jumped slightly when the transport powered up, unsure of what to make of all the noise and the shaking. Noise was fine, he was used to troop carriers that made an awful amount of noise. But the weird vibrating buzz of the whole structure didn't inspire confidence. As such (with the added bonus of complete social ineptitude), he didn't really pick up on any sarcasm on the comment about his clothing. "I haven't got the faintest idea what it stands for." It didn't make any more sense having to look at it upside down, either. But a floating eyeball was weird, no matter what orientation it was viewed from.

Enough of that. "What happened at the end of the nightshift? I just woke up in my cell, and don't know how I got there."


claire_ity October 30 2007, 04:58:41 UTC
Claire nodded knowingly. "Whenever night ends, everyone blacks out and ends up back in their rooms no matter where they are. I don't know why."

Claire took the muffin out of her bag and pouted at it, as though it was the cause for all her anxiety.

Turning a bit, she let her eyes roam the bus before she spotted her target before turning back to TK. Well, he was here. She'd deal with him when they got off the bus.

"About the kitchen," Claire started before putting her muffin away again, "do you still want to try for it tonight? See if it really does lead anywhere?"


longlivetehking October 26 2007, 18:15:40 UTC
When his nurse mentioned he was going to have to change into the 'outfit' she was holding (of which one the colors was nearly blinding him), Scar could only offer the female human a rather blank expression.

What was he supposed to do with these strange cloths? Should he put them around his body like the colorless ones he had now? What were they for? It only occurred later to him that humans wore these because they lacked fur.

A few awkward and especially embarrassing moments later, Scar was finally changed into his new outfit and ready to go. He - still - stumbled down the hall, feeling awkward and uncomfortable. He was given a bright yellow shirt with some symbols on it along with black jeans (ironically making the yellow even more bright) and a jacket. Not that the former lion could name any of those garments, but it hardly mattered ( ... )


requiemforasoul October 26 2007, 20:26:50 UTC
The Head Doctor’s cheerful speech over the intercom had caused Siegfried to wake up a little disorientated. Last he remembered Ed had been running off down the hallway, with he and Steve following behind.

The nurse who arrived later had been equally as cheerful as the doctor when she handed him some clothes and told him to get dressed quickly. He’d been given a faded green shirt and pants made of a material he didn’t recognise. Once dressed, the nurse had ushered him out of the building and towards what Siegfried presumed were the ‘buses’ that had been mentioned over the intercom. They seemed to be the method of transport in this world, and were very brightly coloured.

After being given his breakfast, Siegfried dropped into a seat next to a dark haired man.



longlivetehking October 26 2007, 21:18:34 UTC
Scar had been investigating the smooth surface of the thing next to him. The former lion found it remarkable that he could see through this material. The purpose of this large, yellow object still remained unclear to him, which didn't make him feel any more comfortable sitting in it. He wondered what would happen next.

He scarcely noticed someone approaching before the patient in question took the seat next to him and spoke.

His green, feline eyes assessed the man, instantly noticing the large scar in his face. "Good morning." he greeted back, more out of a polite habbit than anything else.


requiemforasoul October 27 2007, 23:40:42 UTC
Once Siegfried got a better look at the man sat next to him, he noticed that his eyes looked a little… different. As if the eyes didn’t quite belong on a person, but on a cat instead.

Temporarily taking his attention away from the man, Siegfried looked in the bag the nurse had given him, pulling out a carton with the words ‘Apple Juice’ on the side. Quite how he would drink the apple juice, he wasn’t sure, though it must have something to do with the thing that was stuck to the side. He placed the juice box back in the bag and instead took out the muffin.

After taking a bite out of the muffin and chewing, Siegfried looked back at the other man, “What’s your name?”


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