Nightshift 27: M33

Oct 06, 2007 15:37

[from out here]

The conversation with Sousuke had gone a lot easier tonight. If Usopp's roommate was really so insecure, it made things simpler for Usopp, although he didn't feel entirely comfortable with the idea of trying to bully Sousuke into agreeing that Usopp's behavior was normal and that Sousuke was the one who had a problem, should Sousuke ever start to catch on to who and what Usopp really was. Maybe Sousuke had gotten something out of their talk too. They'd been having a really pleasant chit-chat, all in all, it might help Sousuke as a model for future conversation.

Still, talking was not working, and so Usopp kept the door to his room open as an invite, glancing around the hallway to see if anyone he knew was down it, before sitting at his desk with his flashlight and starting to make a new copy of the maps. This map was going to Sanji, of course--he didn't exactly trust Luffy or Zoro to follow a map or even not to lose it.

Addressing Sai, he explained, "I'm hoping to have a couple more people drop by tonight--at least one I'm sure of." Yuber was fairly reliable, for an Incarnation of Chaos. "I'll be done with this in a second, really, then we can start working on the weapons. Thanks for bringing my stuff! How are you with origami?"

yuber, sai, usopp

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