Nightshift 26: Entry Room

Aug 24, 2007 21:54

[From here]

The location beyond the doors was one not yet known to Xemnas, which was all the more reason for the Nobody to investigate it. After opening the door quietly, he swept his flashlight across the room. There seemed to be no immediate threat present thus far. It was on this very moment the radio decided to make its first broadcast, yet the Superior found nothing of immediate interest. He didn't knew the institute's layout well enough, after all.

Carefully stepping further inside the room while closing the door softly behind him, he took the time looking at his new surroundings. The floor was made of carpet while the walls were a shade of blue, yet they hardly held any interest. Two desks stood in front of two doors. There were more doors on the west and east side respectively, along with a single one across the one he had entered through.

He wondered what waited beyond all these doors, provided they could be opened, of course.

demyx, xemnas

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