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M56 0bnoxious August 22 2007, 14:51:46 UTC
Even despite the change of scenery the game room had been a complete waste of time, which could have been expected. And of course, a certain worm apparently had nothing better to do but bothering him with stupid, trivial questions. Since when was he so interested, anyway?

Taking a seat as soon as Albel entered his room, he began eating his meal. That maggot of a roommate wasn't hear yet, which suited the warrior just fine. The more time he spend without any nagging worms, the better.


burningdigisoul August 23 2007, 01:18:14 UTC
Well, that was pretty useless. It was looking like if he needed something, the staff wasn't going to very helpful, so he'd have to figure things out on his own. That suited Masaru just fine, but it didn't make it any less of a pain in the ass. He could have a quick wit if he really wanted to, but despite that, he was easily not the most resourceful of the human race.

The prospect of the night to come had him in decent enough spirits. It had been a while since he'd had a good man-to-man fight, and since his opponent was apparently pretty strong, he was fired up an just itching in anticipation.

So much so, that he absolutely could not sit still. His dinner was inhaled on the spot, and rather than lounging around on the bed as normal, he found himself pacing in a sort of bored anxiousness. Every now and then, he'd attempt sitting down, but was finding he could only stomach a few seconds of it before he was once again walking lines.


0bnoxious August 23 2007, 12:09:22 UTC
As usual, Albel merely ignored his roommate. After all, the maggot in question was hardly worth his attention. Instead, he found himself planning where he'd head to this nightshift.

Until the maggot's restlessness began to get on the Elicoorian's nerves.

"Would you stop that, maggot? It's irritating."


burningdigisoul August 23 2007, 19:31:22 UTC
What, did this bastard have something to say for once? Too bad Masaru really could have cared less what he had to say.

"You trying to start something, asshole? Save it. If you're looking to get beat up, then you're going to have to wait in line." Sadly, he was booked for that night.


0bnoxious August 23 2007, 21:14:22 UTC
"Hmph, as if a worm like you is capable of such a thing. Not that I would waste my time and energy on scum like you, though." Albel snarled in response, barely sparing the maggot in question a glance. Seriously, what did the weak little maggots like think, anyway?

"You're getting on my nerves with that stupid pacing of yours, worm. Sit down and be quit, or you'll regret it. I won't wait in line."


burningdigisoul August 23 2007, 21:48:34 UTC
Che! Was this guy serious?

"I'm Japan's best street-fighter!" Masaru snorted derisively. "I've faced guys a hell of a lot stronger than some bastard like you. But if you're that serious, then shut the hell up and bring it on. Men have no need for words." His lips spread into a thin line that made it difficult to determine whether he was glaring or smirking.

He was used to taking on up to ten guys. Like hell one was going to be a problem.


0bnoxious August 29 2007, 09:17:42 UTC
And then there was the familiar click of the doors being unlocked.

"Hmph, good for you maggot." Albel scoffed, not in the slightest way threatened. "Too bad I have better things to do tonight than wasting my time with a sniveling worm like you." He stood up and reached for his flashlight and knives.

"If you don't get yourself killed, perhaps I'll change my mind and slit your pathetic throat later."

And with that, he disappeared into the dark hallway.


burningdigisoul August 29 2007, 21:57:13 UTC
"Are you running away?!" Masaru yelled as Albel exited. Who the hell left like that when they were challenged?

Whatever. He had things he needed to take care of. He could show this asshole what he didn't like about him some other time.

Taking care to actually grab his flashlight tonight, the boy exited.


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