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M32 i_slay_giants August 22 2007, 14:21:46 UTC
Jack trudged bitterly behind his nurse as they trekked back towards his room for dinner. He was mad, especially at Haku and that big guy who'd taken it upon himself to break his face (well, technically just his nose). Then to have to GALL to kick him in the nuts and make HIM into the bad guy...Jack couldn't stand it, even if he had expected as much ( ... )


Re: M32 no_side_effects August 22 2007, 15:48:47 UTC
Wesker made his way back to his room, expecting another quiet dinner shift with a sleeping room-mate. However, something was clearly wrong as soon as he stepped into the room.

That was not his room-mate, and he had a bloody nose.

"Hello," Wesker might as well by partially polite to him, if this was going to be his new room-mate.


Re: M32 i_slay_giants August 22 2007, 15:57:41 UTC
Jack glared over his steak at his new room mate. He was in no mood.


At least he seemed talkative. If only Jack was in a better mood, he would have probably chatted him up. As it stood, Jack wasn't feeling particularly social.

"Nice sunglasses," he added, not so nicely.


Re: M32 no_side_effects August 22 2007, 16:02:25 UTC
Wesker returned the glare to little effect from behind his sunglasses, keeping his eyes from glowing and giving himself away just yet.

"Nice bruises," He countered, sitting down calmly to his dinner.


Re: M32 i_slay_giants August 22 2007, 16:05:37 UTC
"Yeah, I know," Jack said bitterly, sneering at his room mate. "Aren't they just? Do you wanna add anything to the growing collection of injuries on my body or are you gonna shut up and eat your damn steak?"

He shoveled some peas into his mouth and glowered. "I am NOT in the mood for any shit right now, so are we clear on that?"


Re: M32 no_side_effects August 22 2007, 17:17:26 UTC
Wesker frowned at his room mate, at the clear hostility. That was not going to do ( ... )


Re: M32 i_slay_giants August 22 2007, 17:20:55 UTC
Jack glowered, but gave in. "Fine, whatever. You're right, you aren't responsible for this."

To say "sorry" was a bit more than the Fable would do, but he would attempt to be a bit more civil and sociable. "So, what's your name then?"


Re: M32 no_side_effects August 22 2007, 19:11:45 UTC
"Much better," Wesker said, turning his attention to his dinner. He hadn't seen much of Krauser during the day, or much of Claire.

Birkin had been around, which was both good and bad. Though, admittedly, the good did outweigh the bad, Birkin was just a stressful person to be around.

At least Alexia wasn't here, then he'd be completely intolerable.

"My name is Wesker," He didn't particularly care if people assumed it was his first name, his last name, or his only name. Wesker was not fond of being called by his first name.

"And yours is?"


Re: M32 i_slay_giants August 22 2007, 19:14:38 UTC

He had trusted his last room mate with his real name, but since Recluse had starting calling him out of the bulletin board, Jack decided it would be best to seperate himself from his public comments. Not that it would probably matter here at all.

"And what neck of woods are ya from, Wesker?"


Re: M32 no_side_effects August 22 2007, 21:39:34 UTC
Any answer he could give John would probably be meaningless unless the man was from his world, which Wesker sincerely hoped not. Still, it couldn't hurt to give an answer.

"I am originally from a place called Raccoon City," And Wesker hoped that John did not know where that was.


Re: M32 i_slay_giants August 22 2007, 21:41:43 UTC
Raccoon City. What, were there cutesy little woodland animals running around and bouncing off walls? The Fable shook his head and tried to clear that image from his mind. This Wesker guy didn't look like the sort to put up with that sort of setting.

"Raccoon City, huh? Interesting town name."


Re: M32 no_side_effects August 22 2007, 21:45:32 UTC
"It was an interesting town," Well, the town itself wasn't too interesting, but the things hidden beneath it, and around it, were. Like the Umbrella labs, and the training facility outside it.

And Wesker was glad to know that John did not recognize the name of the place, that would make things simpler.


Re: M32 i_slay_giants August 22 2007, 21:48:41 UTC
"'Was'?" Jack cocked his head. "What happened to it?"

He cut off a piece of steak and stuck it in his mouth. "Y'know, you'd think if they could afford to feed us steak, they could provide us with more stuff. Or at least more comfortable beds."


Re: M32 no_side_effects August 22 2007, 21:53:51 UTC
"It had to be blown up," And Wesker firmly agreed with the decision to nuke Raccoon city. Blowing up the entire area and incinerating everything was the only sure way to get rid of the virus.

Which was the reason that all Umbrella facilities were wired with explosives. It was quite handy.


Re: M32 i_slay_giants August 22 2007, 21:58:48 UTC
"Ah, well, that's perfectly normal," Jack said with a mock casual tone. "I'm sure there are lots of towns that get blown up."

Did he care enough to ask WHY it had been blown up? He looked his roommate over again and decided, no, not really. Instead, he took a sip of his drink and continued to eat his meal.


Re: M32 no_side_effects August 22 2007, 22:02:56 UTC
"There wasn't anyone living in it anymore," Wesker explained, doing his best not to frown. Raccoon city was a disaster, even by his standards. Placing the labs in that area had been so incredibly idiotic. They could have at least placed them on islands, or better yet, in the antarctic, where an outbreak was much more manageable.

The steak was pretty good, not the best he'd had, but it wasn't horrible. Wesker had to wonder if he would have that opinion if he still had his enhanced senses.


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