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M64 arc_wrench August 22 2007, 14:02:52 UTC
HK did his best to pick through the food that he was given, trying to figure out which one of the things on his plate was the 'potatoes' and which was the 'peas'. He had a fair idea, but with this place, he couldn't be sure. After all, the nurse had given him that white milk again. In a place where milk was white, he didn't have much certainty in any meatbag food products.

At least he wouldn't have to spend the whole night entirely alone with another sulking assassin. The maybe part-Ugnaught meatbag had been bizarre, but potentially tolerable. He was just rather unhappy about the prospect of dragging around noncombatants. They seemed to have somehow acquired two for the night. He sighed, letting his fork hit the probably-peas with a slight splat. At least he'd be able to kill things, soon...


Re: M64 reanalyze August 22 2007, 21:03:44 UTC
Citan realized, as he was escorted back to his room, that he had not a single true ally in this place. He had never been one who gave or accepted trust easily, but it was still a touch disconcerting to know he was rather un-prepared for the nights.

Perhaps he could find those women he'd ran into last night. They had seemed pleasant enough company.

Ah well. Dinner first, and then he'd worry about that. He smiled politely to his roommate and sat down to eat.


Re: M64 arc_wrench August 22 2007, 21:42:32 UTC
HK looked up as his roommate entered. "Greeting: Hello, meatbag." Off to a better start than his last conversation, so far. He hadn't squeaked and toppled off his chair, for one. Or made any meatbag unhappy by having a good time (without killing anything, even!)...

Urgh. Damn that assassin. Any good mood from before? Totally, utterly crushed.


Re: M64 reanalyze August 22 2007, 22:51:48 UTC
"And hello to you," Citan responded, folding his paper napkin on his lap. Dinner did look quite appetizing, at least. And full of essential proteins.

"How was your day?"


Re: M64 arc_wrench August 23 2007, 13:54:13 UTC
"Statement: Mostly awful. But, that is to be expected." He always had accumulated some random problem by the end of the day. At least this time he wasn't drugged. "Query: Did you meet the diminutive meatbag who mentioned 'Gears'?" That had been a bizarre encounter during lunch. A little meatbag, with an offline droid. Usually smaller droids were annoying and spoke only in binary, but he wished that the little fuzzy thing had been functional. He wanted another inorganic to talk to, at least ( ... )


Re: M64 reanalyze August 23 2007, 18:09:37 UTC
"Yes, I met her earlier," Citan confirmed. "We spoke some on our worlds and different Gears. It's clear she doesn't come from Ignis, but it was fascinating to speak nonetheless."

He put down his fork and peered at the small screen HK held out to him. "It looks rather like one of the Ethos hand held databases," he mused. "But I can't say I've seen this exact model. It looks rather rudimentary. There doesn't even appear to be a proper keyboard."

But if it was in a doctor's office, there was a chance it had information on it.


Re: M64 arc_wrench August 23 2007, 20:03:25 UTC
"It also came with several data chips." HK held those out for inspection, as he turned the 'Nintendo DS' back around to face him. 'Touch the Touch Screen to continue'... HK tapped the screen with a finger. A clock (didn't seem to be set properly, as far as he could tell) and a calendar (probably the same) appeared on the top screen, and several panels on the lower. 'Pictochat' and 'DS Download Play' were highlighted, but two of the panels said that no 'DS Card' or 'Game Pak' were inserted. Where would those slot in? HK turned over the DS, finding an empty slot. That must be where the little DS Card data chips went.

There was also a small section on the left that had an indent around it. HK picked at it, finding to his surprise that it came loose. Aah, a stylus. This was quite like a datapad.


Re: M64 reanalyze August 23 2007, 20:41:04 UTC
"It doesn't seem to hold much data," Citan mused. There were no options for retrieving files that he could see. "Perhaps try one of the chips?" Perhaps it was just a data reader.


Re: M64 arc_wrench August 23 2007, 21:28:20 UTC
HK took one of the chips, labeled "Metroid Prime: Hunters", and inserted it into the slot. Nothing changed. It seemed the chip had to be inserted before the power was turned on. HK restarted the DS and selected the icon. After a few title screens, a little video started playing.

HK was immediately enthralled the second something called "Sylux" crushed a few armored troopers. This looks liked it could be interesting! The resolution and sound weren't very good, but... ooh. HK liked this orange-armored being. Probably not a meatbag- Meatbags would squish if they did that transformation into a ball. And meatbags didn't come with arm cannons.

And it looked like the orange-armored thing was the main character. HK liked this idea.


Re: M64 reanalyze August 23 2007, 21:34:18 UTC
"Ah. An entertainment console." Citan shrugged and lost interest rather rapidly. "A pity it doesn't have anything of use on it. Ah... ah." HK seemed to be taking an interest in it. Which made it unlikely he'd offer it up for dissecting. But it would go a great length to helping Citan understand the level of technology on this world. And perhaps he could make something of use with it. A weapon, or a tool that would come in handy.

"I don't imagine you'd let me take it apart?"


Re: M64 arc_wrench August 23 2007, 21:49:36 UTC
HK looked up, his expression slightly sheepish. "Query: Maybe after a moment, meatbag?" The main character looked like a droid, after all! "Statement: There is also that one-way commlink. I don't intend to use the one they gave me." HK pointed at the radio.

'Begin New Game'... This was set somewhere in the galaxy, designated as the Alimbic Cluster. HK couldn't think of any region known by that name. This was probably all fictional, anyway. Especially with a Federation and its empaths mentioned within the opening introduction. And then, confirmation: Set in a nearby galaxy... There was no way that the distance could be feasibly traveled by modern hyperdrive.

HK selected 'Land Ship' at some station called the Celestial Archives. The graphics weren't great, but he did get to control the orange probably-droid...


Re: M64 reanalyze August 23 2007, 22:00:01 UTC
"After a moment, then," Citan repeated. But he doubted he'd get his hands on the piece of equipment. Instead he turned his attention to the radio, deciding he may as well. It would be a simple enough thing to turn a one-way radio into a two-way radio.

He gathered it up and flipped it over, eyeing the bolts that held it together. He took the feeble little utensil in hand and began attempting to disassemble the box. He didn't have any tools, and so it was the tip of the handle that needed to work in place of a screwdriver.

It really was a flimsy bit of a tool....

"I need tools."


Re: M64 arc_wrench August 23 2007, 22:07:58 UTC
HK was having fun, finding out how to control the system. So, the directional pad controlled forward, backward and strafe, and the stylus controlled the aim. And... HK looked distinctly happy when he found out what button fired the arm cannon. There was also a 2-D representation of a holographic map, a 'scan visor', and that little ball form.

And things to shoot. It made him miss his weapons, but it was too fun to not play. "Statement: All I have at present is a scalpel. The blade would be thin enough to slot into a screw." He paused the game for a moment and removed the scalpel from where he had hidden it on himself. It had taken quite a lot of quick work to ensure that the nurses hadn't seen it when he had been forced to go through that cleaning process today.

He handed the scalpel to the meatbag, and continued playing. He had just found out about the missiles this arm cannon could use. HK was very happy now.


Re: M64 reanalyze August 24 2007, 00:08:03 UTC
"Ah, thank you!"

Now Citan went at the radio in earnest, unscrewing the back panel to get to the wiring inside.

"Oh, this is primitive." He wasn't surprised. But it was a simple thing to do.... or would be, if he had pliers. He couldn't switch wires without them. But a simple switching of wires would give him a two-way radio, though he wasn't certain what good it would do him. Perhaps if he was very, very careful in pulling the wires....

Perhaps someone would have want of it and he could trade for better tools.


Re: M64 arc_wrench August 24 2007, 00:22:35 UTC
HK looked up from defeating a bounty hunter named Kanden. "Affirmative: This facility certainly puts on the appearance of being primitive, in most respects. The staff seem convinced by it, as well." He looked back down at the DS, making a string of perfect headshots, thoroughly ruining a pixelated enemy's day. "As I mentioned to another meatbag, I doubt the average guard here would know the first thing about how to operate a thermal detonator, even if a live one was affixed to their torso." He intended to test this theory, when the opportunity presented itself.

Ooh, a teleporter. I wonder where that goes... HK encountered another video clip, and his first boss fight. Many sounds of destruction could be heard from the handheld system's speakers.


Re: M64 reanalyze August 24 2007, 00:27:51 UTC
"I doubt it's truly as primitive as they'd have us believe." Citan held the scalpel between his teeth as he plucked carefully at the wires with his fingers. He wished he had his glasses, the ones he'd designed himself. The magnifier would be most welcome.

"Regardless of what the staff may think. I suspect that they are as in the dark as we are." Which would make sense, at least to him. Why allow slaves to know the secrets of the empire?

"But I can at least make a proper communications device with this."


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