Nightshift 25: 1st Floor Kitchen

Jul 23, 2007 22:21

( Coming from here.)As the door swung open, its lock shattered from a well-placed kick, Max peered into the darkened room beyond. Everything was quiet. Reaching inside, she felt for the light switch, but there was not even any power here. She wasn't surprised ( Read more... )

seishirou, max, qui-gon jinn, obi-wan kenobi, kikyo, excel

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Comments 114

bulletofjustice July 24 2007, 02:37:13 UTC
Excel took the flashlight and waved it over the kitchen. The beam bounced off of the shiny pots and pans that hung around. Everything was just so clean! "Where is the food?" Excel wondered, walking through and heading towards the large doors on the side of the room. "There has to be some here somewhere."

She pulled open one of the doors of the pantry and stared in awe at all of the things she found. True, most of them were raw materials for baking and cooking, but that never stopped Excel. Food was always so very rare to come by and there'd been many a time when she'd had to survive off of packets of ketchup. Drool dripped from the corner of her mouth as she gazed up hungrily. "Food," she said, transfixed and she grabbed at the closest box of cereal. Excel tore into it and tilted her head back, dumping it's contents into her mouth and chewing noisely.


transgenix July 24 2007, 02:41:50 UTC
Deciding it was probably best to let Excel do her eating without an audience - not that Max thought she had the stomach to watch that anyway - she began to poke around the kitchen instead. Moving around opening drawers and cabinets, she quickly and efficiently searched for anything useful.

She found silverware, but nothing sharper than a butterknife, much to her disappointment. Still she grabbed one or two, as well as a few forks. They might not be extremely sharp and pointing, but she'd always had a hell of an aim with throwing daggers and these would work just as well when flung with enough force.


bulletofjustice July 24 2007, 02:58:00 UTC
Excel tore through another box of cereal before grabbing a bottle of maple syrup. She ripped off the top and dumped it into her mouth. Soon she was covered in bits of granola flakes and syrup but she didn't care. Zombie-like, she shuffled over to the large cooler and tried to pull it open. The door refused to budge. She banged and kicked but still failed at opening the door. Panting, she instead turned to one of the sinks. She climbed up onto the counter and shoved her head beneath the faucet before turning it on. The water splashed over her face as she drank greedily. Once finished she slid off the counter and back onto the ground.

"Ah!" she sighed, patting her belly. "Fully fed and ready to go! But first, a snack for the road."

She walked back to the pantry and grabbed a bottle of ketchup and a bottle of syrup. They would come in handy once the hunger strikes again.


transgenix July 26 2007, 20:57:02 UTC
Noting that two others had entered the kitchen, Max edged away from them. After last night, she was a little wary of wandering across other patients at nigh. And while these two looked mostly normal, Max wasn't so quick to trust, or judge by appearances.

"Good," she replied, nodding her head, not taking anything for herself. Not yet. "Is there anything you want to piick up to use as a weapon?" she asked instead, glancing around the kitchen once more. She'd found no real sharp knives, but there were butter knives, and forks, and pots and pans and skillets to use as blunt weapons. "Maybe we can slip out through the side door in the cafeteria and check with the security measures are outside."


black_ageha July 25 2007, 23:10:04 UTC
[ From here ]

With a cursory glance through the kitchen, Kikyo turned over his shoulder to peer at Seishirou.

"Here we are, then. Will you put my culinary 'talents' to the test immediately, or shall we scavenge for some leftovers, first?" he said with a grin.


notahangedman July 25 2007, 23:37:37 UTC
"You would consider that rude, wouldn't you?" Seishirou muttered, slight amusement coloring his voice. Then he moved past Kikyo, a bit of liquid in his movements while stepping around the shorter man, and directly towards the pantry, noticing that they weren't the only hungry ones around tonight.

His flashlight showed him two others, both women. Despite spying the other one beautiful, he decided to head towards the other pantry, leaving the one alone that seemed to have an inhabitant already. Food still hold the top priority on his list.

With a sharp yank, he nudged the pantry door open and peered inside in the light of his flashlight.


black_ageha July 25 2007, 23:53:38 UTC
"Certainly not, I assure you," Kikyo replied with easy politeness. He followed after Seishirou mostly to keep within the light, for the kitchen was rather large and difficult to see anything outside the periphery of the flashlight. He found a kettle on a stove top and he picked it up to fill at a nearby sink.

"I'm taking the liberty to fill the kettle for two. Or do I presume too much to think you prefer tea as well?"


notahangedman July 26 2007, 14:16:34 UTC
"You should not drink coffee at this time of the night, right?" Seishirou popped his head out of the pantry to grin at Kikyo. Like the night and day really mattered that much in this god forsaken place. "Tea sounds lovely, thank you."

He paused for a moment and then propped the pantry door open with his foot, fiddling with his flashlight. He looped the keyring on a hole at the back of the flashlight and hanged it to a hook on the wall beside the pantry. It would give light to the whole kitchen and not just the pantry. Then he propped open the pantry door with a chair and dived back in, looking for something to eat.


i_slay_giants July 26 2007, 23:57:21 UTC
( From here)

Jack entered the kitchen and was immediately struck by how busy it seemed despite its smaller size. There were two men over by a stove and two women rooting around in the cupboards. Neither seemed too eager to interact with a stranger, but that had never stopped Jack before. Still, he had come in search of weapons and by golly, that's what he was gonna to look for.

Now, where was a silverware drawer...?


black_ageha July 27 2007, 01:37:31 UTC
While Seishirou wandered in the direction of the walk-in refrigerator, Kikyo took a moment to search for sugar and tea spoons. He doubted this black tea was the quality that would be palatable without a bit of sweetness at least. He pulled open several drawers, squinting into them in the dim light as he ran his fingers across the contents.

He was not alone, and he glanced up to see another individual, someone who distinctly had not been there just a moment ago. He arched an eyebrow at him.


i_slay_giants July 27 2007, 01:54:52 UTC
Jack got the distinct impression someone was looking at him and pointed his flashlight towards the nearest figure, one of the two men. Well, a bit girly looking, but a man. At least, he was fairly sure it was a man...

The figure appeared to be looking through drawers- perhaps he was after the same prize as Jack? Only one way to find out. "Find the silverware drawer yet, buddy?"


black_ageha July 27 2007, 02:02:40 UTC


In all his life, no one had ever addressed him as such before. Kikyo shielded his eyes from the light, with a slight frown. He was maybe slightly put off by what he found rather inconsiderate. Who did this guy think he was? But if this was where he thought he was, manners wasn't something he really expected to find.

He replied back calmly, with the same amiable tone he was accustomed to using with any stranger.

"I believe I have, yes. What are you looking for in particular?"


qui_gonjinn August 2 2007, 04:19:52 UTC
[Qui-Gon and Obi-Wan head in from hereThe kitchen would have been pitch black if not for Obi-Wan's Earthian flashlight. Looking around, Qui-Gon was a bit surprised at how...clean it looked; white counters, white and cabinets of the same color lined its walls. The Force was silent about their prospects or about the presence - or absence - of any friend or foe, and Qui-Gon took that as a hint to get moving. Exchanging glances with the young Jedi Knight beside him, Qui-Gon motioned that he would search the cabinets if they spread out to cover more ground ( ... )


braidless August 2 2007, 04:53:27 UTC
Obi-Wan frowned to himself as he examined the room, his flashlight beam trailing across the gleaming walls and counters. It looked like the place had already been rummaged through at the very least. Some of the kitchen utensils were more than likely picked through, though he imagined there would be enough supplies to make their trip worth while ( ... )


qui_gonjinn August 2 2007, 04:59:32 UTC
Qui-Gon followed suit, picking his way through the small assortment of items he found. He tossed in the metal...thing he'd picked up, following up with what looked like a broadened, unsharpened knife (almost resembling a pastry cutter), metal spoons and some butter knives, among other things. Not too sharp, but probably a great deal more useful than the bulky chair they had been using up to this point. At this point his pillow case was straining. This was probably all he could carry for now.

Qui-Gon crossed the floor carefully to join Obi-Wan, folding the filled pillow case carefully and tying off the end so it wouldn't spill its contents.

"Find anything useful?" Qui-Gon asked, keeping his voice down.


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