Nightshift 25: 1st Floor Kitchen

Jul 23, 2007 22:21

( Coming from here.)As the door swung open, its lock shattered from a well-placed kick, Max peered into the darkened room beyond. Everything was quiet. Reaching inside, she felt for the light switch, but there was not even any power here. She wasn't surprised ( Read more... )

seishirou, max, qui-gon jinn, obi-wan kenobi, kikyo, excel

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i_slay_giants July 26 2007, 23:57:21 UTC
( From here)

Jack entered the kitchen and was immediately struck by how busy it seemed despite its smaller size. There were two men over by a stove and two women rooting around in the cupboards. Neither seemed too eager to interact with a stranger, but that had never stopped Jack before. Still, he had come in search of weapons and by golly, that's what he was gonna to look for.

Now, where was a silverware drawer...?


black_ageha July 27 2007, 01:37:31 UTC
While Seishirou wandered in the direction of the walk-in refrigerator, Kikyo took a moment to search for sugar and tea spoons. He doubted this black tea was the quality that would be palatable without a bit of sweetness at least. He pulled open several drawers, squinting into them in the dim light as he ran his fingers across the contents.

He was not alone, and he glanced up to see another individual, someone who distinctly had not been there just a moment ago. He arched an eyebrow at him.


i_slay_giants July 27 2007, 01:54:52 UTC
Jack got the distinct impression someone was looking at him and pointed his flashlight towards the nearest figure, one of the two men. Well, a bit girly looking, but a man. At least, he was fairly sure it was a man...

The figure appeared to be looking through drawers- perhaps he was after the same prize as Jack? Only one way to find out. "Find the silverware drawer yet, buddy?"


black_ageha July 27 2007, 02:02:40 UTC


In all his life, no one had ever addressed him as such before. Kikyo shielded his eyes from the light, with a slight frown. He was maybe slightly put off by what he found rather inconsiderate. Who did this guy think he was? But if this was where he thought he was, manners wasn't something he really expected to find.

He replied back calmly, with the same amiable tone he was accustomed to using with any stranger.

"I believe I have, yes. What are you looking for in particular?"


i_slay_giants July 27 2007, 02:07:34 UTC
Jack pulled the light back, noting the other's discomfort. He had a pretty good idea what the other man looked like now, anyhow. "Something sharp. Preferably a knife, though I would settle for a couple of forks."

He slung his bat over his shoulder. "This thing's pretty good at getting message across, but I'm looking for something a little faster and piercing. See anything like that?"


black_ageha July 27 2007, 02:13:45 UTC
As the light was pulled back, Kikyo got a better glimpse at the individual. Tall, blond, a bit rough around the edges, and wielding a bat. And apparently looking for something to use as a weapon, oddly enough.

He glanced back down into the drawer and pulled out the object he had been looking for - two small spoons for tea.

"Fast and piercing? Sounds rather dangerous," he chuckled amusedly. He glanced back up at him as he continued. "What sort of message are you trying to give?"


i_slay_giants July 27 2007, 02:19:58 UTC
Jack scoffed at this. "I don't really care what message I give. I'm getting out of this place and I can't afford to get myself killed on the way out." He had told Haku that he would be out in a week and he was going to try and accomplish this through any means necessary.

"What's your story, anyhow? I don't think I've seen you around."


black_ageha July 27 2007, 02:28:40 UTC
"My story...?" Kikyo chuckled again, tilting his head to the side as he regarded the man. "I'm afraid my story is not really very interesting. I am merely looking for the sugar to add to my cup of tea." His eyes studied him briefly, noting the blood stains on the man's shirt.

"If a fork is what you need, you will find plenty of them in here." He helpfully stepped aside to give him room to root through the drawer as much as he wished. "Though I must say, it is dire times indeed, if you must resort to using them in such a manner, instead of for their intended use."


i_slay_giants July 27 2007, 02:35:43 UTC
"If I gotta resort to them, I gotta resort to them." Jack stepped forward and, setting his flashlight on the counter and leaning his bat against side, began looking through the silverware. "I was hoping there might be a knife or something, but I guess I had to get here earlier for one of those, huh?"

There were BUTTER knives, but nothing sharper than that. Oh well, he could always sharpen one of those, couldn't he? He pulled a couple out and slid them into his pocket along with a few forks. His task completed, he picked up his flashlight and pulled his map out. "Now, how to get to get to the rec field from here..."


black_ageha July 27 2007, 02:48:45 UTC
While the man examined the map, Kikyo watched him with a bit of a smile. Not a real smile by any stretch of the imagination, but a dark half-smile, like he found some amusement in what he saw.

"I would invite you to have some tea, but it seems you are quite engaged in your own pursuits at present. I hope you find what it is you're looking for," he said. As with most things that Kikyo expressed, it sounded genuine even if it was far from it.

The kettle whistle went off, and Kikyo turned back to the stove to switch it off, spoons and sugar pot in hand.


i_slay_giants July 27 2007, 02:56:04 UTC
"Ah, wait-" Jack said, peering over his map. "How is it you're having tea at a time like this?"

It seemed rather odd to the Fable that the first thought on this other man's mind seemed to be to sit around and drink flavored water. Wasn't it more practical to try and get out when the chance was presented?


black_ageha July 27 2007, 03:01:00 UTC
Kikyo was about to lift the kettle to pour into the waiting cups when he was addressed again, with a question he found almost as amusing as the idea of using a fork as a weapon.

A soft chuckle resounded from his lips as he turned to glance at him again.

"And what kind of time is this?"

He was actually rather curious to know if everybody here had just died a violent death, as he and Seishirou had.


i_slay_giants July 27 2007, 03:04:56 UTC
Jack snorted and gave him a look that spoke levels of arrogance. "You're new here, aren't you? Night's the only time we're able to walk around so freely."

Not that time of day would stop Jack from escaping, if given the chance. In fact, he was quite partial to the idea, if only because it sent a stronger "fuck you". Still, if he COULD get out at night, he would.

"During the day," He continued, speaking from experience, "They don't like it when you decide to leave."


black_ageha July 27 2007, 03:14:07 UTC
"Aah, of course. We are in a mental institution, or so I have been told," Kikyo chuckled, unfazed by the arrogant attitude. He was mildly curious still, who this 'they' referred to, and whether this really was the afterlife, or just hell. But it didn't seem all too significant at the moment. Things seemed to pale in significance after experiencing such an absolute thing like death.

"It seems rather lax on 'their' part then, to let you walk around so freely at night." He paused. "If it is indeed, free."


i_slay_giants July 27 2007, 03:18:40 UTC
The Fable shrugged. "Depends on your definition of 'free'. I wouldn't call this free, but it's better than being jumped when you wanna leave a room."

He folded up the map and slid it back into his pocket. "Of course, it seems at night you also have to contend with crazy assholes who want to kill you."

In sliding his hand back into his pocket, his finger touched cold metal. That's right- he had a key to place too. Where to start with that? He glanced up at this guy. Well, it couldn't hurt to ask, could it? "On a different note, have you come across any locked doors?"


black_ageha July 27 2007, 03:24:59 UTC
"Crazy assholes?" Kikyo's lips twitched at that. "Well, we are in an insane asylum."

Agile fingers resumed their task, pouring the boiling water into two cups with teabags propped inside. As Kikyo set the kettle back to the stove, he continued, "I'm sorry to say I have not seen any such doors. But as you said..." he turned his amber eyes to him with a slight grin. "..I am new here."


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