Nightshift 25: Stairway near nurse station & waiting room 1

Jul 15, 2007 16:35

[From here]Xemnas briefly paused as he reached the staircase, his orange eyes slightly narrowing as he gazed upwards, trying to determine whether something above waited, or not ( Read more... )

jack horner, kenshin, kougaiji, ravi, momo (xenosaga), balthier, usagi, allen, larxene, asch, luke fon fabre, leon (so2), reno, albel, yazoo, rukia, claire bennet, ichigo, javert, hughes, xemnas, aya, greed, rabastan, yuber, fuu, xellos, lord recluse, yohji, elena (ffvii), yuffie, simon, ritsuka, fox, roy, wesker, farfarello, riku, okita, relena, schuldig, masaru, aidou, haku, gluttony, alec, gin, brad, krauser, sanzo, captain jack

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Comments 103

killing_suzie July 15 2007, 23:16:16 UTC
[from here]

Captain Jack made his way to the spot where he'd met Gin before. He liked the routine; there were enough new and exciting things every night that a little bit of same old same old was kind of nice. And he was really starting to enjoy working with Gin. It was nice to have someone that he could trust - to a point.

Jack leaned against the wall by the stairs and turned the flashlight off, so as not to attract attention. He stood calmly in the dark and listened.


traitors_smile July 16 2007, 01:10:32 UTC
[[from here]]

It didn't take Gin long, once he was free from conversation, to scurry over to the stairs. He was eager to get a new weapon. He didn't particularly mind borrowing from Jack, but he'd rather not be dependent upon someone else's charity.

The beam of his flashlight bounced slightly as he walked and it didn't take him long to come upon Jack. The man was just standing in the dark, apparently not bothered at all by his surroundings. Gin smiled, "Sorry for th' wait. Got caught up with a chatty one a couple halls back."


killing_suzie July 16 2007, 01:31:59 UTC
Jack grinned. "Not at all," he said. "A little socializing never hurt." He'd already pulled one of this knives off the apron, oven-mitt sheathe and all. He held it out to Gin, handle first.

"The guy on the radio has me wondering if we're going to find anything," he said. "But I'm curious now." He quirked an eyebrow up, wondering if Gin would still want to give it a try. There were other things they could do, if not.


traitors_smile July 16 2007, 01:37:53 UTC
Gin had been a bit irritated by the radio's message. He took Jack's knife and attached it firmly to his waist, his mouth twisting upward on one side into a smirk as he thanked the man. Jack had a point though. There was a good chance they'd get to the kitchen only to find that there was nothing there. At least, nothing sharp.

It was also a chance, however, to see if this radio person had any real credibility or if he was just blowing steam about his rival. "May not find what we're lookin' for, but I'd wager we'll still find somethin' interestin'. Let's give it a go, ne?"


31st_of_china July 16 2007, 09:34:57 UTC
[[From here]]



Sanzo headed down the hall towards the stairs, seething. With a hand, he roughly wiped the last hint of saliva off his neck. The motion couldn't wipe that tingling sensation from that area, nor would it hide what was probably going to be a bruise. One that was suspiciously shaped more like a mouth.

He wasn't looking forward to Goku or Hakkai questioning him over it. The injuries the thing in the chapel nights ago had left were gone already, so there wasn't any covering up.

That fucker. As if he didn't have enough problems to deal with right now.

Homura'd already drained the last of his patience for tonight and wasted some of his time. He had to get moving.

Hitsugaya had said something about the patient possessions being on the second floor. With any luck, he'd find a weapon or something close on the way. And preferably use it on the "god" the next chance he got.


((will post the link to the next area when it's ready))


31st_of_china July 18 2007, 06:12:32 UTC
((Over this way))


haiiro_no_chou July 17 2007, 04:48:42 UTC
[From here.]

Rukia lead them to the foot of the stairs near the nurse's station, then paused to make sure everyone was there.


hewhoprotects July 17 2007, 05:46:55 UTC
Ichigo followed up the stairs, still just as confused as when he got here but now he'd learned some more. Renji was here, apparently, and had made contact with Rukia. This Allen person had a weird eye, and apparently he had scary expressions. The last part was nothing new, but still. He tried to tone it down a little bit and was generally unsuccessful.

His questions seemed to be frustrating Rukia, and they were in such a rush. What the hell were they trying to do right now, anyway? They kept running about but he wasn't sure of the goal. Time to ask better questions about what was going on right now. "Where are we going?"

The bigger questions could wait until whatever they were doing was done, he supposed.


odzuchikodzuchi July 17 2007, 09:06:40 UTC
It was pretty weird how Allen's eye kept reacting to things that technically weren't Akuma - at least, not the kind they were used to back in their world. At least it looked like Allen was dealing with that okay. But the guy, Ichigo, was 'different from the others'? Ravi glanced at Allen curiously at that remark ( ... )


broken_exorcist July 17 2007, 14:17:02 UTC
"I left it back in my room," Allen admitted when asked about the quartz. He hoped he'd done the right thing. "I thought it would be safer there, in case we run into anything."

In spite of Rukia's explanation, it was hard not to be a little unnerved by Ichigo's constant scowl. He tried his best to be friendly though and kept a slight smile on his face as they trudged up the hallway and then the stairs.

[[to here]]


seizethesun July 17 2007, 16:09:13 UTC
[ from here ]

Oh no...

As expected, the stairway appeared gloomy and ominous. She halted simply to ogle at the foreshadowing of all this, gritting her teeth and setting foot on the stairs.


seizethesun July 17 2007, 16:13:56 UTC
[ to here ]


forgot_it_all July 17 2007, 23:01:47 UTC
[from here]

Ritsuka climbed the stairs cautiously, checking everything around him at all times. He'd been heading up the stairs when the spider got him before, and the last thing he wanted to see was that grotesque body again. With his flashlight off, he reached the first landing and looked back down. Perhaps he should have stayed in his room tonight instead of running off on his own.


No, he had a goal to reach and he was going to get there. He wanted his camera and he had promised Miku and Tamaki. And Alfons. Looking back up to the top of the stairs, he continued up them and prayed that nothing happened.


damned_monsters July 17 2007, 23:14:26 UTC

...bored... comes fun.

From the shadows at the top of the stairs, a familiar voice called out softly, "Ritsuka?"



forgot_it_all July 17 2007, 23:22:59 UTC
He's almost reached the top of the stairs when he heard someone up ahead. His flashlight snapped on, fingers gripping it as tightly as he could manage until--

That voice. Oh god, it couldn't be. The flashlight beam swept up to meet the person hidden in the shadows and Ritsuka's eyes widened.



damned_monsters July 18 2007, 00:33:54 UTC
Seimei shielded his eyes from the sudden light, but he gave Ritsuka a soft smile. "Hey, hey, watch it," he said, his tone joking. "I've been looking all over for you. Come on."


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