Day 60: Intercom, Evening

Dec 15, 2011 00:34

The intercom jingled at its standard time, with the Head Doctor still in his over-the-top, jovial mood. It seemed not even the evening light could keep down the love he held for his job.

"Good evening, everyone! I hope your soul is filled with music from last shift; I know mine is ( Read more... )

sonia, sechs, guy, intercom, japan, scott pilgrim, rose (tvd), two-face, ritsuka, castiel, gren, sora, edgar, the scarecrow, maya, mikado, rei, okita, guybrush, daemon, peter parker, claire stanfield, loki, chipp, lana skye, kratos, rainbow dash, renji, kurama

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Comments 121

F16 avengingfists December 15 2011, 08:11:13 UTC
Despite her waking up in a good mood Ilia found herself pensive about the night to come. She would meet with Rose and Gamzee, but did they dare move further into the basement? Did she dare test Claude and Anise's warnings? In normal circumstances that would be cause for her to have trouble eating, but this was real food and Ilia couldn't afford to waste it. Or time. She had promised Lana she would teach her a thing or two about self-defense before the night came and she would need her strength.

At least I can think of it as a warm-up, Ilia consoled herself then stuffed a bite of turkey and potatoes into her mouth. Politeness would call for her to wait for her roommate to arrive but tonight she could sacrifice a few etiquette points ( ... )


fourstonewalls December 15 2011, 23:37:44 UTC
Ilia didn't have long to wait.  Lana appeared in the doorway, the nurse behind her peppering her with idle question, each of which Lana answered with one word.  Finally, the door was shut, and her expression softened.  It wasn't a smile -- another death wasn't anything to smile about -- but it was nice to be around someone who would both understand and only press if she needed to know.  Lana had made the mistake of asking the woman -- the nurse, not Ilia -- about Gant's whereabouts, and while she'd gotten the expected lie, it had also prompted the woman into attempting conversation.

She hadn't been very good at picking up a hint, or professionally oblivious, and Lana couldn't decide which was more annoying.  Let it go, Skye, she told herself.  Ilia was going to be showing her a few things, and both focusing and relaxing were key in this sort of lesson ( ... )


avengingfists December 18 2011, 06:16:44 UTC
Ilia looked up at Lana and smiled despite her dark thoughts. Her roommate was still here and was definitely dependable. She couldn't think about "what ifs" now, especially since the situation she would be walking into required her full attention. Now she just needed to stay focused and help Lana as much as she could before even more trouble was caused by her screw-ups. Still, she hoped to whatever deity could be reigning over the multiverses that Tifa was all right ( ... )


fourstonewalls December 18 2011, 17:25:06 UTC
"I'm aware of that." It was good advice, but it also wasn't anything Lana hadn't thought about, and she resisted the urge to start pacing as well ( ... )


F21 no_dont_go December 15 2011, 08:34:46 UTC
Rei had returned. She had returned to the institute! Aigis felt such joy and sorrow for her friend's return. These appearances were a double-edged sword that she had not yet grown used to. Perhaps she would never be used to them. But it happened all the same and she would have to deal with it regardless.

For now, she wanted to enjoy her dinner and perhaps have a nice chat with Ema before she returned to the basement with her companions from last night. The dinner offered was certainly delicious. Aigis savored the flavors despite Landel's obvious dark tones. He thought he was clever but she would never be fooled by him.

She hoped he enjoyed his stay. Someday she would make him regret his return to power.


sorry, I am a failure of a roommate! ;; scientist_skye December 19 2011, 01:51:48 UTC
Ema was not arguing about the improved menu since Dr. Landel's return, especially since she had something resembling an appetite again after spending the day working through her emotions and issues. Even if Dr. Landel's return was a smack in the face after everything that had happened last night, she knew better than to look a gift horse in the mouth. Real food was a luxury she didn't plan on taking for granted.

She felt the same way about having a roommate who was still awake and aware. Once the two girls were settled in with their food, Ema gave Aigis a small smile. "I'm glad that you're okay after last night. You weren't attacked or anything, were you?"


Aaaaand here I am, being slowfail along with you xD We can always backthread :D no_dont_go December 20 2011, 20:28:57 UTC
Aigis smiled upon seeing Ema arrive, but allowed the girl to settled down into her own dinner and leisurely awaited her to initiate conversation. Aigis swallowed her own bite of mashed potatoes before responding. "I was attacked. However, Athena was able to heal me to peak condition, due to our brief return of power last night."

Aigis stood and went to her black box in the closet, pulling out Schrodinger and Minato's Evoker then returning to her seat. She placed the cat plushie on the desk next to her then held the gun-like object up for Ema to see. "This is my power. It is an Evoker, and it brings forth the power of persona. Mine, Athena, has the ability to both attack and heal."

She was getting pretty good at these explanations.


Long live the slowfail! :D scientist_skye December 23 2011, 03:07:30 UTC
Ema watched her roommate move across the room, pulling her stuffed cat and a strange gun contraption out of a box in her closet. The explanation was straightforward enough without getting too technical, which Ema appreciated--it allowed her to ask for elaboration where she wanted it without getting it where she didn't much care.

Unfortunately, it also pulled at something in her chest. If they had had a means of healing, maybe Mr. Javert wouldn't have had to die like he did. The thought of procuring a supernatural healer hadn't even occurred to her until then For once, scientific curiosity took a backseat to emotional turmoil; questions about how or why Athena worked would have to wait. "I-I'm glad that you had a way to heal yourself. I'd hate to have lost two people last night."

With that, Ema fell quiet, pushing bits of broccoli around her plate.


F19 requitedfate December 15 2011, 08:48:46 UTC
Shiina walked thankfully back to the dorm having felt restless all day long. Shou was planning something big again. She shouldn't have been surprised since he wasn't one to sit idly by as others did the dangerous stuff. Still, why couldn't he have a little consideration for her worries.

Oh right. The world was more important that she was in the long run. Her existence was insignificant while still being significant. Because what happened to her did matter. Just not as much as the patient body as a whole. She understood the reasoning well, but it still frustrated her to no end!

Sitting down with a bit of an indulgent huff, Shiina started in on her pie first. It wasn't as sweet as most Western desserts which suited Shiina just fine. She just needed a moment to feel selfish about something. Her dessert was probably going to be her only solace tonight.


Re: F19 melodists December 16 2011, 03:56:23 UTC
Gone. Peter, the man who had put effort into creating a working paramedic group, was gone. The blow did not cripple the setup, but coupled with Javert's death, it dealt a substantial loss. Though Tear could find some relief in his life being spared, she remembered his absence placed their efforts close to the beginning. Majority of the supplies that were meant for the group had disappeared with Peter while the lack of a second coordinator would make it difficult to guide multiple mobile units. Furthermore, until the Search and Rescue team could regroup, they would likely have to handle tomorrow's M-U sessions alone.

Tonight would make or break their situation. Tear would have to obtain enough supplies to handle up to ten injured bodies and investigate the chapel before dawn. Neither should be harrowing, but with the inclusion of monsters, one could not predict success rates. Here, then, was the hope for competence ( ... )


Re: F19 requitedfate December 18 2011, 06:41:42 UTC
Uh oh. Tear didn't look too happy tonight either. Shiina hoped this wasn't some kind of signal for a synchronized cycle they were getting on or else she definitely wasn't going to survive the... well, whatever Niikura had planned for them that night.

"It was okay," Shiina answered with a shrug. She probably should have been a little cheerier but she would have to smile for Shou later tonight. Might as well get all her honesty out while she had the luxury. "Met with some nice people. Did crazy people things." She shrugged again and took another bite of her pie. Seriously, last night scared off enough calories, she could probably afford to eat a whole pie at this rate.

Shiina swallowed and turned her attention to Tear, her expression softening. "What about you, Tear-san? You look a little down." She smiled weakly. Time to offer another young gal in need a willing ear. Codes of sisterhood had to be upheld. "I'm not anyone special, but you can always talk to me about anything that's bugging you."


Re: F19 melodists December 21 2011, 00:36:02 UTC
Another might have smiled at the attempt at humor. Instead, Tear nodded, her countenance rooted in solemnity. The soldier was thankful at least one of them had fared well; despite everything, it did instill a bit of hope in this place. She began reaching for pieces of food on her plate, eating them with little attention to the contents ( ... )


M3 train_tracer December 15 2011, 10:39:50 UTC
Finally, finally, it was dinner time. The distressed nurse from this morning was back and huffier than ever, but this time, it was because Claire barely allowed her a chance to stay caught up to his pace. Before the end of the shift, Claire had seen the response from Miss Utena on the bulletin board. They would be heading for the ballroom place again tonight after all! Last night had been an amazing adventure, so of course Claire would be looking forward to it!

He couldn't wait.... though perhaps he could wait if this was the sort of dinner they were serving, after so many endless days of pink gruel. And he'd thought the chicken sandwich from lunch time had been like a breath of fresh air!

There was still no roommate in M3 when they arrived, though Claire couldn't be bothered to care when there was turkey and pumpkin pie to distract him. His nurse gave a sigh of relief when she closed the door on him digging into his mashed potatoes with gusto. He could set aside his impatience until after the meal.


SORRY I'M LATE ROOMIE ;A; cigarettes_plz December 17 2011, 17:34:08 UTC
If he wasn't so familiar with these halls by now, Badou might have wondered if his nurse was leading him down some lesser-known corridor to finally do away with him in a way that looked accidental enough for the institute. (So something with teeth and knives and maybe 'this guy was such an ass' graffitied onto the walls in his blood.) Thankfully, after a lot of prodding the woman he suspected capable of gory murder, she'd informed him tersely that he'd been moved since 'Lance' had been discharged some time this morning.

Oh. Well. Damn.

Badou shut up after that. There wasn't really anything else to say. At least once he got inside, his roommate looked like a normal enough guy, so maybe he'd get lucky twice or something.

"Hey," Badou waved once before he set the tray down on the unclaimed desk and sank into the chair. He'd been pigging out all day, but he still had plenty of room to shovel gravy and mashed potatoes into his mouth.

"Gotta say," He swallowed. "I missed the food. I'm Badou, been here a few weeks... you gonna eat that


M1 fuukaenbujin December 15 2011, 11:33:51 UTC
At the end of the shift, the intercom had announced dinner as Kurama's nurse appeared by his side, ready to lead him back to his room. It certainly did seem like he wouldn't go lacking in the food department while here, at least. The person on the bulletin board had certainly known what they were talking about.

Kurama didn't question where his nurse led him, but he noted with interest that they weren't heading to the room he'd woken up in. Was he being relocated then, perhaps into a room that a roommate was already occupying? He had to admit -- he really didn't have much knowledge on the procedures of insane asylums; for this was what this place seemed to be masquerading as, right, an insane asylum? It seemed like a proper conclusion to make, not that there was any doubt in him anymore that the real purpose of Landel's Institute was hardly the curing and caring for of mentally-ailing patients. There was something darker and stranger at work here. But as of yet, Kurama did know what that might be ( ... )


Re: M1 boketa December 17 2011, 20:45:41 UTC
The door inevitably opened to the sounds of a nurse and young boy arguing. A woman entered first with a tray, next came a boy that only came up to about the nurse's upper thigh and stared longingly at the plate just above his head.

"Did you give me extra?"

"We've had this discussion before, Billy, and do you remember what I said last time?"

There was a long pause as he tried to think that far back so he hazarded a guess. "... Yes?"

"No. You get the same amount as everyone else."

"But--!" His hands grabbed onto the woman's white skirt, pleading with her before they made it to his bed.

"No, buts! Sit and eat your meal. And mind your roommate." The woman felt a sliver of pity for the young man who had to tolerate Billy and his eccentricities. Once the boy jumped up and made himself comfortable on his bed, the nurse placed his food in front of him before exiting.

Goku didn't bother with greetings until he had most of his meal shoved down his gullet. Even still, he didn't wait until his mouth was empty to ask. "Wuh yuhhr nmmm


Re: M1 fuukaenbujin January 4 2012, 04:09:54 UTC
[TOTALLY LATE ON MY END, so drop if you like! Sorry about that! Holidays and RL business got to me. D: ]Ah. His roommate was a child. Hard to tell what age he really was, since, in comparison, he was a good deal smaller than his nurse. And, judging by the conversation the two were having as they entered the room, he really seemed rather young and unassuming. What was a child doing in a place such as this? From what he'd heard of this place from the bulletin board, this was hardly the sort of setting to bring children into. But either way ( ... )


akjshkjfh I meant to hit this up sooner o/ LOL WE ARE FAAIL boketa January 9 2012, 22:30:35 UTC
How was the food? Goku looked down at his plate of turkey, gravy covering half of his face already. His first reaction was to say "Great!" But then he had to take that back immediately.

"Well... it's better. I mean, it used ta be awful! But now it's... well, it has taste, sorta. But..." His yammering fizzled out momentarily as he half-heartedly moved the food around the plate. "They don't give me enough meat. Look at this!" Spearing a piece of sliced turkey, Goku held it up for Shuuichi to get a good look.

"What is it? Nothin' I ever hunted." It tasted like bird, sure, but not the kinds that roamed his jungle. Eventually his black eyes turned from his plate and landed on his roommate's. "Are you not gonna eat yours?" Because if he wasn't, Goku was going to inhale it too.


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