Day 59: Intercom, Evening

Oct 19, 2011 00:33

As the day began drawing to a close, the intercom flickered to life. Instead of Harrington's voice, however, Berg's calm tone filtered through the speakers ( Read more... )

zero, klavier, intercom, tsubaki, scott pilgrim, badd, anise, gumshoe, terra branford, gren, sora, sam winchester, indiana jones, firo, utena, luke fon fabre, woody, renamon, claude, lana skye, seishin, byrne, albedo, ramona, guy, kairi, peter petrelli, depth charge, two-face, rita, damon, rapunzel, hijikata, the scarecrow, mikado, riku, daemon, claire stanfield, zack, mccoy, l, harry lockhart

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M6 dispersive October 19 2011, 15:39:53 UTC
This time, Luke observed his surrounding a bit more critically than he had this morning. When he was lead out of the Sun Room, the young man assumed the double doors they passed through were going to be the meeting place with Tear.


Luke wasn't sure in what capacity he would come back as after freeing Lorelei, but, even if they were all stuck in a prison, at least he had managed to keep his promise of returning. That made their current predicament not so dark. He was alive and with those he cared about... Well, until...

Looking down at his hands, Luke turned them over as he searched for any signs of his fonons fading. He seemed rather whole at the moment; that was a good sign for now.

As he stepped into his room, M6 the redhead noted, Luke found another plate of gruel waiting for him. This day just kept getting better and better. Actually, he was grateful it was nothing more delicious or else he'd have felt bad letting it go to waste. He was just too nervous about the coming night to eat. The last thing he needed was a stone where his stomach used to be.

His biggest concern was how he was going to escape from his room. Luke had heard the man lock the door behind him and if what Guy had told him was true, he may not stand a chance breaking the reinforced door down with his artes.

"What a pain..." he groused at his legs as they kicked back and forth over the edge of his bed. What if he couldn't get out? Would Tear stand there all night? He hadn't honestly expected to slow Tear down like he had said on the bulletin board. It came from childish petulance as he got passed around, but now it seemed like a realistic concern.


Re: M6 chippforprez October 19 2011, 21:57:52 UTC
Chipp didn't know where he woke up last night, but now he found out when a soldier came over to push him into said room. Since he didn't wake up with another person there, he was a little confused when he was shoved (a little literally) into a room with some redhaired guy. Definitely not what he remembered last night. And the ninja wasn't going to let the soldier get away with that, turning around sharply to try and ask what the hell he thought he was doing before a door slammed in his face; clearly, the soldier wasn't too keen on hanging around Chipp longer then he had to.

"Tch, what a pain!" Chipp spat (almost literally) as he glared at the door, giving it a good kick for good measure. That was a bit of a bad move, but he managed to make the door rattle a little bit. A slight victory, but he felt like it wasn't enough and continued to mutter and curse at the door for a few moments.

Then he seemed to remember he wasn't alone.

"... Who're you?" If Chipp looked like he was in a bad mood, it was only because he hated being unable to resist these weird ass Magic-wielding soldiers who could set shit on fire, but he didn't make any attempt to look friendly or approachable even to this poor sap who ended up getting stuck in the same room as him. Chipp finally moved away from the door, calming down ever so slightly as he sat down on the bed and glanced at the trays full of... well, he hoped it was food, but it was the same pink crap that Daemon had been eating at lunch.

Nope, Chipp was going to catch him something outside. Screw that. He returned his attention to the red haired kid, idly wondering where he was and where he was from and if he was new or been here for awhile. Roommates? It had been way too long since he had a room like this to himself, much less having to share it with someone else.


dispersive October 20 2011, 02:07:50 UTC
Well, there were two beds in the room, Luke should have guessed that meant two people would be sharing this room. Frankly, he was a bit leery of the idea. He didn't enjoy his space being invaded and he remembered how it had felt the first few times he had to sleep beside Tear and then consequently Guy, Natalia, Ion, Jade, and Anise. They were friends now, but back then... Back then there had been a lot of head-butting, usually his own, but sleep time had rarely ever been Luke's favorite part of their premature adventures.

But there wasn't much he could do but sit on his side of the room and try not to make eyes at this guy's behavior. It was pretty amusing until the man had said something that slapped the smirk right off his face.

Was that how he sounded when he groused? Surely, he couldn't be that bad! Luke knew he hadn't been the most pleasant person to be around when he first left Baticul, but--

"Oh, I'm Luke. Luke fon Fabre. I'm n--" The redhead, in one of his limited moments of craft, changed the flow of his sentence. "I'm your new roommate, I guess!" Yeah, that had been real smooth. If his friends were that suspicious of other people then Luke was taking no chances with strangers! It was no business of his if Luke were new! His friends might have worried, but but Luke totally had this

"So, who're you?"


chippforprez October 22 2011, 16:11:42 UTC
It looked like his first thought was right: roommates, seriously? Well, not that Chipp was complaining, since he was going to burst out of here the minute the doors were supposed to unlock anyway rather then sleep. But Luke didn't seem like a bad kid. Naturally, since Chipp lacked any sort of manners or social grace, being responded to in kind with a question was a good enough greeting for him, and he finally relaxed himself slightly, or at least looked less like he wanted to tear out the throat of the closest warm-blooded mammal he could find.

"Chipp Zanuff. Are you new here? I just woke up last night." Was this kid here long? Maybe there could be something else he could learn before heading out into the night. Any bit of information was going to help, especially since all Chipp knew about this place so far was that there were monsters, soldiers, and fuck-all they could do about either. Damn, this place was grating on his nerves.

He looked around again, maybe trying to see if he could find a way out sooner, but his eyes fell on that pile of pink slop and he just gave it a look of great contempt before turning his attention back to Luke. Well... Even if they were stuck here, a thought struck him. Luke was still a person here, right? So it was worth giving it a shot. He got some progress with Harry and Sora.

"Hey, can you vote?"


dispersive October 22 2011, 16:37:55 UTC
"Oh..." So he was new as well. This Chipp was still a stranger, though. Anise's voice said to be careful, but suspicion only begot suspicion. If they couldn't have reached out on Auldrant and trusted others then the lands would have been left to ruin. No, he had to give this man a chance. Everyone deserved a chance, some people even deserved second chances, as the young man knew very well. He would trust Chipp with the truth, not that there was much to begin with.

"I actually woke up here this morning," Luke confessed. So much for pumping the guy for some information. He had gotten plenty of bad news from Guy, but nothing about how to get out of his room at night. If Chipp had been here a night already, the redhead hoped he knew what he was doing, but before he could ask, a new question popped up that Luke had no clue how to answer.

"Can I vote? Vote on what?" Maybe giving this guy the benefit of the doubt hadn't been the right way to go after all.


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