Day 59: Intercom, Evening

Oct 19, 2011 00:33

As the day began drawing to a close, the intercom flickered to life. Instead of Harrington's voice, however, Berg's calm tone filtered through the speakers ( Read more... )

zero, klavier, intercom, tsubaki, scott pilgrim, badd, anise, gumshoe, terra branford, gren, sora, sam winchester, indiana jones, firo, utena, luke fon fabre, woody, renamon, claude, lana skye, seishin, byrne, albedo, ramona, guy, kairi, peter petrelli, depth charge, two-face, rita, damon, rapunzel, hijikata, the scarecrow, mikado, riku, daemon, claire stanfield, zack, mccoy, l, harry lockhart

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Comments 147

F14 gald_digger October 19 2011, 06:08:20 UTC
Aside from the problem with the food, the day had gone pretty well. Anise was able to catch up with friends, and she had another excursion with Guy and Claude to look forward to! But now it was time for another meal, which meant...

Ugh. Upon entering her room, Anise found herself facing a plate covered in rancid meat and greenish strips that might have once been tempura. She stared at the tray for a moment, taking in how completely gross it was as she tried to think of what to do about it. She didn't want to spend the whole shift trying to fight a gag reflex while talking to Utena. They had something important to discuss, too ( ... )


Re: F14 roseoverture October 20 2011, 06:08:09 UTC
After a relaxing shift spent with Lana, Utena headed back to F14... where her hand immediately went to her nose upon opening the door.

"Oh my god, it's worse than earlier," she groaned, scrunching her eyes shut as the door shut behind her. "I should've figured the real food would stink worse than the gruel. Uughh."

She opened one eye, watching Anise as she tried to get closer to her plate (was that buzzing she heard?). "Need any help there?" she asked, glancing back to the open closet door and getting a sense of what the other girl was trying to do. Not a bad idea if she did say so herself.


Re: F14 gald_digger October 20 2011, 06:35:54 UTC
When Utena joined her, Anise looked over to her roommate with a piteous look. At least someone understood how awful it was! Everyone else she talked to that day had no clue what was bothering Anise until she explained it for them ( ... )


roseoverture October 20 2011, 06:59:38 UTC
Utena circled around back to the side of her bed, hand still over her nose and mouth as she watched Anise like she were watching a professional handle a legitimate biohazard. She even jumped a bit when the girl yelped and the glass clattered on the ground, almost springing to action to save her roommate from the threat of the rotten food. Thankfully, though, the door was shut right after that, and the smell seemed to subside ever so slightly ( ... )


F36 bodhiandspirit October 19 2011, 06:20:37 UTC
Finally. With the shift change, Rita was a little bit closer to getting to go out and get things done.

Since she hadn't eaten all day, the mage was eager to dig into the food stashed in her possessions box, but she decided to wait until Kairi joined her. The soldiers seemed to have a lot of rules regarding food, and she didn't want to have her only chance at a half-decent meal confiscated because her roommate's escort saw her eating it.

Instead, she sat down at her desk, pushed the gruel aside, and reviewed the notes in her journal, just for something to do. She hoped Kairi wouldn't be too long.


kingdomless October 20 2011, 16:22:42 UTC
If Kairi was being truthful, she was somewhat sad to not be wandering around with Riku and Sora that night. She didn't like to be separate from them, but she knew it was for the best. She had her own things to do, and they had theirs, and that was that. It wasn't like they were going to leave her alone again -

Don't, Kairi thought to herself, shaking her head. She had buried those thoughts a long time ago. She didn't need to bring them back.

When she entered the room, Rita looked busy with something. Her soldier followed behind her, placing her tray of food down on her desk, giving her a nod of goodbye before leaving, shutting the door behind him. Kairi moved to sit at her desk, turning her head to look at Rita with a frown. "How are you feeling, Rita? Since last night, I mean ..."


bodhiandspirit October 21 2011, 01:00:43 UTC
Fortunately, it didn't take long for Kairi to join her. Once the soldier left, Rita closed her book. Not surprisingly, the first thing her roommate did was ask about the previous night. She'd looked pretty worried yesterday. It was hard for Rita to get used to being fretted over by someone she didn't know well, but...

"I'm fine," she answered simply as she pulled herself to her feet. She moved over to her bed and sat down next to her possessions box, where her stash of edible food was. "It doesn't sound like anyone else who took the drugs had any relapses yet, so I should be safe for now." Rita wasn't going to deny the possibility that there could be future relapses - it seemed more unlikely that such a dramatic transformation wouldn't have long-term effects - but she wasn't going to waste time worrying about it. It was best if Kairi didn't, either.


M64 unpriest October 19 2011, 13:03:45 UTC
After having to endure the spoiled food for both of the meal times, it was understandable that Seishin hadn't been looking forward to dinner at all. Though it was reassuring in a sense that he wasn't alone in perceiving the food in such a disgusting manner, it didn't do much to relief him of the sick yet empty feeling in his stomach ( ... )


terriblehaiku October 21 2011, 21:29:59 UTC
His roommate was already there when Hijikata walked in, but aside from a cursory glance, he paid the other man no mind as he set his tray off to the side and went straight for the metal box on his half of the room. As with the previous nights, all his belongings were there--including the firestarter he'd gotten from Souji the night before. Good. That meant the younger man couldn't torment him by withholding it any longer. He pulled out the pack of already opened cigarettes and returned to his desk. From what he'd gathered, smoking was frowned upon during the day, and he wasn't sure if lighting up now would provoke someone's ire, so he decided to play it safe and wait.

Which meant he had nothing much to do than fidget in vague irritation while he waited for the doors to unlock and everyone to be set free for another night of whatever ridiculous hell this place decided to unleash.


M6 dispersive October 19 2011, 15:39:53 UTC
This time, Luke observed his surrounding a bit more critically than he had this morning. When he was lead out of the Sun Room, the young man assumed the double doors they passed through were going to be the meeting place with Tear ( ... )


Re: M6 chippforprez October 19 2011, 21:57:52 UTC
Chipp didn't know where he woke up last night, but now he found out when a soldier came over to push him into said room. Since he didn't wake up with another person there, he was a little confused when he was shoved (a little literally) into a room with some redhaired guy. Definitely not what he remembered last night. And the ninja wasn't going to let the soldier get away with that, turning around sharply to try and ask what the hell he thought he was doing before a door slammed in his face; clearly, the soldier wasn't too keen on hanging around Chipp longer then he had to ( ... )


dispersive October 20 2011, 02:07:50 UTC
Well, there were two beds in the room, Luke should have guessed that meant two people would be sharing this room. Frankly, he was a bit leery of the idea. He didn't enjoy his space being invaded and he remembered how it had felt the first few times he had to sleep beside Tear and then consequently Guy, Natalia, Ion, Jade, and Anise. They were friends now, but back then... Back then there had been a lot of head-butting, usually his own, but sleep time had rarely ever been Luke's favorite part of their premature adventures.

But there wasn't much he could do but sit on his side of the room and try not to make eyes at this guy's behavior. It was pretty amusing until the man had said something that slapped the smirk right off his face.

Was that how he sounded when he groused? Surely, he couldn't be that bad! Luke knew he hadn't been the most pleasant person to be around when he first left Baticul, but ( ... )


chippforprez October 22 2011, 16:11:42 UTC
It looked like his first thought was right: roommates, seriously? Well, not that Chipp was complaining, since he was going to burst out of here the minute the doors were supposed to unlock anyway rather then sleep. But Luke didn't seem like a bad kid. Naturally, since Chipp lacked any sort of manners or social grace, being responded to in kind with a question was a good enough greeting for him, and he finally relaxed himself slightly, or at least looked less like he wanted to tear out the throat of the closest warm-blooded mammal he could find ( ... )


F6 36_24_35 October 19 2011, 15:51:02 UTC
Lightning hadn't returned to the room. She hoped that just meant she was late coming back from the Sun Room or maybe the infirmary... or solitary. Tifa groaned at the thought. That was a lesson she hoped would never have to be repeated. But she supposed it was better than no longer existing or whatever happened to those that disappeared in this place.

Ignoring her bowl of gruel, since Zack had been so adamant about its dangers, Tifa moved over to her closet. Lightning's sword was where she had left it, along with her liquor. It seemed her materia had migrated to the lockbox sitting on her table.

"What a weird place..." and Tifa had been to some weird places. With nothing else to do but wait, she sat down on her bed and stared at the far wall.


Re: F6 inconstancy October 20 2011, 03:51:12 UTC
"I'm gonna go on a limb and guess you've never been to Canada," Ramona said as she entered the room. Not that Toronto was especially weird. Actually, if she didn't know Scott Pilgrim and hadn't somehow sicked a bunch of evil exes on him, the place would be downright normal. And cold. And boring. But there were still the weird coins for money and the queen all over and the times when the old people seemed to think they were just mere miles away from London. Maybe those didn't count.

"Not that I'm discounting the fact that this is Canada," she continued on, grabbing her food with a wrinkling nose. She muttered something akin to what she'd already been saying, something like "the food isn't that different," but it was finished with a trying bite of it. "Did you see the weather outside?" She rolled her eyes.

This was probably a more boisterous way of greeting someone than her roommate was used to, especially if she was staring at a wall, but Ramona figured it was better than being mopey. Something was coming that night, and although ( ... )


ahhh sorry this got buried in my inbox 36_24_35 October 23 2011, 21:59:02 UTC
Someone came in, someone talkative, and that answered most of Tifa's questions for that day. Lightning was gone and it was likely she would never come back. It was hard to tell by the woman's comment if she was brand-spankin' new and had no idea what was going to befell her in, say, thirty minutes or if she had been around the block for awhile.

Tifa had never seen her before and that shade of hair would have certainly stood out in the crowd. She went with newbie and humored her for now.

"Nope, never been," she said with a harmless smile. "Can't say where we are, really. No one does--Actually, most people seem to come up with more places where we aren't than where we could be." All to Tifa could say was this wasn't Edge or Midgar or any other place she had had ever been, and she had been to quite a few places.


<3 it's fine inconstancy October 23 2011, 23:04:23 UTC
"Of course, that's a typical tactic for places like these. If you're gonna hold someone captive, you've gotta limit them from the start. But who knows where we could be?" Movies, video games, and books all had different places people could land; she really doubted that she'd be surprised if this wasn't earth. It just acted a lot like it, so it was probably more likely to be some creepy place where no one could think of going to rescue people. Or, even worse, they just couldn't deal with all the snow. It wasn't like they weren't being fed!

The wonders of Stockholm-inducing torture. Only maybe from the outside.

"Since we've all stepped into end of the world dystopian fiction, or the beginning of it, it doesn't really matter." She shrugged it off. "We're screwed anyway." That last part was chirped out and followed by a bite of food. Still not any good. Still not much of a surprise.

"And oh, hey. I'm Ramona," she added. "Nice to meet you, roomie."


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